Semester*: First
Date Due*: 26 May 2014
Unit Code*: ECL 217 / Unit Name*: Arts in the Early Years
Student’s Full Name*: Aileen Hann / Student No*: S251635
Assignment Title*: Integration of Arts Projects
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Phone No: 0408 233932

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My Arts Philosophy

Teaching arts is really a big scope area which includes dance, drama, visual arts, media and music.As a future educator, one must have enough knowledge in all areas of arts in order to be effective in teaching the children. It is important that I make my own philosophy in teaching arts which is my personal values and beliefs that will serve as a guideline and will be integrated in EYLF or in the arts curriculum in the school.

My philosophy in teaching arts in school is to provide opportunities for children to learn and explore the activity given by the educator and be fully engaged.My teaching process will consist of demos on how to use the material and art history relating to the art we discuss. I do not want to teach cookie cutter, cut-and-paste projects. Instead, I will let my students tap into their own inner creativity, with some guidance for the direction they should go in, to produce unique and personal artwork. I will widen their scope of learning by integrating cultural experiences as well as the modern times in all of the arts activity. Aside, I will nurture the children to showcase their own talent be in playing the music instrument, dancing, singing, dramaand drawing.

I still believe in hands on experience and interactive activities for it gives more discoveries of learnings to the children. In more practical terms, my teaching approach will be one of modelling, coaching, and helping students become independent artists and art historians, so they can use the knowledge learned in my class and apply it to their future studies and life.

My classroom will offer a rich print environment where all the art materials are accessible to the children. It is at the young age that children’s creativity should be nurtured and tapping the use of the right brain hemisphere. This will help the children to be more creative and artistic with their art works. As a teacher, I want my students to learn and appreciate art and its history. It is my conviction that art is a subject worth knowing. I want my students to come away from class with a better understanding of the many forms art can encompass, whether it be drawing, painting, found objects, printmaking as well as the many new, non-conventional ways of art making.As a teacher, I want to challenge my students to become independent and objective thinkers. I want them to be able to look at a piece of artwork and form their own opinions and critical analysis’ of the piece.

In conclusion, my classroom a fully diversified culture of activity is needed in order for the children to learn different things and helping them with their journey in their future studies and life.The interaction and collaboration among students and teacher is important for a lifelong learning in all situations. Again, it summarizes the child’sexpression of oneself and discovering their own special talent in the arts.

Investigative project

Name of Project :


Cultural and modern dances in the early years

Age :


4 to 5 years old - kindergarten






This investigative project is the introduction of cultural dances from Australia, Ireland, USA, Philippines and modern dance. This will give the children an idea of dances between cultural and the modern ones. It will give the children an opportunity to try those various dances especially the Subli, Hula dance and the dance exercise. At the end of the three week period a mini concert will be presented to their parents.It is a great way of showing their talent in dancing. Also, it helps build their self confidence in the presentation.

Learning Links:


This lesson is based on arts, particularly in the dance perspective. It gives the children the idea to appreciate our traditional Aboriginal dance which is really unique from other dances. Also, the children will watch the video of Irish dancing and the Tinikling dance. It will further their learning in terms of different music beats used in the songs.

The important things for children in learning the dance concept areas follows:

Firstly, it gives the children the knowledge of various cultural dances and its origin. Secondly,it teaches simple words in relation to the dance.Thirdly, the children will learn new words in Filipino language. Lastly, it is the expression of oneself in a dance incorporated in an exercise to make them active.

Learning Objectives:


The children will learn:

  1. How to do basic dance steps and hand coordination
  2. Different cultures : dance, costumes and the props
  3. Doing the basic dance steps
Subli dance, Hula dance, Modern dance(dance exercise)
  1. To appreciate the different beat of music
  2. Some simple words of another language (Filipino)
  3. Making the props of the dances
  4. To perform in front of the parents
  5. To follow the sequence of the programs
  6. To showcase their talent in dancing



1.Did the children enjoy the various dance steps?

  1. Did the children enjoy the hand movement?
  2. Discussions with children of different dances they learned.
  3. Can the children remember the names of the countries?
  4. Are the children engaged in the activity of decorating the hats, making the lei or garlands and gluing the foil into the empty water bottle (this will look like a dumb-bell)?
  5. Did the children participate in learning the dance steps?
  6. Did the children enjoy learning the simple words of another language?
  7. Are the children interacting with one another?
  8. Do the children develop their self-confidence?
  9. Did the children enjoy in doing practice of the various dances?
  10. Can the children differentiate which dance they like most?

