Parks Advisory Board Minutes – November 6, 2015Page 1


Parks and Recreation Advisory BoardMeeting of November6, 2015

7:30 a.m. – Tree Tops Park, Oak Ridge Hall– Davie

Board Members Present

Christina Clifford / Jack Mathison / Stephen Lawson
Dana MacDonald / Kristen Reineke / Thomas Fabricio
Daniel Mulieri / Stephanie Munson / William Norkunas

Board Members Absent

Alex Lazowick / Howard Nelson / Terry Danger
Arthur McNeil / Patrick Brochu / Tyson Jones

County Staff

Barbara Reinking / Chris Deal / Patricia Mahoney-Eberling
Brian McLaughlin / Cyndy Baker / Racquel Henry
Brian Kirchner / Dan West / Richard Giglio
Bob Sanguigni / Jim Federici / Sarah Perkins
Cheryl Cayer / Kelton Harvey / Shawn Davis
Chester Pruitt / Lou Metz



The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Board) meeting was called to order by JackMathison, Chair,at 7:35a.m., after which all present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.Roll was called; a quorum was not present, until later in the meeting with the arrival of several Board members.

Chair Mathison announced Guy Roper’s passing. He stated that Mr. Roper was a member of the PAB for many years and was a great person, with a love for Parks. He was instrumental in getting a lot of things done in the County, mainly the City of Hollywood. The memorial service will be 6 to 9 p.m. November 13 at Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care, 6400 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Nov. 14 at St. David Catholic Church, 3900 S. University Drive, Davie.

Public Comment:Chair Mathison inquired if there were any members of the public who wished to speak on any Parks-related topic. There were none.

Chair Mathison skipped the approval of the minutes for the time being as there was no quorum and moved on to discuss the items on the agenda.

Employees of the Quarter: Each Employee of the Quarter was introduced and presented with a framed certificate to commemorate the award, a tote bag, a personalized logo shirt, and a Division “Find it All” mug.

Employees for the 3rdQuarter 2015are: Kelton Harvey, Account Clerk II, Parks Administration; Brian Kirchner, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor I, Vista View Park; and Richard Giglio, Groundskeeper, C. B. Smith Park.

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by DanielMulierito approve the minutes of the June 5, 2015, meeting. The motion was seconded by Steve Lawson and was passed unanimously.

Park Manager’s Report:Barbara Reinking, Park Manager III

Ms. Reinking reported that several upgrades and repairs have been made to the park: the addition of two new shelters, a new roof on the administration building, installation of shade canopies over the playgrounds, complete repair of the access bridge to the Pine Island Ridge area, and others. The renovation of the banquet hall is in the planning stage. Ms. Reinking stated that horse-back riding is no longer offered at the park. Tree Tops Park won the Parks and Recreation Division’s annual award for Best Regional Park, which is determined by customer satisfaction results and was also recognized as a Certificate of Excellence winner by Trip Advisor.

Ms. Munson asked if markers were placed on the trails. Ms. Reinking stated that Davie Fire Rescue and a Boy Scout group worked together to mark all the trails, to make it easier to find patrons during an emergency.

Bond Construction Update:Jim Federici, P.E., Manager, Parks Planning and Design

Mr. Federici reported that there has been no changes since the last meeting.

  • Deerfield Island Park–The modifications to the fire main system project has been awarded to a contractor. Staff is processing purchase order and preparing NTP1 for commencement.
  • Roosevelt Gardens Park–MBR Construction (contractor) has completed 99% of project work and awaiting gate delivery for completion.
  • Quiet Waters Park– The final design has been completed to build a new dog park in the northwest corner that features a splash pad.Preparing plans to construct rental cabins.
  • Hollywood North Beach/West Lake Park – Working on the design of the tower.
  • Miramar Pineland Park–Working on the design of a park services building to include a new office and nature center.
  • Secret Woods Nature Center –Construction of a new boardwalk overlooking the New River to begin soon; plans and specificationsare 95% complete.
  • Shooster Preserve Natural Area – Project in preliminary planning stage to improve fencing, parking lot, nature trail, overlook, and playground.
  • Various Parks – Replacement of exhibits for West Lake, Fern Forest, and Deerfield Island Parks.Design has been completed; staff is reviewing plans and specifications prior to submitting to Purchasing for bidding.

Parks Foundation Update:Chester Pruitt announced that the Foundation’s first fundraising event held at Quiet Waters Park, Splash Adventure on Friday October 2, 2015, was a success. The event was called “Yappy Hour” and was an evening of K9 fun for dogs and their owners. The Foundation’s member brochureshave been completed for corporate and individual sponsorship.

Chris Deal stated that the Friends Group at Long Key Nature Center called FOLK (Friends of Long Key), will be hosting their first Kapok Tree Gala and fundraiser on November 6 at the nature center. Tickets are $100. All proceeds will benefit Long Key Nature Center.

Chair Mathison encouraged the Board members to join the Parks Foundation, as a way of showing dedication to the Board and Broward County park system.

Parks and Recreation Division Update:

Mr. West stated that the Division has two Agenda items on the November 10thCommission meeting Agenda. One of the items is to purchase land with a building adjacent to Boulevard Gardens Park.This will be an addition to the park and the building will house a new community center. An item being placed on the December 1stAgenda will request approvalof a Request For Proposal solicitation and appointment of the selection committee for the planned seaside café at Hollywood North Beach Park.

Old Business


New Business

Fee Schedule – Cheryl Cayer stated that additional changes were made to the fee schedule since being approved by the Board last year. The revised fee schedule willbe reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. The auditors recommended including theProforma process to implement new fees for nature hikes, environmental education, kayak and other programs, which were added to the fee schedule under section 37.37. Camping fees were also changed from Tri County/Non Tri County Resident rates to Seasonal and Non-Seasonal rates.

Daniel Mulieri made a motion to approvethe revised fee schedule and to present it to the County Commission. The motion was seconded by Stephanie Lawson and was passed unanimously.

Lou Metz stated that the revised Chapter 25½ was sent to the County Attorney’s Office for review.

Chair Mathison stated that he will be out of town for the next meeting, and suggested asking Vice Chair Nelson to chair the meeting.

Adjournment:The meeting adjourned at 8:40a.m.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at Franklin Parkat 7:30a.m.on Friday, December 4, 2015.