/ Longridge Town CouncilCouncil Offices, The Station Building
Berry Lane, Longridge, PR3 3JP
Telephone: 01772 782461
website: www.longridge-tc.gov.uk
Mission Statement
Endeavour, through foresight and leadership, to enhance quality of life for Longridge residents and visitors. Working to enrich facilities and nurture opportunity,
to protect and improve the built and natural environment, and promote community pride.
Proceedings at a meeting held on 10th January 2018
Present: Cllrs Tyrer (Mayor), P Byrne (Deputy Mayor), D Moon, B Holden, S Ashcroft, R Adamson, G Priest, R Beacham, A Odix, J Rogerson, S Rainford
MIN / Action2319 / Mayor’s welcome.
2320 / Apologies for absence.
Clerk Cllr Everett
2321 / Declarations of interests & written requests for disclosable pecuniary interest dispensations
Note: Councillors are responsible for declaring any personal / prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interest pertaining to matters on this agenda. If the personal interest is a prejudicial interest or there is a disclosable pecuniary interest, then the individual member should not participate in a discussion or vote on the matter and must withdraw from the meeting and not seek to influence a decision unless a dispensation request has been submitted in writing.
Cllr Rogerson Ribble Valley Borough Council Planning and Development Committee
2322 / Public Participation
The meeting closed at 7.02pm for public participation
Mr Wayne Hayhurst proposed two initiatives
Firstly the formation of Longridge Charitable Trust, where a panel of trustees is assigned and funds raised will benefit the local communtiy.
Secondly a Youth & Community Zone accessible to all residents
Mr Hayhurst to be invited to attend a meeting with LTC to discuss the initiatives in further detail and ascertain how the council can assist.
Proposals to be placed on a future agenda.
Cllr Ken Hind provided updates on local issues:
Planning application for the removal of the wall at Towneley gardens had been approved.
Berry Lane medical Centre had resubmitted its planning application which not extended onto their car park and not the Rec.
The Rec will be rededicated in November. Cllr Hind is liaising with Fields in Trust to look at the protection of the field in the long term.
Meeting reopened at 7.19pm
2323 / Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 27 December 2017 and any updates of items not on this agenda
Updates from the minutes
2307 CCTV Forrest Arms - the camera was working
Remembrance Sunday - part of the minute missing. Needs completing
Proposed: Cllr Byrne Seconded: Cllr Adamson
2324 / Action list - to be circulated prior to the meeting
2325 / Consideration of planning & Licence applications
RVBC are notifying planning applications to Parishes by email consultation with a link to the application. No hard copies of plans are being sent out.
Planning Application No: 3/2017/1189 two storey extension to the side at 21 Humber Street, Longridge PR3 3WD
Link: https://www.ribblevalley.gov.uk/site/scripts/planx_details.php?appNumber=3%2F2017%2F1189
LTC - No Objection, but matching stone / materials to be used as in a conservation area.
2326 / Approval of accounts for payment
TV Shaw interim account £550
EJ Airey £326.23 - January Salary
L Lund £424.25 January Salary
LSEC Longridge Station - £200.00
EJ Airey - reimbursement for £100 petty cash
Account Added - PAYE HMRC Quarter 3 £391.97 - Proposed Cllr Moon Seconded Cllr Byrne
Accounts approved for payment
Proposed Cllr Priest Seconded Cllr Byrne
2327 / Receive Reports of meeting attended by Councillors.
2328 / Receive Reports from Principal Councils
RVBC Councillors requested to feedback any relevant information from RVBC Committee meetings
2329 / To receive Reports from Councillors on issues raised by residents and discuss Council response
Cllr Ashcroft reported that the road closure on Whittingham lane had been extended by another 2 months and in a leaflet detailing the explanations it stated that the contractor would be consulting with the parish councils.
Letter to be sent to contractor asking when we will be consulting with us and addressing the ongoing parking issues the closures is having on the town.
Cllr Holden asked how issues raised by facebook and other social media forums were to be reported to the council. Cllr Odix noted that there is no policy on how to deal with social media. It was agreed that there should be an agenda item to discuss our policy on social media and the current policy on press releases.
2330 / Reports from Working Groups
13.1 Neighbourhood Plan - information sent to consultant re consultation statement. Cllr Rainford reported that the plan has now been signed off and asked that the plan could now be sent to RVBC
Proposed Cllr Moon Seconded Cllr Byrne
13.2 Longridge Loop – Path from John Smiths Playing field to Billington's farm is to be laid with crush and run as part of the ongoing works to the loop.
13.3 Longridge Vision Group- meeting to discuss survey results to be arranged. Cllr Holden has been invited as per his request.
13.4 The Recreational Field Memorial Working Group - A representative from Fields in Trust attended the meeting and is meeting with Cllr Hind and senior officers at RVBC to look at protecting the field.
13.5 Towneley Gardens – Planning permission has been granted for the removal of part of the wall.
13.6 Longridge in Bloom - first meeting took place 28 November - group registering with Northwest in bloom for an information pack. next meeting 24 January 2018.
2331 / Items for the Website
Annual General Meeting - Venue, date and speaker to be confirmed.
2332 / Field Day 2018
LTC to have a stall on the field as in previous years
Proposed Cllr Byrne Seconded Cllr Holden
2333 / Risk Assessment
Deferred to the 24.01.17
2334 / Building Committee
Cllr Rogerson gave a brief summary of the meeting held on the 8th January.
Meeting Closed at 19.50hrs
2335 / Next meeting- 24 January 2018
2336 / LSEC
Cllr Ashcroft has received invoices from LSEC and has asked for the last 2 years accounts.
2337 / Station Building
Email received from TV Shaw requesting further information. It is a priority that these questions are answered as soon as possible.
Security cameras quote to be readdressed - Agenda 24.01.18
Meeting Closed at 20.20pm