Approved: November 7, 2002

Revised: October 6, 2009


Bullying is a major concern in all public schools and it is a concern here at Davis. Bullying is any act that hurts people physically and emotionally. As used in the School Bullying Prevention Act, “harassment, intimidation, and bullying” means any gesture, such as a written or verbal expression, or physical act that a reasonable person should know will harm another student, damage another student’s property, place another student in reasonable fear of harm. It also includes any act that disrupts or interferes with the school’s education mission or the education of any student. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying is unacceptable behavior at Davis. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying include, but are not limited to, a gesture or written, verbal, or physical act. Such behavior is specifically prohibited by board policy.

Any student exhibiting threatening behavior either verbally, in written form, or by gesture toward another student or school personnel or others while under school supervision shall be subject to the following:

  1. The student will be referred immediately to a site administrator or his/her designee for intervention
  2. The administrator will gather and evaluate incident information and either:
  3. Document the incident and place the student on a five-day probationary period or
  4. Implement the following intervention procedures:
  5. Suspension of student for a minimum of three days
  6. The students parents/guardians will be notified
  7. The Davis police station shall be notified
  8. A mandatory conference will be held with parents/guardian, student, school officials, and others as deemed necessary. (“Others may include, but not limited to, the following: police, Office of juvenile Affairs, Department of Human Services, and Child Welfare.)
  9. In extreme cases of bullying the procedures listed above and these additional procedures may be used.
  10. The student may attend mandatory counseling with an appropriate counseling agency determined by the school. The counseling agency will make recommendations to the school concerning the student’s re-entry to school. A conference shall be held with the site school counselor, an administrator, and the student prior to the student’s re-entry to school. The following counseling agencies will offer their services
  1. Jetty Counseling Services

821 W. Broadway St

Ardmore OK, 73401


$60 for intake

$35 each additional session

2. Counseling Inc.

921 N. 11th Street

Sulphur OK, 73086


Services are free

*If it is determined that the student may not return to school, further counseling and / or alternative placement will be implemented. The student will be re-evaluated at a later date as determined by the school.

Any student who has been previously disciplined for threatening behavior is subject to alternative placement or suspension if the offense is repeated. The alternative placement or suspension shall not exceed the remainder of the current semester and the succeeding semester. A site administrator shall file a report on any student disciplined under this policy and send the report to the superintendent.

“Harassment, intimidation and bullying,” as defined by Oklahoma Statutes at 70 O.S. 24-100, means any gesture, written or verbal expression, or physical act that a reasonable person should know will harm another student, damage another student’s property, place another student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or damage to the student’s property, or insult or demean any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student.

·“Harassment, intimidation and bullying” include, but not limited to, a gesture of written, verbal, or physical act.

·“At school” means on school grounds, in school vehicles, at designated school bus stops, at school-sponsored activities, or at school-sanctioned events.

Harassment, intimidation and bullying are specifically prohibited by the Davis School District. Student violating the prohibitions set forth in this policy shall be subject to any and all disciplinary measures the district deems appropriate.

Prevention of and education about harassment, intimidation and bullying behavior by students shall be addressed by the district in its Safe School Committee, pursuant to

70 O. S. 24-100.

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