7.1Payment of Fees
7.1.1Students become liable for the payment of the full annual fees detailed in the following sections on or before registration. The University reserves the right, however, to revise fees payable at any time without notice.
7.1.2At registration students must (i) present satisfactory evidence that they hold a grant or award from which the fees will be paid or (ii) pay the fees due. Cheques should be made payable to the University of Strathclyde.
7.1.3Students withdrawing from attendance may be entitled to a refund of a proportion of the tuition fees paid as decided by the Director of Corporate Services.
7.1.4It should be noted that under Ordinance 5 no degrees, diplomas or certificates may be conferred upon persons unless they have paid the fees prescribed and any other sums due to the University.
7.1.5It should be noted that under Regulation 6.4, students who fail to pay the fees due may have their registration suspended or be barred from registration in a subsequent academic year.
7.2Tuition Fees
7.2.1The following inclusive annual fees cover registration, tuition and entrance to examinations but do not include fees for graduation.
Fees for Home and EU Students (full and part-time)
7.2.2For details of fees for Home and EU students see
Notes: The Students' Association membership fees are not included in the Part-time fees. See separate prospectus offered by the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
Fees for Overseas Students (full and part-time)
Notes: The Students' Association membership fees are not included in the Part-time fees. See separate prospectuses for the fees for short courses offered by the Strathclyde Graduate School of Business, Management Studies courses offered by the ScottishBusinessSchool and courses offered by the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
7.2.4Unless otherwise stated all undergraduate courses are deemed to be full-time courses for fee purposes. Students on full-time courses which include periods of industrial, professional or other training prescribed by the University pay the full annual fee, except as provided in Regulation 7.2.8.
7.2.5 Students engaged in part-time postgraduate study outwith the University pay the same fees as those for internal students listed above.
7.2.6Students engaged in full-time postgraduate study outwith the University pay the same fees as those for internal students. Postgraduate students required to attend on a full-time basis for part of the year pay fees in proportion to those listed above except when engaged on a split PhD programme (see Regulation 7.2.7).
7.2.7Students engaged in full-time postgraduate study through the split PhD programme pay the full fees while in attendance at the University; while studying outwith the University they pay 10% of the full-time fee plus supervision expenses set in each individual case by the Director of Corporate Services on the recommendation of the appropriate Head of Department.
7.2.8 Research students with a period of study of not less than twenty-one months or thirty-three months pay not less than two or three annual tuition fees respectively.
7.2.9Overseas students who are in doubt about their status and consequently about fees should consult the Director of Corporate Services.
7.2.10Students who for some official reason (e.g. students in suspension or engaged on a training year) are not required to be in attendance for a session are not required to pay any fee; except that students suspended to resit exams are required to pay a registration fee of £75. If they wish to use the Library, they must pay the annual charge for membership prescribed by Regulation 3.9; if they wish to use the Students Union they must pay the full Students Association subscription.
Members of Staff
7.2.11In order to qualify for registration for a higher degree as a member of staff, the individual must hold a contract from Human Resources of not less that 12 months duration coinciding with the period of study. Discounted fee rates for postgraduate instructional courses (as per 7.2.14 and 7.2.15) are subject to a quota for each course, which is agreed annually between the relevant Dean and the Secretary.
7.2.12 Members of staff taking undergraduate classes are charged 50% of normal fees. Members of staff taking classes at the Centre for Lifelong Learning are charged at the concession rate advertised in the Centre's Extension Programme and Learning in Later Life Booklets for the current year.
7.2.13 Members of staff of the University registered for a higher research degree are exempt from payment of an annual registration fee (although Departments will receive FTE load recognition) and shall pay a fee of £130 on submission of a thesis for the degree of Master, a fee of £155 for submission of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration and a fee of £155 for submission of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
7.2.14Members of Staff of the University registered for a higher degree by instruction on a course in the FTE economy are exempt from payment of a tuition fee (although Departments will receive FTE load recognition).
7.2.15Members of staff of the University registered for a higher degree by instruction on a course not in the FTE economy shall pay a fee equivalent to the normal fee for the course less the standard home postgraduate fee (ie less £3,400 in 2010-11). This fee may be paid in whole or in part from Central and/or Departmental training budgets.
