Keyboarding Internet Activity & Presentation Project

You and your family are planning a summer vacation. You have volunteered to research using the Internet to find the necessary information.

The vacation will be for seven days—this includes travel time. The trip will be in the United States and the mode of transportation will be by the family vehicle, a rented vehicle, or by bus or train. You have no set money limitations but you will need to keep track of how much the total of the trip costs.

These are the items that you must find to help your parents in making the final travel arrangements.

J  Destination—how many miles to and from the vacation site?

J  Mode of transportation—how many miles per gallon does the family vehicle get, what does a round trip bus or train fare cost, or if renting a vehicle, what is the cost per day/week, and is it unlimited mileage?

J  Lodging—once at the destination, where will you and your family stay?

**What are the accommodations?

**What is the cost?

J  Food—need to find a restaurant at or near your destination. What would it cost for your family to eat a meal there? What is the specialty? You need at least three—no McDonald’s!

J  Entertainment—once there, what are the attractions? You will need to list at least three activities and the cost of each. (These could include art galleries, museums, amusement parks, sporting events, movies, and/or concerts)

J  Emergencies—what is the location and phone number of the nearest hospital if someone gets sick? (911 doesn’t count)

J  Map of the area—does not have to be entire city.

J  Extra Credit: Who are some famous people who have lived in this town or are currently living there?

J  Extra Credit: Historical facts about the town.

J  Extra Credit: Current Population of the City/town.

Once you have found all your information, you will create a PowerPoint presentation. Remember to write all of your URLs (the address on the Internet where you found your information) so that these can be on one slide. Also keep track of the costs for each numbered item so that one slide can show the individual cost and the total cost.

You will have ten class days to research and prepare a slide show. You may need to find the time before or after school to see that everything gets completed on time.

Adopted from Mrs. Schildknecht’s website



Points Possible /


/ Acceptable / Unacceptable
Includes a title slide / 10 / 10 pts. / 0 pts.
Required number of categories / 70 / All 7 categories covered
(70 pts.) / Only 5-6 categories covered (50 pts.) / 4 or less categories covered (40-0 pts.)
Includes a cost slide / 10 / 10 pts. / 0 pts.
Includes a URL slide / 10 / 10 pts. / 0 pts.
Destination category / 10 / Includes the total miles to/from the vacation site (10 pts.) / Does not show the total miles to/from the vacation site
(0 pts.)
Transportation Category / 10 / Showed in detail all the costs of the vehicles (10 pts.) / Only shows the mode of travel and mileage.
(5 pts.) / Just showed what the cost of the vehicle was—no details (0 pts.)
Lodging Category / 10 / Showed the lodging, the accommodations, and the cost for the 7 days (10 pts.) / Showed the lodging and the cost for the 7 days
(5 pts.) / Showed the lodging and cost for part of the trip. (2 pts.)
Food Category / 10 / Named three restaurants, the specialty, and a typical menu with the total cost. (10 pts.) / Named two restaurants with a price. (5 pts.) / Named only one restaurant or did not find a restaurant or only listed the name.
(2-0 pts.)
Entertainment Category / 10 / Named 3 attractions with the cost of attending each (10 pts. / Named only 2 attractions with the cost of attending each (5 pts.) / Named only 1 attraction with the cost of attending (2 pts.)
Emergency Category / 10 / Named the address and phone number of the nearest hospital (10 pts.) / Named a hospital with only a phone number or only an address (5 pts.) / Did not name a hospital
(0 pts.)
Map Category / 10 / Showed the map of the vacation site. (10 pts.) / Did not show any map
(0 pts.)
**Famous Person / 10
**Historical Facts / 10
**Current Population / 10
No spelling errors / 10 / No spelling errors (10 pts.) / Only 1-2 spelling errors (8 pts.) / More than 2 spelling errors
(4 pts.)
Graphics Used in Slides / 25 / Graphics corresponded to the category and were used appropriately (25 pts.) / Graphics were used sparingly (15 pts.) / Graphics were not used or they did not correspond to the slide content (5 pts.)
Readability—Content/Grammar / 25 / Each slide was worded correctly (25 pts.) / Minor mistakes—1-2 errors (20 pts.) / Many errors made and poorly constructed sentences
(10 pts.)
Color Scheme / 25 / Good use of color, readable from a distance (25 pts.) / Good use of color on background but the color of writing was very hard to read (20 pts.) / Color did not compliment each other with background and writings (10 pts.)
Organizational/Oral Presentation / 50 / The presentation was interesting and well organized. Spoke to the class and not to the screen (50 pts.) / The presentation was interesting and organized, but spoke to the screen (30 pts.) / The presentation was poorly organized and spoke to the screen or no oral presentation (10 pts.)
Time Management / 40 / All the time given in class for the project was used fully
(40 pts.) / Time given in class for the project was wasted and not used appropriately. (20 pts.) / Time given in class for the project was not used at all
(0 pts.)
Total Points Possible / 345
Total Points Earned

Adopted from Mrs. Schildknecht’s website