California State University, Chico

CSUEU, Chico Chapter 302

Summary of September 26, 2011 Executive Board Meeting

Present – Pat Heath, Mario Mena, Scott Dickerson, Diane Carter-Hood, Darrell Bartlett, Carol Ebel, and Debbie Vermette

1.  Congratulations! – Mario will replace Darrell Bartlett as Chapter 302 Chief Steward when Darrell retires. They will begin transition work immediately. Mario also received the CSU, Chico Safety Award. An article will appear in the next chapter newsletter.

2.  Coffee Klatch/Membership Drive – Sept. 28, 7:30-10:00 am in Trinity Commons. Debbie will order coffee and pastries from AS Catering; Darrell and Scott will arrange for the table; Pat and Mario will bring table cloth, membership information, t-shirts and hats; Darrell will assemble ‘Know Your Rights’ packets.

3. Unit 5 Breakfast – Diane reported that an information and ‘rumor-squelching’ breakfast meeting is needed for Unit 5 employees. Mario will bring it up at the next LMC meeting for permission from management. An October date will be set with a time of 5-6 pm, before the shift begins, or at the lunch break period of 9:30-10:30 pm.

4.  Chapter Meeting Schedule – According to the CSUEU bylaws, chapter meetings need to be held quarterly. Pat asked for discussion on changing our general chapter meetings from monthly to quarterly. All those present were in favor. This year we still need the October meeting to approve the new bylaws and a December meeting to host the yearly holiday luncheon. A January meeting will be required to approve the chapter budget and an April meeting will be scheduled. Special meetings can be convened, if necessary, with ten days notice to the membership.

5.  E-Board Meetings – E-board meetings are open to the membership; dates should be published on the website. Agendas should be posted ten days prior to meetings and if a member wants to have something added to the E-board agenda, he/she needs to give the president 24-hours notice.

6.  Other –

·  Diane volunteered to write summaries of Steward Council meetings.

·  Scott will look into having grievance resolution history posted on the main CSUEU website, with password protection.

·  The deadline for the next issue of the Chico Voice is Oct. 31. Some articles have already been written and others assigned. They should be emailed to Pat.

Meeting summary prepared by Debbie Vermette.