Learning Experiences:

(Please see the detailed lesson plans) /

1.Looking various dances from Australia, Ireland and Philippines

  1. Learning the Hula dance of the USA
  2. Dance exercise – modern dance
  3. Mini concert presentation to the child's parents (dances presented the Sublet, Hula and dance exercise)

Experience : Looking various dances from Australia, Ireland and Philippines / Date: 2nd June 2014
Children planned for: the whole group class morning and afternoon session / Links: This will give the children an introduction of various cultural dances. It also teaches learning simple words in relation to the dance.
Objective :
It helps the children to have an experience of various dances from different countries. It is only the subli dance that is included in the mini presentation. The dance steps are easy to follow for children to appreciate.
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity (page 23)
-Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities
  • Feel recognized and respected for who they are
  • Share aspects of their culture with the other children and educators
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world (page 26-27)
-Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation
  • Build on their own social experiences to explore other ways of being
-Children respond to diversity with respect
  • Explore the diversity of culture, heritage, background and tradition and that diversity presents opportunities for choices and new understandings
My personal Philosophy :
To provide opportunities for children to learn and explore the activity and fully engaged. I will widen their scope of learning by integrating cultural experiences as well as the modern times in all of the arts activity. Have the students tapped into their own inner creativity, with some guidance for the direction they should go in, to produce unique and personal artwork.
  1. Songs/dvd: aboriginal dance 1 retrieved from
  1. Songs/dvd: Irish step dancing opening retrieved from

  1. Songs/dvd: Paggawa tinikling dance retrieved from
  1. Songs/dvd : childrens presentation of subli dance retrieved from LSSB Buwan ng Wika'08 _ Kinder Level Dance Presentation youtube

  1. Songs/dvd subli dance tutorial retrieved from youtube

  1. Hats (a plastic one), crepe paper of red and blue

  1. Gather all the children to be seated comfortably on the floor.
  2. Ask the children who wants to dance? What dance do you like? Do you like dancing with a costume? Do you attend any dance lessons?On what occasion, we do dancing? (School program, birthdays, parties)
  3. Explain to the children we are looking various cultural dances from Australia, Ireland and Philippines. This is travelling from one place to another place to see their beautiful dances.
  1. Dance 1 – Aboriginal dance from Australia
  2. Play the YouTube :

Aboriginal dance 1 (2:02 mins)
  1. Ask the children if they had seen the aboriginal dance in a school program? Do you enjoy this dance? How about the costume?
  2. Tell the children a little about the aboriginal people. (Firstsettlers in our country, culture – dances and arts)
  3. Show on the map where our place Australia is located. Tell them we are going to Ireland. This place is too far to travel so we need to ride an airplane to visit this place.
  4. Say to the children we are going to watch the Irish dance of Ireland.
  1. Dance 2 – Irish dancing from Ireland
  2. Play the YouTube :

Irish Step dancing opening(4:53 mins)
  1. Ask the children if they like the Irish dancing? Do you like their costumes? Do you like the way they dance? Do you like the Irish music?
  2. The educator tells the children were the Irish dance originates and its costumes. The teacher pinpoints on the map the place of Ireland.
  3. Inform the children that I come from the Philippines and will watch and learn the Tinikling and Subli dances.
  1. Dance 3 – Tinikling dance from Philippines
  2. Play the YouTube:

PAGGAWA Tinikling dance(3:08 mins)
  1. Ask the children if they like theTinikling dance of the Philippines? Do you like the way they dance? Do you like their dance costumes? Do you like their music?
  2. The educator tells some information about the Tinikling dance as one of the traditional dances in the Philippines, its props and name of their costume.
  3. Tell few words to the children the English translation such as tinikling – bamboo dance, sayaw – dance.
  4. The teacher pinpoints on the map the place of the Philippines.
  5. Tell the children were going to learn another Philippine dance. It is called subli. They use hats for this dance. Inform the children this subli will be presented to their parents for the mini concert.
  1. Dance 4 –Subli dance from Philippines
  2. Play the YouTube:

LSSB Buwan ng Wika'08 _ Kinder Level Dance (3:16 mins)
  1. Ask the children if they like the subli dance? The costume? Have you seen this type of dance before?
  2. Tell the children in Tagalog the subli – offering, dance - sayaw, hat – sombrero, clapping of hands – ipalakpak ang kamay.
  3. Ask the children to stand and we will do the basic steps.
  4. Guide the children to form three rows with 5-6 children in each row.
  5. Play the YouTube:

