DAILY LESSON PLANS: Year 6 Subject: Science: Micro-organisms
Week: Date:
* text x 25
* pencils x 25
* prittstick x 25
* Gap-fill x 25 / What are Micro-o? Anything living that is too small to be seen w/o the use of a microscope.
Micro-o/microbe=bacteria or virus=GERMS.
Read p. 10-11 together- discuss (Pickling!) /
WALA micro-organisms
Ch. To complete gap-fill
CH. TO PLACE FOOD IN CLEAR CONTAINERS FOR NXT LESSON / Discuss ch.s results/observatns / Group activities-mixed abilities supporting one anotherL2 / * Books x 25
* text x 25
* pencils x 25
* ruler x 25
* prittstick x 25
* wksht 6BPM3 x 25
* A4 plain paper x 25 / Recap on Micro-o. Discuss how micro-o can affect food? How? (Floating bacteria lands on uncovered food and feed on it making it bad and us ill if we eat it) Show ch. Mouldy food in clear box. Qu. We need to preserve food- How? Brainstorm- then read p. 11 /
WALA how to preserve food
Ch. To complete wksht- then to draw mouldy foods in boxWhy is it good that Micro-os rot food? Otherwise we would be knee deep in old food! / Discuss ch.s results/observatns
What would happen if food with micro-os are eaten? Food poisoning. / Group activities-mixed abilities supporting one another
L3 / * Books x 25
* text x 25
* pencils x 25
* ruler x 25
* prittstick x 25
* Expt sheet x 25
* All apparatus for expt according to ‘Teacher Expt sht’ / Recap on what are micro-o and how to preserve ourselves and food from them.
Yeast-helps bread to rise/wine & beer
Other micro-o=Blue Cheese =yogurt=quicker digestive transist
Read p. 12-13. Tell ch. That we will be investigating in which conditions yeast will grow the best.
Have ch. Complete Expt sht first- discussing how to ensure for a fair test. /
WALA helpful micro-o
(WA investigating in which conditions yeast will grow the best)Ch. To carry out expt.
CONTROL- dough with no yeast=bread doesn’t rise w/o yeast
Discuss results and complete Expt sht
(Inactive- 10 C)
(Action slow- 15-21 C)
(Optimum- 32-38 C)
(slows->40 C)
(dead-58 C) / Discuss ch.s results/observatns
What from our results show that Yeast like all micro-o are living? Because it needs sugar and warmth to grow. / Group activities-mixed abilities supporting one another
L4 / * A4 paper x 25
* Pencils x 25
* ruler x 25
* Coloured pencils per table
* Test paper on topic / Ch. To devise a spider diag. Of topic. / Ch. To sit in exam conditions to complete test paper on topic. / N/A / By outcome