Test ReportDRD 41
1. DRD TitleTest Report / 2. Date of current
September 2002March 2002 / 3. DRL Line
Item No.
41 / RFP/Contract No. (Procurement completes)
NAS 9-18181
4. Use (Define need for, Intended use of, and/or anticipated results of data)
The Test Report documents the Final Article Acceptance (FAA) for the SSTF.procedures and test results of qualification testing for each training load / 5. DRD category: (check one)
x Technical
€ Administrative
€ SR & QA
6. References (Optional) / 7. Interrelationships (e.g., with other DRDs) (Optional)
02, 23, 26, 40, 65
8. Preparation Information (Include complete Instructions for document preparation)
A. SSTF Test Report:
The SSTF Test Report shall document SSTF requirements compliance at the end of the Contract. It shall provide a roll-up analysis of the results from the Delivery Load Validation conducted on all prior deliveries. The analysis shall include a pass or fail conclusion jointly determined by the Contractor and the Government for each requirement in the Level A Contract Requirements Document (DRD-23).
The SSTF Test Report shall contain the following sections:
- Level A Requirements Compliance
Compliance with SSTF Level A requirements (DRD-23) shall be documented in the Level A Compliance Matrix (LACM). The LACM shall contain for each Level A requirement in DRD-23:
a. Level A requirement text.
b. Verification method
c. Flight(s) in which the requirement was verified.
d. Compliance indication (“Yes” or “No”). A value of “Yes” shall mean the applicable requirement complied fully with DLV criteria and was therefore met. A value of “No” shall mean the applicable requirement did not fully meet DLV criteria and was therefore not met.
e. Rationale for conclusions of “No” in item (d). Rationale may also be provided for conclusions of “Yes” where the explanation adds value, but it is not required.
f. A consolidated version of the LACMs for each Delivery, from the applicable Training Load Delivery Documents (DRD-62), that shows the compliance status of each Level A requirement at each Delivery with supporting rationale.
- Level B/C Requirements Compliance
Compliance with SSTF Level B/C requirements shall be documented in the Level B/C Requirements Traceability Matrix (B/C RTM). The B/C RTM shall contain for each requirement in the Level B/C Requirements Document (DRD-26):
a. The Level B/C requirement text.
b. Verification method used to verify the requirement.
c. Compliance indication (“Yes” or “No”). A value of “Yes” shall mean the applicable requirement complied fully with subsystem verification criteria and was therefore met. A value of “No” shall mean the applicable requirement did not fully meet subsystem verification criteria and was therefore not met.
d. Rationale for conclusions of “No” in item (c). Rationale may also be provided for conclusions of “Yes” where the explanation adds value, but it is not required.
The SSTF Test Report shall be provided for all new equipment, systems,
subsystems, or modifications and shall contain details for conducting the test,
collecting data and accepting/rejecting the results. The tests for which this Test
Report shall be prepared include Trainer Readiness Test (TRT) for the training
load identified in the NASA-provided Training Load Content/Completion Criteria.
Each Test Report shall be uniquely numbered to identify the type of these and the delivery tested. Each section may be prepared as a separate document if the other sections are appropriately referenced by number or attachment.
SSTF Test Reports contain the following sections:
1. Test Procedures shall be provided for all new equipment, systems, subsystems
or modifications and shall include appropriate regression testing. Test
Procedures shall include:
a. Identification of system or subsystem being tested.
b. System or subsystem test objectives including assumptions and
c. System or subsystem test tools and equipment to be used in the test.
d. System or subsystem test cases with objective, description, setup and
completion criteria for each.
e. Environment required for performance of each test function including
special personnel and system Resource Allocation Plan (RAP) resources
f.Mapping of requirements (B/C Requirements for Subsystem Acceptance Test
(SSAT), Contract Requirements for TRT) and capability/completion criteria and
defined test cases.
g. Identification of requirements being verified within the step-by-step test
h. Past test histories of the item(s) being tested.
i. Description of pass/fail rules, (i.e.), how many tries before
success or failure is declared.
2. Test Results shall be provided upon completion of each Trainer Readiness Test
(TRT) for a training load. Test Results shall include:
a. Identification of system or subsystem tested.
b. Special equipment used.
c. Deviations from Section 1, Test Procedures, with appropriate approvals.
d. Requirements satisfied.
e. Discrepancy Reports applicable to the system or subsystem
including any Discrepancy Reports generated during the test.
f. Trainer Readiness Test (TRT)
Sign-Off (approval) sheet.
3. Test Summary shall be provided upon completion of Section 2, Test Results, for
each Trainer Readiness Test (TRT) for a delivery. Test Summary shall
a. SSTF Test Procedures (“as run”)
b. Section A2, Test Results
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