8406 Steam turbines & other vapour turbines, parts

Indian Standards

IS 14198 : Part 1 : 1994 / Rules for Steam Turbine Thermal Acceptance Tests - Part 1 : Method A - High Accuracy for Large Condensing Steam Turbines / Active
IS 14198 : Part 2 : 1994 / Rules for Steam Turbines Thermal Acceptance Tests / Active


ASME (American Society ofMechanical Engineers)

ASME PTC 6-2004

Performance TestCode 6 on Steam Turbines

This code may be used for testing of steam

turbines operating either with a significant

amount of superheat in the initial steam

(typically fossil fueled units) or predominantly

within the moisture region (typically nuclear

fueled units). This code contains rules and

procedures for the conduct and reporting of

steam turbine testing, including mandatory

requirements for pretest arrangements,

instruments to be employed, their application

and methods of measurement, testing

techniques, and methods of calculation of test

results. The performance parameters which

may be determined from a Code test include:

(a) heat rate, (b) generator output; (c) steam

flow, (d) steam rate, (e) feedwater flow. It also

contains procedures and techniques required

to determine enthalpy valves within the

moisture region and modifications necessary to

permit testing within the restrictions of

ASME PTC 6A-2000

Performance TestCode – Steam Turbines, Appendix

Facilitates the calculation and correction of

turbine test results by furnishing numerical

examples of the procedures outlined in the Test

Code for Steam Turbines (PTC 6-1996). The

feedwater heating cycles and gland leakoff

systems have been simplified by avoiding

unnecessarily long or repetitive calculations

while still demonstrating the basic principles


ASME PTC 6S-1988 (R2003)

PerformanceTest Code – Steam Turbines, SimplifiedProcedures for Routine Tests

The test procedures of this Report are intended

for periodic turbine tests and do not supplant

the Code (PTC 6) as the basic procedure for

turbine acceptance tests. The Code is used for

the accurate testing of steam turbines to obtain

performance level with minimum uncertainty.

Sections 3 through 5 of this Report present

general recommendations for instrumentation

and test planning. These recommendations are

based on current industry practice for the

periodic determination of turbine-cycle

performance. Section 6 discusses

interpretation of test results and shows typical

plots of test data for analysis of turbine

performance. Sections 7 through 12 present

test procedures for selected types of turbine

cycles. Each of these procedures contains

specific recommendations for instrumentation

and method for testing a selected turbine type.

ASMETDP-1 – 1998

Recommended Practices for the Prevention of Water Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power Generation

ASME PTC 6S - 1988

Procedures for Routine Performance Test of Steam Turbines


Guidance for Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Performance Tests of Steam Turbines


IEEE 122-1992 (R2003)

RecommendedPractice for Functional PerformanceCharacteristics of Control Systems forSteam Turbine Generator Units

Recommends functional and performance

characteristics related to speed/load-control

systems for steam turbine-generator units that

may be interconnected on a power system,

such that this recommended practice may be

included in prime-mover purchase


IEC Standards

IEC 60953-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1990

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests.

Part 1: Method A - High accuracy for largecondensing steam turbines

Specifies very accurate testing of steam turbines to obtain the

level of performance with minimum measuring uncertainty.

Defines uniform rules for preparing and carrying out an

evaluation of the acceptance tests. Defines also the conditions

under which the acceptance tests shall take place. The cost

for conducting this test method will generally be justified

economically for large and/or proptotype units.

IEC 60953-2 Ed. 1.0 b:1990

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests.

Part 2: Method B - Wide range of accuracy forvarious types and sizes of turbines

Provides for acceptance tests of steam turbines of various

types and capacities with appropriate measuring uncertainty.

Only the relevant portion of these rules will apply to any

individual case. The resulting measuring uncertainty of the test

result is determined by calculating methods presented in this


IEC 60953-3 Ed. 1.0 b:2001

Rules for steam turbine thermal acceptance tests -

Part 3: Thermal performance verification tests of retrofitted steam turbines

"This part of IEC 60953, also called ""retrofit code"" (RC),

establishes a supplementary retrofit code for thermal

verification tests of retrofitted steam turbines."

IEC 61064 Ed. 1.0 b:1991

Acceptance tests for steam turbine speed controlsystems

Contains recommendations for the conduct of tests of speed

control systems of steam turbines. Applies primarily to

constant speed steam turbines but may be applied where

appropriate for other types of turbines. The purpose of the

tests described in this publication is to verify the criteria

guaranteed by the manufacturer and to check compliance with

IEC 60045-1.

IEC/TS 61370 Ed. 1.0 b:2002

Steam turbines - Steam purity

"Describes the importance of the chemical characteristics of

steam supplied to steam turbines and the need to prevent

corrosion and deposition in steam space, in order to minimize

the risk of turbine corrosion failures or loss of efficiency or

output. Is applicable to turbines of all electrical output rating

and any exhaust condition, i.e. condensing or back pressure. It

is designed for new plant, but may be adapted for use on

existing plant. The limits described in this specification are

specifically designed to protect the steam turbine. This

specification is applicable to steam turbines driven from any

source, except geothermal plants in which the turbine is fed

direct from the geothermal sources."

Federal Programmes and mandates for steam turbines

U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory "Coal and Power Systems: Turbines"

This site explores the Turbine Program of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE). It provides information about NETL's Turbine Program and its goals, current projects and solicitations, and performance targets of on-going projects.

U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory "Turbine Program: Enabling Near-Zero Emission Coal-Based Power Generation" (June 2005)

This document delineates today’s U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Turbine Program being
implemented by the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). The Turbine Program
leverages the knowledge gained in making unprecedented advances in natural gas-fueled turbine
technology under the highly successful, predecessor Advanced Turbine Systems (ATS) Program.
This knowledge will be applied to support DOE efforts to develop and deploy near-zero emission
(including carbon dioxide) coal-based energy plants capable of producing both electricity and hydrogen.

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, "How Gas Turbine Power Plants Work"

A simple cycle gas turbine can achieve energy conversion efficiencies ranging between 20 and 35 percent. With the higher temperatures achieved in the Energy Department's turbine program, future hydrogen and syngas fired gas turbine combined cycle plants are likely to achieve efficiencies of 60 percent or more. When waste heat is captured from these systems for heating or industrial purposes, the overall energy cycle efficiency could approach 80 percent.

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, "The Turbines of Tomorrow"

The Energy Department's Fossil Energy Program is developingkey technologies that will enable advanced turbines to operate cleanly and efficiently when fueled with coal derived synthesis gas and hydrogen fuels.Developing thisturbine technologyis critical to the creationof near-zero emission power generation technologies.This will assist with thedeployment of FutureGen plants that couple production of hydrogen and electricity from coal with sequestration of the carbon dioxide that is produced.

Monitoring Requirements for Combustion Turbines (US Environmental Protection Agency)