Mike Timerson
7th Grade Social Studies
Morning Planning
9:11 – 10:48
7th Grade Framework (see Mr. T’s Website for more information on each Unit):
· Quarter One: Unit 1 – Interaction & Change
· Quarter Two: Unit 2 – Revolution and Empire
· Quarter Three: Unit 3 –Global Conflict
· Quarter Four: Unit 4 – The Emerging Modern World
· All students are required to come to class on time and prepared. If a student is absent from school, a note from the parent is required within 3 days. Students have 3 days to make up missed work.
Class Expectations: Teachers expect students to be responsible for their own actions and to make good choices at Hickory Ridge Middle School. Expectations in our classrooms include:
1. Come to class on time and prepared
2. Follow directions and classroom procedures
3. Get permission to speak or leave your seat
4. Respect all people and things
Discipline Policy:
1st Verbal Warning
2nd Teacher’s Discretion of Consequence (Preferential seating, bounce, silent lunch, etc.)
3rd Referral and parent contact
*If your behavior is highly disruptive, disrespectful, or dangerous, you will be removed from the classroom immediately.
Grading Scale:
A 90 – 100 C 70-79 F Below 59
B 80 – 89 D 60-69
How do I calculate my child’s grade?
Homework and class work will count once.
Quizzes will count twice.
Tests and Projects will count three times.
Home/Class work grades: 96, 85, 90
Quiz grades: 88, 92
Test grade: 84
Homework Policy: It is important for all assignments to be turned in on time. We encourage students to be organized and keep up with his/her assigned work. Assignments can be turned in one day late for a reduced score of 70. Two days late will receive a score of 50. Three days late will be scored a ZERO.
Make-Up Work Policy: Students are responsible for obtaining make-up work after an absence. Students will be given three days after an absence to complete all makeup work. Work assigned prior to the absence will not be given any extensions and is due upon the student’s return to school. This includes any test/quizzes/projects that the student missed while absent. Students will be required to take these upon their return to school.