Café/Bar Manager Job Description
The post of Café/Bar Manager is both permanent and full-time. The salary is £18,000 to £21,000 per annum dependant on experience and is based on a standard 40-hour per week schedule although you may be required to work longer hours during periods of absence or peak business. There will be no overtime scheme although time in lieu will be granted where appropriate with prior consent from the General Manager.
As Café/Bar Manager, you will have responsibility to assist in the oversight and management of all non-managerial staff and volunteers. You will have direct authority over the kitchen staff and be responsible for reporting any breaches of disciplinary conduct or standards to the GM.
Due to the small size of the staff roster, you will be required to cover certain aspects of the GM’s job and that of the Assistant Managers also during periods of annual leave/sickness.
Targets and objectives will be set by the board and General Manager, and the management team as a whole will be expected to pursue successful achievement of these.
You will be required to collate prices from suppliers and assist the GM in the negotiation process. Once suppliers have been identified, you will be expected to calculate accurate menu prices based upon cost per portion and achieving a pre-identified gross profit margin.
You will keep accurate records of expenditure, wastage and sales to produce running totals of profit margins and recommend any necessary changes based upon analysis of the results.
You will be expected to uphold and implement Health and Safety policy and standards identified by the board and GM.
You will be expected to assist in the scheduling of staff and volunteer hours.
You will develop a fully-comprehensive training schedule covering Health & Safety, Health & Hygiene, Customer Service, Licensing Legislation and General Policy with the GM and be responsible for its implementation.
You will be expected to assist the GM in developing and maintaining good relations and links with the local community and will be encouraged to seek out new opportunities for the cinema to engage and interact with its audience.