The Manchester Law Society Presents....

Thursday 24th March 2011

Novotel Manchester, 21 Dickinson Street, Manchester, M1 4LX

Once again we are delighted to present the Society’s Annual Secretarial Conference aimed at PA’s, Secretaries, Office Managers, Administrators and anyone involved in Human Resources across the board in all professional bodies. We have an elite list of guest speakers who are highly proficient in their chosen field and whoaim to provide you with the necessary tools to give you the confidence to carry out our duties to your best ability. Our delegates have highly praised this successful event and some have returned year after year. Numbers are strictly limited therefore early application is highly advisable.

9.00-9.30Registration and Coffee

9.30-10.30Making the 80/20 Rule Work for You

Brendan Fitzmaurice, Director of Instruction, Mentor Corporate Coaching Ltd

10.30-11.15PR for Secretaries

Clare Forrest, Kingsgate Consulting

11.15-11.30Coffee Break

11.30-12.30How to be a Confident & Effective Networker

Chrissie Gibson, Kintish Ltd

12.30-1.15Lunch Break

1.15-2.00Digital Marketing for Law Firms – 2011 Update

Sarah Trude,Account Director – Conscious Solutions

2.00-2.45How to Create Better Relationships at Work

Julie French, Director - Academy of High Achievers

2.45-3.00Coffee Break

3.00-4.00Performance Appraisal Techniques

Clare Forrest, Kingsgate Consulting

4.00-5.00Secrets & Tips of How to Become a Successful PA/Secretary

Sue France, Author of ‘The Definitive Personal Assistant & Secretarial Handbook’, PA trainer and coach

5.00pmClose of Conference

Thursday 24th March 2011

Cost to attend:

£100 + VAT (£117.50 total)

Lunch, refreshments and course materials are included

Please complete the form below and send to the address shown.

 ------

The Definitive PA/ Secretarial Conference 2011–(30174)

Please reserve me ...... place/s on the above conference at £100 + vat
(total £117.50 and find enclosed my cheque for
£ ...... , made payable to the Manchester Law Society, in respect of this booking (Code 30174)

NAMES1)...... M/NM


2)...... M/NM





Please detach and return this form, along with payment, to:

Miss Donna Brown
Manchester Law Society, 64 Bridge Street, Manchester M3 3BN, DX 14378 Manchester 1