7th Grade Social Studies

Mr. Fisher

Dear Parents and Students,

First of all, welcome back! I hope your summers were restful and you are excited to be back. Please take the time to read over the following page and sign at the bottom. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with each and every one of you this year!

Social Studies Objectives: The class objectives will follow closely with the State of Virginia’s Standards of Learning (SOLs) as adapted by Loudoun County Public Schools. The course deals with American History from the post Civil War Era to the present. Geography and current events will be studied as they relate to topics in our nation’s history over the past 150 years.

This year, the students will keep an SOL checklist in their notebook. The checklists contain ALL of the Virginia SOLs for seventh grade social studies. At the end of class every day, the student should check the objectives covered during the day’s lesson. This will guarantee that our objectives for the entire year are being covered.

Class Supplies: Students are required to come to class prepared every day. Materials for Social Studies include the textbook (kept in class), binder (with paper), spiral notebook, the student agenda, a pen or pencil, colored pencils, and glue sticks.

Social Studies Grading: Grades will be divided into three categories. Percentages are as follow:

Tests/Projects 50%

Quizzes 40%

Classwork 10%

Homework assignments are included in the student’s binder. Unit tests or projects will occur at the end of each unit. Vocabulary and/or comprehension quizzes will be given throughout the Unit. Current event articles will be presented in class occasionally, as well.

Letter grades for social studies will be assigned by using the following scale:

98–100 A+ 87–89 B+ 77–79 C+ 67–69 D+ 0–59 F

93–97 A 83–86 B 73–76 C 63–66 D

90–92 A- 80–82 B- 70–72 C- 60–62 D-

Make-up Work: All students are responsible for their own work. This includes make-up work. All activities, assignments, and homework are listed on the board every day. Students are encouraged to keep an assignment book or agenda. I can prepare assignments for a parent to pick up for a student who is absent for a prolonged period of time. Assignments, which are not completed due to an absence, may receive full credit if turned in, or made up, after returning to school (not exceeding the number of days that they had missed).

Contact Me: I will be available by appointment before school, as well as during planning. Please let me know a couple days in advance if you will be coming in early, so that I can plan accordingly.

The school phone number is (571) 434-3220 if parents need to contact me for any reason. My e-mail address is

Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______