7th Grade Blue English
Mrs. Thompson
Dear Students,
Welcome to 7th grade! This year in English class we will focus on developing your writing and grammar skills. We will produce many interesting projects and have a lot of fun doing so! I look forward to getting to know you through classroom discussions and your written work!
Contact Information:
Voice Mail: 610.497.6300 x 3121
Website: available through the district website:
Class Materials:
- 1 notebook
- 1 pocket folder
- Pencils/pens
Classroom Expectations:
- Follow teacher directions
- Behave appropriately with substitutes
- Use appropriate tone and language
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Raise hand to speak
- Stay on task and do all work
- Follow classroom expectations
- Come prepared with all materials
- Be seated when the bell rings and working on your starter
- Students are expected to bring all materials and homework to class each day
- Students may borrow a pencil and any materials needed to work
- Homework: 5 points (10-20 points weekly)
- Starter: 10 points weekly
- Quizzes: 15-30 points (3-4 per marking period)
- Starter Test: 30 points (2 per marking period)
- Essays: 50 points (3 per marking period)
- Other writing projects: 10-30 points
- Research paper: 100 points
- District Grade Scale: A (92-100), B (84-91), C (76-83), D (70-75), F (69 and below)
50% of grade is summative assessments, 40% is formative assessments, and 10% is homework
- Students have a day for each day absent to make up work
- After an absence, go to the “Absentee Buddy” board and pull missed work from period folder
Writing Projects:
- Be sure to turn writing projects in on time to receive full credit.
- 10% penalty for every day late
- Writing
- Journal topics
- Personal narrative
- Text Dependent Analysis Essays
- Debate outline
- Persuasive essay
- Research paper
- Poetry
- Short story
- Animal Advocacy Letter
- District Writing Assessment
- Grammar
- Subject and Predicate
- Verbs: linking and helping; subject/verb agreement
- Punctuation: comma, semicolon, colon and punctuation marks
- Sentence structure: run-ons, fragments, clauses and phrases
- Vocabulary
- Thesaurus usage
- Antonyms and synonyms
- Speaking Skills
- Song Lyric Text Dependent Analysis
- Oral Debates
- On my teacher page you can access the following:
- Course Syllabus
- Class News
- Homework
- Additional copies of class materials – starters, graphic organizers, etc.