Pine Ridge Elementary Phone Directory
School office 352-242-2223
(7:30 am – 4:00 pm)
School Fax352-242-2818
My teacher352-242-2223
ELC-Extended Learning352-242-2481
Lake Co. Schools Main352-253-6500
Office – Tavares
Transportation –Bus Lot352-429-2095
School Care Room-Nurse352-242-2223, ext. 2115
Guidance Counselors352-242-2223, ext. 2121 or 2119
ESE Clerk352-242-2223, ext. 2123
Pine Ridge Elem.
Lake Co. Schools Websites
Welcome to Pine Ridge Elementary School! Pine Ridge Bears know that Character Counts! They strive to be Caring, Responsible, Trustworthy, Respectful, Fair, and Good Citizens. Take time to read this handbook with your parents. It explains the rules and procedures all students need to follow to have a safe and successful year at Pine Ridge.
Absences/Attendance – It is important that you are in school every day. Students are only excused for illness, appearance in court, death or serious illness of a family member, and religious holidays. An unexcused absence is recorded until the school receives a written, dated excuse from a parent or guardian explaining the absence. If family business should require a student to miss school a few days, a prearranged absence must be requested in writing from an administrator. No more than 5 prearranged days are excused each year. You are always responsible for making up work missed.
Agendas and Homework Folders – First through fifth graders have a student planner that must be signed nightly by a parent. Kindergarteners will take home a weekly folder to be signed. Both are excellent ways to keep your parents informed of what you are doing in school and help you become a more responsible student.
BEAR FACTS – Check out our school newsletter at
Bear Patrol – This group of fifth grade students provides volunteer service to the school. Patrol members must keep up their grades and set an example of good behavior. Bear patrol members help keep students safe in the halls, in the Green Swamp, at the bus area, and at the car rider area.
Breakfast – The school offers a breakfast each morning ½ hour prior to the tardy bell. Breakfast is $1.00.A reduced cost plan and free breakfast is available for those who qualify. Car riders who eat breakfast at school must arrive to the cafeteria no later than 8:15 a.m.
Bullying – We do not tolerate bullies at Pine Ridge. If you see or hear another student hurting or harming someone, calling other people names, excluding others from an activity, or making another student feel uncomfortable or unwanted in any way, it is most important that you tell an adult. Do not feel bad about telling. That’s how we can begin to solve the problem.
Buses – Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. Students who do not follow the bus rules may receive a bus referral. If you receive more than one referral, you may be suspended from riding the bus. All Lake County students will be taught safe and acceptable behavior on a school bus. If the bus has seat belts, buckle up! Always stay seated. Talk quietly.
Cafeteria rules – Students are expected to show good manners in the cafeteria. We want you to be able to talk but you must remember to do so quietly. You must also stay in your seat, raise your hand if you need help, and clean up your area before leaving. Make the cafeteria a very pleasant place in which to eat.
Car Riders – Car riders will approach the school through the car rider drive at the north end of our campus.Students will be dropped off and picked up only in the designated covered areadirectly in front of the school office. This area will be supervised ½ hour before school and approximately ½ hour after school. Parents are asked to remain in their cars, slowly approach the loading/unloading area, and keep your same place in the line until your child has exited or entered your car. The Bear Patrol members and staff members will assist the students in or out of the car. Parents need to display their pick up ID cards on the passenger’s side dash and pull forward all the way. For the safety and courtesy of others, cell phone usage is not allowed in the car rider line. ABSOLUTELY NO CARS SHOULD BE USING THE BUS AREA FOR DROP OFFS. Allow plenty of time in the morning so that you can make it to your classroom by 8:30 A.M.
Cell Phones - According to county policy, cell phones are allowed only if they remain out of sight in your backpack and are turned off during the school day and on the bus to and from school.
Checks – We are unable to accept personal checks for purchases made through the school such as t-shirts, field trips and yearbooks. We are able to accept cash, money order or cashier’s check. This does not apply to PTO events and the cafeteria.