Subli dance tutorial (7:45mins)
(The educator will pick the basic, easy steps of subli for children use)
  1. Follow the steps again.
  2. Let the children have a little rest.
  3. Hand out the hats to the children.
  4. Ask the children to decorate, put a ribbon around their own hat.
  5. Check all the children, if they finished decorating the hat.
  6. Practice one round of dance with the use of hat.
  7. After the practice, display the hat on the table.
Free play
Evaluation/follow up:
  1. Did the children enjoy the Aboriginal, Irish, Tinikling and Subli dance?
  2. Did the children like the different music?
  3. Did the children able to choose which dance they like?
  4. Is it age appropriate?
  5. Did the children share their own/knowledge country dance?
  6. Did they enjoy learning the new Tagalog words?
  7. What are experiences needed?
  8. Are those children with special needs accommodated?
  9. Did the children remember in which country the specific dance originates?
  10. Did the Filipino child enjoy the dance?
  11. Did the teacher enjoy in following the tutorial dance lesson?
  12. As an educator, is my lesson planning easy to follow?
What can follow through to the next program:
What would be the next experience to follow up? Learning hula dance from USA
Does it need any improvements?

Experience :Learning the hula dance of USA


Date:5th June 2014

Children planned for: the whole group class morning and afternoon session


Links:This will give a different culturalvariety of dance. A few simple words will be taught in relation to the hula dance. A making of flower garland or lei will be used as the props.

Objective : For the children to experience in learning the Hula dance steps from USA. It is a different dance where children sing the song and interprets the lyrics.


Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world (page 26-27)
-Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation
  • Build on their own social experiences to explore other ways of being
-Children respond to diversity with respect
  • Explore the diversity of culture, heritage, background and tradition and that diversity presents opportunities for choices and new understandings
Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing (page 31-32)
-Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing
  • Demonstrate trust and confidence
  • Seek out and accept new challenges, make new discoveries , and celebrate their own efforts and achievements and those of others
-Children taking responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
  • Recognise and communicate their bodily needs (for ex: thirst, hunger, rest, comfort, physical activity)
  • Combine gross and fine motor movement and balance to achieve increasingly complex patterns of activity including dance, creative movement and drama
  • Respond through movement to traditional and contemporary music, dance and storytelling
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners (page 34)
-Children develop develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.
  • Are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning
My personal Philosophy :
I will widen their scope of learning by integrating cultural experiences as well as the modern times in all of the arts activity. Have the students tapped into their own inner creativity, with some guidance for the direction they should go in, to produce unique and personal artwork.


  1. Songs/dvd: pearly shells retrieved from Pearly Shells - Hawaii Kids Calabash Songs - Pearly Shells YouTube
  2. Different plastic flowers/strings/ shells


  1. Gather all the children, let them sit on the floor and hands on the lap.
  2. Ask the children, have you been to the beach? What can you see at the beach? What is your favourite thing to do at the beach? Do you like to have a picnic on the beach? Do you love to swim? How often do you go to the beach?
  3. Explain, to the children we are learning a new dance from Hawaii, USA. It is called the hula dance. Inform the children, that when I was at your age, I used to dance this hula. Point to the children the location of Hawaii, USAon the map.
  1. Watch the YouTube:

Pearly Shells - Hawaii Kids Calabash Songs - Pearly Shells(2:47 mins)
  1. Ask the children with the following questions:
  2. Do you like the hula dance?
  3. Do you like their dance costume?
  4. Have you heard this song before? Do you like the music?
  5. Tell the children some new words in this dance like the hula, garland or lei, girls costume - grass skirts
  6. Advise the children to stand and form three rows (each row may consist of 5-6 children) and let them sit apart.
  7. Play the video as we follow the singing and the hand movement. The educator leads in singing so children will follow.
  8. Let the children familiarize the lyrics and the movements.
  9. Afterwards, ask the children to make their own lei, garlands of flowers for their costumes.
  10. Materials are provided in the table, strings and plastic flowers for the girls to make a lei or garland.
  11. For the boys, strings and shells/ flowers for their necklace.
  12. Educators, assist the children in tying the strings and label child’s name.
  13. The garlands or lei is puton the table and be kept for the concert.
  14. Ask the children to try lei or garland.
  15. Practice one round of dance with their lei or garland.
  16. After the practice display the lei on the table.
Free play

Evaluation/follow up: