7th Grade HonorsMrs. Good
English Language ArtsRoom 112 (360) 537-7365
OverviewText & Reading Materials
The focus of the Honors ELA program at Miller Junior HighA Long Walk to Water by Linda
School is to provide an environment where studentswith aboveSue Park, The Outsidersby S. E.
grade-level skills in reading and writing may achieve at theirHinton, The Language of Literature
optimal level.from McDougal Littell, Scholastic
Scope and selected supplemental novels
Goals Class Information
The 7th Grade Honors ELA curriculum is aligned with theAssignments are listed daily on the
Washington State Common Core Standards and augmentsclass Message Board along with
the Grade 7 academicprogram with added rigor, additionalspecific learning targets. This is assignments and higher performance expectations. The also posted on my English web page.
accelerated program will include regular assignments plus:Assignment dates are subject to
adjustment depending upon the level
- Deeper analysis of challenging textsof student mastery.
- Activities and assignments demonstrating students’
higher levels of critical and creative thinking
- Development of substantial clear, effective written
- and oral communication.Attendance
Required MaterialsIf you are absent from class, you are responsible for arranging a time to
Please bring these materials to class each day. You may need to meet with me either before or after
to replace them throughout the year as they are used.school so I can explain what was done
in class. It is usually not possible to
- An approved book to read. It is a good idea to always spend the time I need with you while
have a book with you in each class.our class is in progress. You can look
- Your three inch three-ring binder with dividers and aat my web page too. Also, you can
pencil pouchcheck with a friend before we meet
- At least two # 2 pencils and an eraser
- Two pens (only blue or black ink please)
- Blank notebook paper for your binderPlease come to class unless you are
- A 12 pack of colored pencilstruly sick. Every day is important,
- A cooperative spirit and a mind willing to learnand it is easy to fall behind. Your
classmates and I miss what you
If you need assistance with getting these tools, please let mebring to our learning environment.
know so I can help you.
Assignment CategoriesClass Information
Reading Informational Text 30%: With the requirements ofGrading Scale – Miller Junior
Common Core Standards, reading informational text has becomeHigh School has a uniform grading
even more important for students. Practice in determining author’sscale. Please see the Student
purpose and identifying key ideas and details are critical skillsfor life.Handbook or my web page for the
Students will examine structure and organization of non-fictionbreakdown of percentage ranges for
texts in various mediums such as websites, news articles/magazines,letter grades.
on-line, print and video materials.
Academic Expectations
Reading Literature 25%: Students need to better understand* Do your best work always
themselves, the world and the human condition. This is possible* Make an effort to learn
by reading a variety of literature (fiction, literary non-fiction, poetry,* Engage in the class
folklore, drama, etc.). These types of literature facilitate the study * Do your own work – no cheating
of literary elements such as theme, plot, characterization, setting, * Turn work in on time
point of view, poetic devices and figurative language.* Ask for help when you need it
Writing 25%: Students will write to learn and connect with other
core subjects. Students will enrich writing skills by using the formatElectronics Policy
of planning, drafting, revising and publishing their work. Writers
will explore several formats: expository, narrative, argumentativeI know that cell phones are a way to
essays; diaries and journals; letters and poetry.talk with family and friends. In my
classroom I expect all cell phones to
Language/Vocabulary10%: Students will expand both theirbe turned off (not on “silent” or
every day and academic vocabulary by learning and applying“vibrate”). Phone use in the class
new words. This includes exploring meanings of Latin and Greek distracts both the user and others
roots, prefixes and suffixes. Students will refine and build writingin the classroom. There are “green
convention skills using proper capitalization, punctuation and spelling.zones” where cell use is allowed
during the school day. Parents who
Speaking and Listening 10%: Students will have opportunities toneed to reach a student can call the
engage in a range of collaborative discussions. In class we will work office and leave a message.
with partners, in small groups and as a whole class. Participation is
a part of growing as a learner. Learning to listen carefully to what One-to-one iPads are a valuable
others present and reflecting on ideas that differ from your own is astudent resource. Having a computer
life skill. Please ask questions when you have them. We will haveavailable is priceless; however, there
many opportunities to practice speaking and listening in Socraticare activities and instructional times in
seminars, philosophical chairs and reader’s theater.class where personal interaction is more beneficial to learning. I
Behavior Expectations– RESPECTexpect the “iPads Down” request to
be followed immediately and without
Respect other students and teachersargument.
Enter class on time and ready to learn
Say please and thank you
Positive energy and attitude – believe in yourself and in others
Expect to be successfulPlease read and refer to the Miller
Consider the consequences of making bad choicesstudent handbook for all school
Think before you speak or actrules that apply.
Please review the syllabus and sign below to let me know that you have read it and agree to follow the guidelines. Return by Friday, September 25 if possible.
Printed Student Name : ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Preferred Parent/Guardian phone number ______
Preferred Parent/Guardian email address: ______
Best time to reach you: ______
Anything you would like to share with me about your student?
7th Grade English Language Arts 2015