6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 8/16 - 9/1(13 days)
Weeks 1-3 Lesson 1 / 9/5 – 9/15(9 days)
Weeks 4 & 5 Lesson 2 / 9/18 – 9/29(10 days)
Weeks 6 & 7 Lesson 4 / 10/2 – 10/13(10 days)
Weeks 8 & 9 Lesson 5
Essential Question
SL.6.4 / How can the choices you make affect relationships with other people? / Why is teamwork important? / What is the difference between hearing and listening? / How can people communicate through the arts?
Skill/Strategy / Understanding Character: 1T 16-18
Questioning: 1T 16-18 / Author’s Purpose: 1T 92-94
Inferring/ Predicting: 1T 92-94 / Story Structure: 1T 240-242
Monitor/Clarify: 1T 240-242 / Fact and Opinion: 1T 316-318
Summarize: 1T 316-318
Teacher Read Aloud
SL.6.1 / Kids in Print: 1T 12-13 / The Assignment: 1T 88-89 / An Acorn’s Worth: 1T 236-237 / Book…Camera…Action!: 1T 312-313
Target Vocabulary / disclose, editorial, literary, manuscript, maze, muted, pressuring, publishing, revisions, wry: 1T 13-15 / contested, culprit, deprived, employed, grimly, mentor, miraculous, pursuit, scholastic, tumult: 1T 89-91 / accustomed, clamor, clustered, coaxed, doleful, swiveled, torrent, transmission, urgent, void:
1T 237-239 / aptly, aspect, credit, genuinely, innovation, parallel predominantly, tendency, tension, welfare:
1T 313-315
Text / The School Story: 1T 18-29 / Knots in My Yo-yo String: 1T 94-105 / The ACES Phone: 1T 242-251 / The Myers Family: 1T 318-326
Fluency Modeling / Accuracy: 1T 46 / Phrasing; Pauses: 1T 120 / Rate: 1T 270 / Expression: 1T 342
Speaking & Listening / Your Turn: 1T 32 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 1T 41
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 1T 45
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 1T 108 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts:1T 115
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 1T 119
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 1T 258 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 1T 265
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 1T 269
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 1T 330 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 1T 337
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 1T 341
SL.6.1, SL.6.4
Word Study / Short Vowels: 1T 48-49
VCCV Patterns: 1T 75
Prefixes: dis-, ex-, inter- non-: 1T 72-74 / Long vowels (ea/ē, y/ ī, i/ē): 1T 122-123
VCV Patterns: 1T 149
Suffixes: -er, -or, -ar, -ist, -ian:1T 146-148 / Vowel + /r/: 1T 272-273
VCCCV Patterns: 1T 299
Prefixes: de-, trans-: 1T 296-298 / Homophones: 1T 344-355
Homophones: 1T 375
References Sources: 1T 372-374
Skill/Strategy / Understanding Character
Questioning / Author’s Purpose
Inferring/ Predicting / Story Structure
Monitor/Clarify / Fact and Opinion
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include... / ●Writing from shared reading
●Word Study skills practice
●Target Vocabulary practice / ●Re-reading anchor text for fluency or comprehension practice


JSD 2017

6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 8/16 - 9/1 (13 days)
Weeks 1-3 Lesson 1 / 9/5 – 9/15 (9 days)
Weeks 4 & 5 Lesson 2 / 9/18 – 9/29 (10 days)
Weeks 6 & 7 Lesson 4 / 10/2 – 10/13 (10 days)
Weeks 8 & 9 Lesson 5
Writing Focus
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9 / Narrative
Focus trait: Voice / Argument
Focus trait: Voice & Ideas / Argument
Focus trait: Organization / Narrative
Focus trait: Organization & Word Choice
Grammar / Complete Sentences 1T 50-52 / Kinds of sentences 1T 124-126 / Common & proper nouns 1T 274-276 / Other nouns 1T 346-348
Recommended Pacing Structure:
Day 1– Introduce and Read Model Text
Day 2 - 4–Focus Trait Lessons/Practice
Day 5 – Brainstorm and Plan(prewriting)
Day 6-7– Drafting (Day 4 & 5 in Journeys Plan)
Day 8– Revising & Peer Revision
Day 9 – Editing, Peer Assess & Submit
Day 10– Author Sharing
Resourcesare aligned to benchmark pacing and not necessarily Journey’s texts. Can jump ahead for curriculum instruction and support as needed. / Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 1T 54
Projectables / 1.7
LLG / 272/273
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 12 (1T 55)
36 (1T 203)
5 / Projectables / 2.8 (1T 129)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 2T 54, 2T 202
Projectables / 6.78.7a
LLG / 284/285; 286/287
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 72 (2T 55)
96 (2T 203)
5 / Projectables / 8.8 (2T 203)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 2T 126, 2T 276
Projectables / 7.7a, b9.7
LLG / 288/289; 290/291
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 84 (2T 127)
5 / Grab & Go Additional Resources / 25
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 1T 278, 1T 350
Projectables / 4.7
LLG / 278/279; 280/281
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 48 (1T 279)
60 (1T 351)
5 / Projectables / 4.8 (1T 280)
5.7 (1T 352)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
●Benchmark 1- (Oct.)
●Journeys Weekly Tests / ●F & P
●Running Records / ●Writing Samples
●Newsela.com / ●Shell Leveled Texts
●Other Journeys texts not listed here


