6th Grade HCMS Language Arts Syllabus


Mrs. Courtney Guthrie

Course Description

This course will help 6th grade students develop writing, reading, communication and critical thinking skills according to the new Common Core English/Language Arts Standards. We will work on our state goal to have all students College/Career Ready before graduating high school.

Our Common Core ELA Standards are organized around the following four features:

  1. Reading and Literature
  2. Writing and Research
  3. Speaking and Listening
  4. Language Development

Units of Study

  • Literary (novels, short stories, poetry, and drama)
  • Words & Writing (word parts, grammar, writing process, essays)
  • Informational Reading & Research
  • Digital Citizenship (using technology responsibly)
  • Spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies will be addressed in each unit


Used daily:
  • 2composition notebooks*
*Please note this change from the district supply list
  • 3 prong folder
  • 2 pocket folder
  • pencils and pens
  • loose leaf paper (college ruled)
/ Used occasionally:
  • colored pencils
  • markers
  • scissors
  • glue

Classroom Expectations:

Henry County Middle School is committed to the Discovery Program, which encourages positive classroom interactions and minimizes distractions and misbehavior.

The 6 Ps

  • Be on time to class, group work
  • Be ready to work
  • Follow directions immediately
  • Bring all materials to class (homework, agenda, notebooks, folder, paper and pencils
  • Treat everyone with respect
  • Speak during appropriate times
  • Turn cell phone off

  • Do your work to the best of your ability
  • Take part in activities and discussions
  •  brings people closer
  •  pushes people away

Attending Skills

Being in the Moment / Appropriate Body Language / Appropriate Eye Contact
Appropriate Feedback / Questions to Clarify or Validate

In order for our classroom to function appropriately, students will need to follow the 6Ps and have good attending skills. Students will develop these skills the first few weeks of school, and will be expected to follow the protocol. Failure to do so will result in a redirect, which simply means that the student has been asked to get back on track and correct any problem behaviors. Three redirectsin my class will result in a hallway conference and possible problem solving with a behavior team member. I will record redirects along with the violation in students’ agendas each day. Parents are asked to sign agendas nightly. Redirects are given if agendas are not signed.

Examples of redirects:

Student is late to class------ Redirect in agenda (Prompt)

Student uses cell phone during class- Redirect in agenda (Polite)

Student does not contribute to group work-Redirect in agenda (Participate)

Upon occasion, behaviors occur which are discipline issues, not redirects. In this case, students are automatically referred to administration, without going through the redirect process. Some examples of these are: abusive language towards other students/teachers, fighting, bullying, extreme disrespect, and refusal to follow redirect script.

Reading Challenge:

Our class is part of a school-wide initiative that encourages students to be better readers. Language Arts teachers will require students to take 30 minutes of class time each day to read, and to reflect over reading.

Flashbacks/Language Review/Writing Prompt:

Students will start the day with a one of these three each day. Flashbacks are questions that will challenge their knowledge of a previously learned skill. Language Review focuses on test preparation, and Writing Prompts help students prepare for On Demand and Open Response Question.

Writer’s Notebooks:

We will use one of our composition books as a Writer’s Notebook. These reflective journals will be used daily, and should be left in the classroom.

Learning Centers: Language Arts Lab

We will have small center groups that focus on the weekly topics in Reading, Writing, and Grammar, a “Flashback” center which reviews previously learned skills, and a technology center which will feature one of the weekly topics. Mrs. Guthrie will work with a small group on a new concept.


Agendas will be used daily, and will be checked daily for parent/guardian signature(s). Students will also use agendas as hallway passes if necessary, but they are strongly encouraged to use the restroom or go to lockers between classes.


Cheating or copying another person’s work is not tolerated at HCMS. If a student has cheated or plagiarized, guilty parties will earn zeroes on the assignment, parents/guardians will be notified and an office referral will be filed.

Late Work:

Assignments turned in late will receive an immediate deduction in points.

Bring Your Own Device:

Students are encouraged to bring devices such as smartphones, iPads, laptops and Kindles to class. Devices may only be used for educational purposes set forth by Mrs. Guthrie at the start of class. If used improperly, devices will be given to Mr. Woods.


Check out my webpage on HCMS’ website for class information, updates, materials, and links to learning games.

I have read and understand the 6th grade Language Arts syllabus.

I agree to write Learning Targets, homework, quizzes and tests in my agenda.


Student Signature/Date

I have read and understand the 6th grade Language Arts syllabus.

I agree to review and sign my child’s agenda nightly.


Parent Signature/Date