7.2.16 (Number not used)
Other Fees
Suspended Students£75
Extension to maximum period of study for Higher degree £160
Validation £170
Registration in Attendance £300
Thesis/Dissertation Submission
Resubmission of thesis£70
Submission of dissertation MSc/LLM£850
Staff Members
-submission of Master's thesis£130
-submission of PhD thesis£155
Presentation Fee
DSc and DLitt (internal candidates)£300
DSc and DLitt (external candidates)£500
In person£35
In absentia£20
7.3Students Association Subscription
7.3.1All full-time students become ordinary members of the Students Association. This also admits to membership and the privileges of the Students Union.
7.3.2Part-time students who wish to become associate members of the Association may apply to the Council of the Association. If accepted they must pay the full annual subscription direct to the Association; payment of this subscription also admits to membership and the privileges of the Students Union.
7.4Non-Graduating Students
7.4.1Non-graduating students pay the same fees as degree or diploma students registered for an equivalent course.
7.5Registration Fee for Award Ceremonies
7.5.1All students who successfully complete a course leading to an award of the University are required to register for that award and to pay the approved fee when registering for the Awards Ceremony. Such a fee is payable whether the student intends to be presented in person or in absentia at an Awards Ceremony. Instruction concerning such registration, including the amount of the fee payable, are issued by the University annually.
7.6Fees for Extension to Maximum Period of Study and Re-submission of a Thesis
7.6.1Postgraduate students who wish extension to the maximum periods of study laid down in Regulations and whose request has the support of their Head of Department may be permitted to continue their registration for a higher degree on payment of an annual fee of £160. Research students permitted to re-submit a thesis are required to pay a fee of £70.
7.7Administrative Charges and Late Fees
7.7.1(Number not used)
7.7.2Students who fail to pay each term's residence fee by the due date as stated in the Occupancy Agreement will be required to pay an additional ('late') fee of 2.5 per cent of the balance outstanding. Students who do not comply with the conditions of the final notice for payment of residence fees in any term will be liable to termination of their occupancy agreement and exclusion from their accommodation.
7.8Provision of Lockers
7.8.1Lockers are available for the use of students in the majority of buildings in the University. Students must provide their own padlocks and must remove their property at the end of each session.
7.9Residence Fees
7.9.1A deposit of £100 is required as caution money when a place is accepted in one of the University's Halls of Residence.
Murray Hall
7.9.2The fees for residence are £79.00 (single rooms) per week for a 37 week period, payable in advance in three termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation, heating and lighting and the use of the facilities provided.
Birkbeck Court
7.9.3The fees for residence are £77.00 (single rooms) or £82.00 (single rooms) per week for a 37 week period, payable in advance in three termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation, heating and lighting and the use of the facilities provided.
Forbes Hall
7.9.4The fees for residence are £80.00 (single rooms) per week for a 37 week period, payable in advance in three termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation, heating, lighting and the use of the facilities provided.
Garnett Hall
7.9.5The fees for residence are £80.00 (single rooms) per week for a 37 week period, payable in advance in three termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation, heating, lighting and the use of the facilities provided.
Patrick Thomas Court
7.9.6The fees for residence are £66.00 (single rooms) per week for a 50 week period, payable in advance in four termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation only. Students pay for electricity by power card.
James Blyth CourtThomas Campbell Court
7.9.7The fees for residence are £78.00 (single rooms) per week for a 37 week period payable in advance in three termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation, heating and lighting. Postgraduate Certificate in Education students are housed in these residences for a 42 week period and students from the InternationalMedicalUniversity in Malaysia for a 51 week period.
Andrew Ure Hall
7.9.8The fees for residence are £72.00 (single rooms) per week for a 37, 42 or 50 week period, payable in advance in four termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation only. Students pay for electricity and gas by power card.
James Young Hall & Chancellors Hall
7.9.9The fees for residence are £102.00 (single rooms) or £108.00 (with double bed) per week for a 37 week period payable in advance in three termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation, heating, lighting and the use of the facilities provided.
James Goold Hall
7.9.10The fees for residence are £102.00 per week for a 37 or 50 week period, payable in advance in either three or four termly instalments. The fees cover accommodation, heating, lighting and the use of the facilities provided.
7.9.11The fees for residence are £83 (c. £360 per month) for a 3 apartment flat and £91 (c. £394 per month) for a 4 apartment flat. The fees cover the cost of accommodation only. Students pay for gas and electricity directly to the providers.