JSD 2017

6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 11/6 – 11/17(10 days)
Weeks 10-12 Lesson 17 / 11/20 – 12/1(8 days)
Weeks 13 & 14 Lesson 18 / 12/4 -12/15(10 days)
Weeks 15 & 16 Lesson 19 / 12/18 – 1/12(14 days)
Weeks 17 & 18 Lesson 20
Essential Question
SL.6.4 / How can people use clues to learn about ancient cultures? / What is special about characters in myths? / What was life like in ancient Egypt? / What do we know today about volcanoes that people in ancient times did not?
Skill/Strategy / Fact/Opinion:4T 88
Questioning:4T 89 / Story Structure:4T 164, 169
Infer/Predict:4T 165, 168 / Cause and Effect:4T 240
Monitor/Clarify:4T 241 / Main Idea and Details:4T 316
Visualize:4T 317
Teacher Read Aloud
SL.6.1 / Qin’s Brain: The Man Behind the Emperor: 4T 84 / The Flight of the Icarus 4T 160 / The Scribes of Ancient Egypt: 4T 236 / Vesuvius: Tales from an EyeWitness: 4T 312
Target Vocabulary / archaeologists, dignified, mythical, precede, elaborate, replicas, temperaments, distinct, lustrous, excavate: 4T 86-87 / steadfast, somber, labyrinth, rash, unravels, fury, bitterly, massive, embrace, abandon: 4T 162 / divine, ceremonial, fragments, pondered, supportive, erected, mission, prosperity, emerge, depicted:4T 242 / tremors, subjected, dormant, outlying, salvage, unaffected, opulent, meager, luxurious: 4T 314
Text / The Emperor’s Silent Army:4T 91 / The Hero and the Minotaur:4T 166 / The Princess Who Became King:4T 242 / Bodies from the Ash4T 318
Fluency Modeling / Accuracy:4T 111, 188 / Expression:4T 175, 187, 194 / Adjust Rate to Purpose: 4T 263, 270 / Intonation:4T 344
Speaking & Listening / Your Turn:4T 106SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 4T 113
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 4T 116
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 4T 182 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts:4T 189
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 4T 192
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 4T 258 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 4T 265
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 4T 268
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 4T 344 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 4T 339
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 4T 342
SL.6.1, SL.6.4
Word Study / Suffixes: -able/-ible, -ate: 4T 120
Common Suffixes: 4T 119
Word Families-:4T 114 / /sh/: 4T 196
/sh/ & /zh/ in final syllables: 4T 195
Suffixes: -ful, -less, -ly, -ness, -ment, -ship: 4T 190 / Plurals: 4T 272
VV pattern: 4T 271
Greek roots and Affixes:4T 266 / Prefixes: dis-, ex-, inter-:4T 346
More Common Prefixes: 4T 345
Prefixes: un-,re-,in-,im-,ir-, il-:4T 340
Skill/Strategy / Fact/Opinion
Questioning / Story Structure
Infer/ Predict / Cause and Effect
Monitor and Clarify / Main Idea and Details
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include... / ●Writing from shared reading
●Word Study skills practice
●Target Vocabulary practice / ●Re-reading anchor text for fluency or comprehension practice


