Tapp Middle School

6th Grade Language Arts Course Syllabus

School Year 2016-2017

Phone: 770-222-3758

*This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change to accommodate the class and the needs of students.

Please check Synergy for updates after 5:00 pm on Monday evenings.

You may access additional information concerning our class activities, assignments and handouts by logging on to teacher’s blogs.

Camera Baskett

Cindy Burrow

Jennifer Kinsella

Administrators: Andri Cooke (A-K)

Donald Holmes (L-Z)

Course Description: To enable students to become proficient readers, writers, listeners, speakers and interpreters of the elements of language arts. Strategies that will be used will include guided practice, cooperative groups, and peer evaluation to reinforce learning.

Reading Requirements: Students will be required to read three books within their Lexile range that has a Reading Counts quiz each quarter. All of the quizzes will be assessed.

Bring Your, Own Device- The use of technology to provide educational material is not a necessity but a privilege. Students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct (J policies) as well as all Board/school policies. Violation of policies may result in the loss of device privileges or disciplinary action.


Prentice Hall The Reader’s Journey: This text focuses on the use of literary elements found in short stories, poetry, novels (excerpts) and dramatic literature. Replacement cost is $20.00.

McDougal Littell Literature Book – class set/online
Go to activate.classzone.com
Enter Activation Code: 3532040-10
Create Student Account
User Name = First initial and last name (ex. jkinsella)
Password = Lunch Number

Homework/Late Work Policy:

Late work will be accepted up to three (3) days from the due date with a penalty of 10 points per day. This penalty will be assessed after the assignment has been graded. It is the student’s responsibility to get and turn in any missed assignments

when absent. Please contact me about any concerns you may have with assignments or grades.

Tapp Middle School/6th Grade Language Arts Course Syllabus

School Year 2016-2017

Tutoring on Monday

@ 8:15-8:50

Tutoring will vary based on the needs of the students and teacher availability.

Students will be assessed in the following manner:

Formative Assessments (classwork, journals, tickets out the door, quizzes): 40%

Summative Assessments (essays, projects, tests): 50%

Homework: 10%

Summative Assessment Retake Policy

In the event that a student does not show mastery of the standards on asummative assessmenthe or she will be given an opportunity to retake or rework (depending upon the subject area) the assessment to demonstrate a better understanding of the content and achieve a higher score. In order to retakeor rework a summative assessment in any subject area the student will have to complete a retake contract, which will require a parent signature. The contract will specify what the student has to do in order to retake or rework the summative assessment as well as the submission date (s) for all required assignments and retake.

If the student fails to complete all of the key components of the retake contract he or she will forfeitthe opportunity to retake. Please remember that the score the student receives on the retake assessment will be averaged with the original score


Unit / Reading / Writing
Survival / Literary / Informative
Where I’m From / Informational / Argumentative
Perspectives / Literary / Argumentative
It’s Intriguing / Informational / Informative

Advanced Content Classes

The course framework and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process skills emphasis, and expectation of student outcomes from the typical [grade and subject] course. Course content has been designed for mastery and extension of state and district performance standards. The course is appropriate for students who have high achievement and interest in English Language Arts. TAPP Middle School has established criteria and guidelines to identify students who will be successful in this course. Students are placed in this class according to specified indicators of demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation. Students must meet continuation criteria to remain in the class.

Please sign this page after reviewing this syllabus with your student/parent.


Student Name (Print Only)Parent/Guardian Name (Print Only)


Student Signature DateParent/Guardian Signature Date

ELA Syllabus