I received a total of 57 responses. They were from dual and unit districts throughout the state. The following facts were determined:

77% had either a promotion or graduation exercise

71% required or used gowns/robes

Some comments or other procedures (some are paraphrased):

Half hour-Walk in, walk out

Chorus sings, band does not play, chorus instructor plays on keyboard as students enter and leave

Some awards and recognition given, music is played to enter and exit, punch and cookies after ceremony

Require robes because of poverty level, use Powerpoint and graduation photo

We have graduation but does not believe it continues to serve a legitimate purpose

Wear robes to reduce the cost for fancy dresses, girls still wear them, but boys wear as little as they can get by with

We have moved the school band to CD

Similar procedures as h.s. graduation

Call it a promotion, not graduation. Give certificates of promotion, not diplomas, piano is only music played

We have graduation, gowns, program, all the trimmings

Ceremony lasts 45 minutes, band plays, handout diplomas and a few awards

Students sing, read a poem, class reads a class history, students does opening and closing comments, small school and usually promote 7-10 students

Diplomas, high academic awards, American Legion Award

Full ceremony similar to high school, musical numbers by band and chorus

It is a mini high school graduation with robes, diplomas, music, the whole shooting match

No robes this year but may move to robes next year, music certificates of promotion, one speech, hot gym-in and out in about 35 minutes. Agrarian tradition, I would eliminate if I could

We have promotion, our Board wants to eliminate but is very political, wear robes for the fourth year, girls dresses too much

Reception, pictures

Have graduation but would like to have awards night with food and dance instead

Exact “mini version” of the H.S. (diplomas, music, march in and out…the full meal deal) All the night before the high school graduation

Board of Education hands out diplomas, dinner/dance which includes parents and students only, banners, recognize top students and they speak, prophecy written about each member and read, tradition is held dear within the community

We have diplomas, chorus sings 1 song, no speeches, 25 minutes for whole ceremony. Everyone seems to agree that it is no longer needed, but it is simply a tradition

Formal ceremony with speeches, diplomas, Board members and administration on the stage

Robes are worn, that way everyone looks similar, eliminates the high cost for dresses or someone trying to outdo another. Kids pay for the disposable robes, no caps or tassels worn

If you can stay away from it, stay away. We are a unit district and we have both. We are in the same building so in our situation the students merely switch hallways from 8th to 9th

We go way overboard, robes, diplomas, etc

Require robes because of inappropriate dress, primarily of girls