JSD 2017

6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 11/6 – 11/17 (10 days)
Weeks 10-12 Lesson 17 / 11/20 – 12/1 (8 days)
Weeks 13 & 14 Lesson 18 / 12/4 -12/15 (10 days)
Weeks 15 & 16 Lesson 19 / 12/18 – 1/12 (14 days)
Weeks 17 & 18 Lesson 20
Writing Focus
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9 / Informative
Focus trait: Word Choice & Voice / Narrative
Focus trait: Voice & Ideas / Narrative
Focus trait: Ideas & Organization / Informative
Focus trait: Word Choice &
Grammar / More Kinds of Pronouns4T 122-124 / Adjectives/Adverbs4T 198/199 / Punctuation4T 274-276 / Prepositions/Phrases4T 348-350
Recommended Pacing Structure:
Day 1 – Introduce and Read Model Text
Day 2 - 4–Focus Trait Lessons/Practice
Day 5 – Brainstorm and Plan (prewriting)
Day 6-7– Drafting (Day 4 & 5 in Journeys Plan)
Day 8– Revising & Peer Revision
Day 9 – Editing, Peer Assess & Submit
Day 10– Author Sharing
Resources are aligned to benchmark pacing and not necessarily Journey’s texts. Can jump ahead for curriculum instruction and support as needed. / Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 3T 56;
4T 126
Projectables / 11.7;
LLG / 292/293;
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 156 (3T 57)
228 (4T 127)
5 / Projectables / 11.8(3T 57)
17.8(4T 127)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 1T 202/203
Projectables / 3.7
LLG / 276/277
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 36 (1T 203)
5 / Projectables / 3.8 (1T 203)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 6T 88/89
Projectables / 27.5
LLG / 324/325
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 370 (6T 89)
5 / Projectables / 27.6 (6T 89)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
Use “Field Notes” on Egypt reading. / Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 4T 50; 4T 202
Projectables / 16.7;
LLG / 302/303;
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 216 (4T 51)
240 (4T 203)
5 / Grab & Go Additional Resources / 32
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
●Benchmark 2- (Jan.)
●Journeys Weekly Tests / ●F & P
●Running Records / ●Writing Samples
●Newsela.com / ●Shell Leveled Texts
●Other Journeys texts not listed here


JSD 2017

6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 2/5 – 2/16(10 days)
Weeks 19-21 Lesson 12 / 2/20 – 3/2(9 days)
Weeks 22 & 23 Lesson 13 / 3/5 – 3/16(10 days)
Weeks 24 & 25 Lesson 21 / 3/19 – 3/30(10 days)
Weeks 26 & 27 Lesson 23
Essential Question
SL.6.4 / How do people react to emergencies in different ways? / What drives people to explore remote places? / How does a new friendship affect an old one? / How did the courageous acts of people in the past affect history?
Skill/Strategy / Story Structure3T 94, 96, 111
Infer/Predict3T 95-111 / Main Idea & Details3T 172, 174, 181
Monitor/Clarify3T 173-185 / Compare and Contrast 5T 16, 29
Infer/Predict5T 17 / Cause and Effect5T 166, 168, 179
Analyze/Evaluate5T 167, 172, 174
Teacher Read Aloud
SL.6.1 / An Unexpected Adventure3T 90 / Discovering the Northwest Passage
3T 168 / Ninth-Grade Rules 5T 12 / Denmark: A Nation of Heroes 5T 162
Target Vocabulary / jostled, careening, relishing, falter, supple, taut, frail, engulf, frayed, undulating 3T 90-93; 117 / sacrificed, frigid, equivalent, participants, durable, expanse, deduced, affirmed, culmination, prime3T 168-171; 191 / blurted, spiteful, scrounged, eventually, comprehension, abrupt, exhilaration, oracle, stable, jeopardy5T 14 / subsided, strident, intently, implored, scornfully, warily, confronting, exasperated, contempt, occupying
5T 164
Text / Airborn3T 94-111 / Onward3T 174-185 / All Alone in the Universe5T 18 / Number the Stars 5T 166-179
Fluency Modeling / Expression 3T 90, 109 / Stress 3T 168, 183, 202 / Phrasing: Punctuation 5T 44 / Pauses 5T 162, 177
Speaking & Listening / Your Turn:3T 114-115SL. 6.1, W.6.9
Compare Texts: 3T 121
W.6.4, W.6.9, SL.6.1
Extend the Topic: 3T 124-125
SL.6.1, SL.6.4, W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9 / Your Turn:3T 188 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 3T 197
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 3T 201-201
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 5T 32 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts:5T 39
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 5T 42
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 5T 182 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 5T 183
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 5T 192-193
SL.6.1, SL.6.4
Word Study / Prefix in-, im-, ir-, il-:3T 128-129
Common Prefixes:3T 127
Prefixes en-, ad-:3T 122-123 / More words with -ion:3T 204-205
Consonant Alternations:3T 203
Figures of Speech:3T 198-199 / Prefixes pre-, pro-: 5T 45
Prefixes per-, pre-, pro-: 5T 46
Word Relationships: 5T 40 / Suffixes: -ic, -ure, -ous:5T 196-197
More Suffixes:5T 195
Using Context:5T 190-191
Skill/Strategy / Story Structure
Infer/Predict / Main Idea & Details
Monitor/Clarify / Compare and Contrast
Infer/Predict / Cause and Effect
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include... / ●Writing from shared reading
●Word Study skills practice
●Target Vocabulary practice / ●Re-reading anchor text for fluency or comprehension practice


