¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!

Welcome to Spanish Class!

Description of the Class

Spanish 1/IB ab initio Spanish will stress beginning and intermediate language skills and acquisition. The method we will be a variation of Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling, TPRS®. Be prepared to listen, read, write, speak, sing, dance, and act in Spanish to learn the language effectively! In addition, we will be learning about other cultures that speak Spanish.

Classroom Rules

1) Follow directions.

2) Be ready to begin when the tardy bell rings.

3) No put downs, name calling, or hate speech.

4) No swearing.

5) Bring pen, pencil, and notebook every day.

6) Be respectful in the classroom.

7) No electronic devices unless I permit it.

Your Role During Class is to LISTEN

Look me in the eyes

Involve yourself

Show me when you get it and when you don’t

Tune back in if you tune out

English Prohibited

No talking over others

Class Materials

Every day you need to bring the following:

1) A 3-ring binder notebook with a pocket

2) College rule paper

3) Other supplies may be needed and will be announced.

Absences and Tardies

You are responsible for the notes, vocabulary, work, quizzes and tests that you miss when you are gone. You will not be able to make up work for unexcused absences or tardies.

Homework/Make-up Work/Late Policy

Homework may be assigned but is not typical. Quizzes, writing, and speaking can be redone for a maximum of 80% after the moment of delivery is given. No work will be accepted past the quarter. After school appointment only to make anything up.


Student begin the semester with 5 points each day given them for their language participation and production. Language acquisition requires high repetition for memory development and therefore participation becomes essential to their success. At any point when students do not adhere to instruction during class they will be deducted that day’s participation score. To make up the score, students will have interventions set in place to show behavior change for language development. Students will need to meet with the teacher within the quarter to make up the participation. After the quarter ends, no further make ups will be allowed for participation.

¡Buena suerte en la clase!