Minutes for the PTC General Meeting held on Thursday, September 22, 2016.
*8:05am- Meeting called to order by President Will Keeler
*Tiffany Jones gives the Treasurer’s Report. Our profits and loss statement and other bank statement were passed around the room for anyone’s viewing.
2016’s Back to School Picnic brought in a total of $422.38.
Fox Trot 2016 total income (after prizes purchased) was $17,315.95!!
Only funds given so far this year are the allotted $200 per teacher for the year and $20 for the elective teachers per trimester.
*No Governing Board Representative available to report.
*Elizabeth Brown had nothing to report from the teachers.
*Margaret Johnson gives the Director’s Report informing parents of a role shift within the dept. Jean Hatch is now full time for the Special Ed. Dept. which serves over 7,000 student’s state wide. Leadership at RSA is now Margaret Johnson, Odd Rustand, and Carol Wahl.
Margaret asks for feedback from the Burney campout while stating that things were different this year. The location/park did not allow amplification which is why the sing-a-longs were split up into smaller groups.
Kaarin Brooke stated she felt that the campsites were too broken up and spread out. Some people had to drive to their friends’ campsites to visit.
Teresa Martin said there were not enough sites. She had friends that had to stay in Hat Creek.
Lily Jamm enjoyed the campout but her 5th grade son didn’t. His friends are in middle school so he did not like the separate groups.
Sarah Lechlider expected more camaraderie. As a new parent at RSA it was hard to connect with others. Expected more large group sing-a-long feel around a campfire but liked it otherwise. She suggested that the craft (for K-2) was only Africa focused and would have liked to see some educational things about the area where the campout took place.
Tiffany Jones thought and was told by others that the space for K-2 activities was too crowded and did not have enough tables utilized for the activities. Kids weren’t as engaged because there wasn’t room for them at the tables.
Josselyn Carter followed up with the fact that the teachers had to wait for families to clear out before they set up posed a problem. The social and the “classroom” were the same location which proved difficult. She used Manzanita Lake (Lassen trip) as an example of spacing being more ideal.
Andrea Barnett got lost once in Burney and had a hard time finding the different locations for younger and older students. It was difficult to know where to go.
MikialaCatalafano agreed it would be great to educate the students about the area in which they are camping/hiking/learning. A night time group sing-a-long in the past has such a magical feel that it seems sad to not continue the tradition.
*Mari McCurdy gives an update on RSA’s Auction. It will be held Friday, November 4th at Win River Casino in the event center. No kids allowed. They have all the chair persons needed but are still accepting/wanting volunteers. They need more community donations. Class projects should be happening. Ask your students and teachers about them. If you’d like to help with a class project contact Sarah Wallace. The auction is a way to get some easy volunteer hours. If anyone has comic book décor or paraphernalia that can be used for the auction decorations PLEASE contact Mari @
Will Keeler clarifies to parents that don’t know that the auction is RSA’s biggest fundraiser for the year.
Kaarin Brooke announces that the donation box for the auction will be in the school lobby on Monday, September 26th.
Will Keeler opens the floor to anyone that wants to speak up.
Kaarin Brooke proposes a “Buddy Bench” for the playground. With its arrival the teachers/staff would educate the students to recognize its use. When a student sits on the bench it means they are in need of a friend. Those that see the “sitter” reach out to include them. Kaarin is asking that the 8th graders consider gifting/donating/decorating it as their gift to the school.
Margaret Johnson- she’ll check with Pat Karch and Carol Walh about placement and possibility.
Teri Covert asks if there was a “buddy-up” program in the past. Her daughter befriended a younger student through this program.
Margaret responds that usually teachers set up a “buddy class” that the older students then get to visit with, help and look out for students in the younger grades. That most likely will happen but usually takes place after the campout and things settle in at the school.
*Due to some problems, there are no minutes to review/adopt from May 2016
*Veteran’s Day Social is planned for Thursday, November 10th at 9am before the 10am performance honoring local veterans. Andrea Barnett has volunteered to head that up.
*Movie Night is tentatively slated for Friday, October 28th. Margaret Johnson is verifying the date. We are in need of movie suggestions. Please keep in mind it needs to be appropriate for all ages.
*Odd Rustand and Tiffany Jones will be giving an update on finances in October so please plan to be present.
*Will Keeler presents our two candidates for the Secretary position on the PTC Board; Heather Wright and Marissa Palma. Each candidate gives an introduction of who they are. Votes made and collected. We will announce next month who was chosen.
*Will Keeler reads letter from Shelby Price asking for $7000 to help pay for the transportation of students to Toyon Bay.
Tiffany Jones suggests Popcorn Fridays, local restaurant fundraiser nights.
MikialaCatalfano suggests SMILE through Amazon.com.
Teri Covert says Science Camp has replaced the Tall Ships Program. It’s expensive for families. Currently, they’ve raised $400 since April. They’d like the full $7000 but if PTC decides to do a “Match the fund” type thing that would be great too. PTC already donates $700 each year toward a scholarship for students that need it.
Margaret Johnson suggests everyone go back to the drawing table and come back next month to present ideas, recommendations and solutions to be voted upon. The trip is life changing!
Tiffany Jones asks if anyone is willing to head up the Popcorn Fridays?Suggests contacting Mr. Oberding and the 8th grade ASB or 8Th grader parents to help.
*Will Keeler asks for approval of removing Bruce McDilda as a check signer and adding Will Keeler as signer.
Kaarin Brooke motions to add Will Keeler, Josselyn Carter and Tiffany Jones as signers to the PTC Cornerstone Bank account and to remove Bruce McDilda.
Sarah Lecklider 2nds.
All in favor = passed.
*Presented 100 hour badges. Those not present can find their badge at the front desk.
*Katie Vernon and LissaUhleman present the new Volunteer App.
Families are encouraged to volunteer 40/year. For grant writing purposes we can show that we have volunteers to substantiate that we have need of the grant. The link will be sent out today to families.
trackitforward.com. Set up on the home computer first before using the app on your phone.
Enter your email and “welcome” as the password. Once in, got to “change password” and change/personalize your password. Please keep your child’s name as the account holder. It makes it easier for the school to track your hours. Do not put your phone number in where it asks for a number, use the school’s, (530)247-6933. If families do not have computer access, a computer will be available in the school lobby.
*Margaret Johnson added that the Governing Board needs 2 community members. Cannot be immediate family members of students of RSA. If members have a legal or business background that is helpful but not required.
*Meeting adjourned at 9:07am
In attendance:
Cary L. Williams Jr.Elizabeth Brown- Teacher Rep
Miki̍àlaCatalfanoOdd Rustand- Admin
Sarah LeckliderMargaret Johnson- Admin
Chandra MeltzerWill Keeler- PTC Pres.
Teri CovertJosselyn Carter- PTC VP
Linda SchexneyderTiffany Jones- PTC Treasurer
Jenn Webb
Andrea Barnett
Lily Jamm
Stephanie Rashed
Hilary Heath
Marissa Palma
Mari McCurdy
Kaarin Brooke
Kristina Johnson
Teresa Martin
Heather Wright