JSD 2017

6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 2/5 – 2/16 (10 days)
Weeks 19-21 Lesson 12 / 2/20 – 3/2 (9 days)
Weeks 22 & 23 Lesson 13 / 3/5 – 3/16 (10 days)
Weeks 24 & 25 Lesson 21 / 3/19 – 3/30 (10 days)
Weeks 26 & 27 Lesson 23
Writing Focus
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9 / Informative
Focus trait: Voice / Informative
Focus trait: Organization / Argument
Focus trait: Voice / Argument
Focus trait: Ideas
Grammar / Using Pronouns Correctly3T 130-133 / Simple and Perfect Tenses3T 206-209 / Progressive Forms5T 48-51 / Contractions5T 198-201
Recommended Pacing Structure:
Day 1 – Introduce and Read Model Text
Day 2 - 4–Focus Trait Lessons/Practice
Day 5 – Brainstorm and Plan (prewriting)
Day 6-7– Drafting (Day 4 & 5 in Journeys Plan)
Day 8– Revising & Peer Revision
Day 9 – Editing, Peer Assess & Submit
Day 10– Author Sharing
Resources are aligned to benchmark pacing and not necessarily Journey’s texts. Can jump ahead for curriculum instruction and support as needed. / Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 3T 134
Projectables / 12.7a
LLG / 294/295
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 168(3T 135)
5 / Projectables / 12.8(3T135)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 3T 210
Projectables / 13.7a
LLG / 296/297
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 180(3T 211)
5 / Projectables / 13.8(3T 211)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 5T 52
Projectables / 21.7, 21.8
LLG / 312/313
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 300(5T 53)
5 / Projectables / 21.9(5T 53)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 5T 202
Projectables / 23.7a
LLG / 316/317
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 324(5T 203)
5 / Projectables / 23.8(5T 203)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
●Benchmark 3 - (March)
●Journeys Weekly Tests / ●F & P
●Running Records / ●Writing Samples
●Newsela.com / ●Shell Leveled Texts
●Other Journeys texts not listed here


