The meeting was opened by the Chair during which a warm welcome was extended to all.

1. Sederunt:

Denis Bell, Chair Liz Forbes, Treasurer

Alan Hoseason (Secretary), Coaching Highland Cllr Janet Home (Vice Chair), Highland Council

Dorothy Shanks (Vice Chair), Inverness Swimming Club Cllr Angus J Dick, Highland Council

Marge Sieczkarek, Highland Wheelchair Curling Club Lilian Davidson, Inverness Orienteering Club

Ken Davidson, Inverness Orienteering Club Barry Fraser, Inverness Bowling Club

Aleks Mazurek, Inverness (Clach) Small Bore Rifle Club Brian Bell, Highland Rugby Club

Roy Sinclair, Inverness Rowing Club Marjorie Sanderson, Strathnairn Indoor Bowling Club

Robbie Paulin, Inverness Blitz David Paulin, Inverness Blitz

Gerry Parks, Inverness Field Archery Club Phil Swainson, Highland Council

Ally Chisholm, Planefield Bowling Club William Fraser, Craig Dunain Bowling Club

Boyce Macleod, Inverness Highland Bowling Club Marie Macleod, Inverness Highland Bowling Club

Marie Maclean, Fraser Park Bowling Club Sheila Noble, Fraser Park Bowling Club

Alison Sturrock, Highland Budokan Judo Club John Forbes, Inverness Youth League

Gordon Henderson, SportMoray & SALSC Ernie Turpie, SALSC

Dougie MacKenzie, Clachnacuddin FC Youth Development Christine Mudd, Inverness Petanque Club

Dagmar Borrowman, Highland Mountainbike Association Billie Weallans, Inverness Courier

James Macleod, Craig Dunain Bowling Club

Candy Cameron, SERC / South Loch Ness Access Group / BHS

Ashley Woodhouse, Inveross Hockey Club & GlenBal Football Club

2. Apologies:

Alan Gillies, Pat Morrison, Peter Corbett, Joan Maxwell, Lorna Whitham, Andrew Jack, Susan Menzies, Sandy Dunbar, Clare Cuthbertson, James Martin, John Brown, Dolina Ross and Charlie Forbes.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the 2005 AGM on 26th May 2005 were proposed by Gerry Parks and seconded by Robbie Paulin.

4. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

5. Chairman’s Report

Denis Bell reported on the past year’s activity of the Sports Council including his attendance at Highland Sports Development Association, Inverness Leisure User Group and Inverness Leisure Board meetings as representative of the sports council. He gave special thanks to Highland Council and Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey Enterprise for their continued funding. The Chairman also paid thanks to the executive committee and office bearers for their efforts and assistance over the past 12 months.

6. Treasurers Report

A comprehensive and detailed set of accounts were presented to the meeting which showed that grants totalling £32,298 had been awarded for the year. Roy Sinclair correctly pointed out that the years next to Fixed Assets and Balance should read 2006 and not 2005. The accounts were proposed for acceptance by Lilian Davidson and seconded by Gerry Parks.

7. Appointment of Office Bearers

Position Nominee Proposer Seconder

Chairman Mr Denis Bell, Highland Bowling Club Tom Russell Marge Sieczkarek

Vice Chair Mrs Dorothy Shanks, Inverness Swimming Club M. Anderson Janet Home

Vice Chair Cllr Janet Home, Highland Council 4 Year Appointment by Highland Council

Secretary Mr Alan Hoseason, Coaching Highland Denis Bell Roy Sinclair

Treasurer Mrs Liz Forbes, Ritsons/Inverness Harriers Denis Bell Ally Chisholm

Auditor Ralph Duncan, R.W. Duncan A.C.I.B. Liz Forbes Accepted

8. Appointment of Executive Committee (18 positions) and Sub Committees

Candy Cameron Roy Sinclair Sandy Dunbar Marge Sieczkarek

Robbie Paulin David Paulin Ashley Woodhouse Alison Sturrock

John Forbes Kirsten Grant Dougie MacKenzie James Martin

Charlie Forbes Toni Dunbar

All 14 nominations were unanimously approved.

Highland Council Members: Cllr Janet Home, Cllr Angus Dick, Cllr Peter Corbett, Cllr Jimmy Gray.

The members of the Sub-Committees are to be confirmed at an Executive Committee meeting in due course for the following committees: Finance; Sports Council Awards; SALSC Events; and General Development.

9. Notice of Motion

Alan Hoseason presented the following motion which was seconded by Ashley Woodhouse:

“The General Development Sub Group of Inverness Area Sports Council having met on several occasions and reporting progress to the full IASC meeting twice, propose the following changes to the existing monthly meetings of the sports council:

1.  The meetings be held on a bi-monthly basis: May (AGM), July, September, November, January and March each year.

2.  The meeting start time moves from 8pm to 7pm.

3.  The meetings be held at Inshes Church, Inshes Retail Park, Sir Walter Scott Drive, Inverness.

4.  A special meeting be held on 29th June 2006 to consult all members as to the format, topics and content of the bi-monthly meetings as well as to determine what the member clubs want from their local sports council.

If the members support this proposal at the AGM then the General Development Sub Group will put the changes in place with immediate effect and begin the consultation exercise in June.”

Following some questions/points of clarification from members, each point of the motion in turn was agreed unanimously.

10. AOCB

There was no other competent business raised.

11. SALSC – Ernie Turpie

Ernie (Past Chair of SALSC) provided an update on SALSC (Scottish Association of Local Sports Councils) with the main points being:

1.  A report will be available in June on how well SALSC is operating.

2.  Junior Curling has been added to the list of SALSC events which sports councils are invited to enter teams.

3.  SALSC Online provides members with news and updates:

4.  Trophies Direct are now sponsoring SALSC and are offering member sports councils and sports clubs a 20% discount - contact SALSC Administrator, David Arnott - or on 01383 820950.

12. Presentation to Coach / Administrator of the Year

The Chair announced that Mr Boyce Macleod (Inverness Highland Bowling Club) had been selected as the 2006 Coach/Administrator of the Year and Ernie Turpie of SALSC presented Boyce with the Inverness Area Sports Council bowl and the SALSC/sportscotland Service to Sport Award in recognition of his efforts over a number of years.

Date of Next Annual General Meeting

The next Annual General Meeting of Inverness Area Sports Council will be held on Thursday 31st May 2007.