JSD 2017

6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 4/9 – 5/11(10 days)
Weeks 28-30 Lesson 24 / 5/14 – 5/25(10 days)
Weeks 31 & 32 Lesson 15 / 5/29 – 6/8(9 days)
Weeks 33 & 34 Lesson 26 / 6/11 – 6/22(10 days)
Weeks 35-37 Lesson 29
Essential Question
SL.6.4 / How have people in history worked hard to achieve their goals? / How has technology helped people learn about Earth and space? / What are some effects of sending objects into space? / Why is it important that we respect wild animals?
Skill/Strategy / Author’s Purpose5T 240, 255
Questioning5T 241 / Text and graphic features3T 327, 337
Analyze/Evaluate3T 329, 336 / Main Idea and Details6T 13, 14
Questioning6T 16 / Persuasion6T 155
Monitor/Clarify6T 155, 165
Teacher Read Aloud / An Important March5T 236 SL.6.1 / Moon Machines3T 318 SL.6.1 / Why Explore Space?6T 10 SL.6.1 / Animal Sports Stars6T 152SL.6.1
Target Vocabulary / intention, retorted, motioned, inexplicable, legitimate, hoarding, gnarled, destination, inconsolable, guttural:5T 238 / lunar, hovering, ascent, likelihood, impending, perilous, option, presumably, unpredictability, random:3T 320 / pressuring, employed, miraculous, impaired, submitted, urgent, void, tendency, tension, innovation:6T 12 / majestic, destiny, temperaments, fury. massive, embrace, supportive, prosperity, outlying, unaffected:6T 174
Text / Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad5T 242 / Team Moon3T 336 / Space Trash6T 14 / Elephants of the Savannah6T 156
Fluency Modeling / Expression 5T 249, 272 / Intonation3T 350 / Fluency 6T 34 / Expression 6T 152, 161, 167, 178
Speaking & Listening / Your Turn: 5T 260SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 5T 267
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 5T 270
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 3T 338 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts: 3T 345
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 3T 348
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn:6T 28
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Compare Texts:T6 25 SL. 6.1
Extend the Topic:6T 33
SL.6.1, SL.6.4 / Your Turn: 6T 172 SL. 6.1
Compare Texts:6T 169
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9
Extend the Topic: 6T 176
SL.6.1, SL.6.4
Word Study / Prefixes: de-, trans- 5T 274
Prefixes: con-, com-,pre-, pro-5T 268
Common Prefixes5T 273 / final /iz/, /iv/, /ij/ sounds3T 351
Common Final Syllables3T 351
Reference Sources3T 346 / Words from Other Languages6T 36
Analogies6T 30
Spelling Patterns in Words from Other Languages6T 35 / Greek and Latin Word Parts 6T 180
Recognizing Prefix Forms6T 179
Greek and Latin Word Roots6T 174
Skill/Strategy / Author’s Purpose
Questioning / Text and graphic features
Analyze/ Evaluate / Main Idea and Details
Questioning / Persuasion
Independent Practice / Independent Practice during Small Group instruction may include... / ●Writing from shared reading
●Word Study skills practice
●Target Vocabulary practice / ●Re-reading anchor text for fluency or comprehension practice


JSD 2017

6th Grade Curriculum Map – D Track

ACRONYMS: T= Journeys Teacher Edition (the number before T indicates the unit), TE = Teacher Edition, LLG= Literacy and Language Guide, All standard listed on this document are key standards

Pacing / 4/9 – 5/11 (10 days)
Weeks 28-30 Lesson 24 / 5/14 – 5/25 (10 days)
Weeks 31 & 32 Lesson 15 / 5/29 – 6/8 (9 days)
Weeks 33 & 34 Lesson 26 / 6/11 – 6/22 (10 days)
Weeks 35-37 Lesson 29
Writing Focus
W.6.4, W.6.8, W.6.9 / Argument
Focus trait: Ideas & Word Choice / Informative
Focus trait: Ideas & Voice / Narrative
Focus trait: Word Choice / Narrative
Focus trait: Sensory Detail
Grammar / Proper Mechanics5T 352-355 / Regular and Irregular Verbs3T 355 / Titles and Abbreviations6T 38 / Commas in longer sentences6T 182
Recommended Pacing Structure:
Day 1 – Introduce and Read Model Text
Day 2 - 4–Focus Trait Lessons/Practice
Day 5 – Brainstorm and Plan (prewriting)
Day 6-7– Drafting (Day 4 & 5 in Journeys Plan)
Day 8– Revising & Peer Revision
Day 9 – Editing, Peer Assess & Submit
Day 10– Author Sharing
Resources are aligned to benchmark pacing and not necessarily Journey’s texts. Can jump ahead for curriculum instruction and support as needed. / Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 5T 280
5T 356
Projectables / 24.7
LLG / 318/319; 320/321
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 336(5T 281)
348 (5T 357)
5 / Projectables / 24.8(5T 281)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 3T 284, 285
3T 358
Projectables / 14.7
LLG / 298/299;
300/ 301
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 192(3T 285)
204 (3T 359)
5 / Projectables / 15.7 (3T 360)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 6T 40
Projectables / 26.5
LLG / 328/329;
330/ 331
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 359 (6T 41)
5 / Projectables / 26.6 (6T 41)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
/ Day / Resource / Page #
1 / TE / 6T 184
Projectables / 29.5
LLG / 274/275
2 - 4 / Reader’s Notebook / 392 (6T 185)
5 / Projectables / 29.6 (6T 186)
8 - 9 / JSD Rubrics
Grab & Go Additional Resources / JSD Website
7, 8, 9
Any / Write Smart Interactive student models / Use resource as needed (Can use to compare strong and weak models)
●Journeys Weekly Tests / ●F & P / ●Running Records / ●Writing Samples
●Newsela.com / ●Shell Leveled Texts
●Other Journeys texts not listed here


JSD 2017