Class treats need to be store bought – We love to celebrate! To honor your child’s birthday or donate to a class party, please contribute pre-packaged, store bought goods only. We appreciate your observance of this policy; we are unable to serve home baked goods.
Discipline – School is safer when all students follow the rules. If you have trouble following your classroom or school rules, an adult will remind you of what you need to do. If you continue to misbehave, you may be given time out, have privileges taken away, be sent to another room to work for awhile, have your parents called, or be sent to the office to discuss your problem with the principal or assistant principal. For serious behavior problems you may have a Wednesday detention, in-school suspension or be suspended from school. It is hoped that each student will try to do his or her best so that the only consequences for behavior are good ones.
Dress – All students must adhere to the county dress code. At Pine Ridge, we will strictly follow the policy outlined in the Lake County Schools Code of Student Conduct & Policy Guide. Show your school spirit by wearing your PRES shirt!
ELC – Pine Ridge has an Extended Learning Center Program housed in the cafeteria that operates from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and after school until 6:00 P.M. Students arriving on campus before 8:00 A.M. will be expected to enroll in ELC. You may enroll at any time. Your parents need to see the site coordinator to inquire about activities, fees, and enrollment.
Field Trips – Teachers may plan several field trips during the year as part of the educational program. They will notify your parents well in advance of the trip. You must have a signed permission slip and payment in by the due date in order to go on the trip.
Grades – Report cards will be sent home after each 9 weeks’ grading period. In addition you will receive a mid-term progress report. Parents need to sign the report envelope and return it to school promptly. Parents can check grades on-line at any time with eSembler.
Guidance Services – Our guidance counselors offer individual, small group, and classroom guidance and counseling to all our students. Arranging for testing and placement of students in special programs is also a responsibility of this department.
Gumand Candy – Chewing gum and candy are not allowed at school. Teachers may use candy as an occasional reward or as part of a lesson.
Homework – You should read at least 20 minutes each night. A good rule for the amount of homework that a student should be doing is 10 minutes for each grade. Parents should monitor homework. It is an excellent way to keep in touch with your studies at school.
Insurance – Your parents will have the opportunity to buy school insurance for you at the beginning of the school year. Insurance will help pay if you get hurt while at school. 24 hour coverage is available at a reasonable rate.
Library Books – Students are encouraged to read, read, read. You may check out books from our media center. Books must be returned on time so other students can use them. You must pay for a book if it is lost or destroyed.
Lice – These critters can be a big problem at a school because anyone can become infested. Head checks will be held on Mondays. If you have nits (eggs) or live lice, you will be sent home and may not return to school until you’ve been treated and all nits are removed. You should not share combs, brushes, or headgear.
Lost and Found – Have your parents write your name on your lunch box and in your sweaters and jackets. That way they can be returned to you if found. If you have lost something, please check with the office. At the end of each nine weeks the articles not claimed from Lost and Found will be donated to charity.
Lunch – Students are encouraged to pay for lunches in advance as our computer system allows money to be placed on account for each child. Go to to set up an account. Free and reduced plans are available for families who qualify. These forms are sent home the first week of school. Lunch costs $1.90. ($.40 for reduced). If you bring your own lunch, please include your own silverware and napkin. Students who forget their lunch or lunch money may ask their teacher to make a phone call to their parent. A complimentary lunch of a sandwich and milk will be provided to students who forget their lunch money.
Mascot – Our mascot is the bear. The native bear is the Florida Black Bear.
Medication – A trained person in the office will dispense medication, if needed, during the day. An adult must bring the medicine to school in the original container with the current prescription label. A form for each medication to be given must be completed by your parent. Students are not allowed to carry non-prescription or prescription medicine with them. Even cough drops must be left in the office.
PBS -Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a school-wide behavior support system. PBS is proactive, educative, and reinforcement-based. PBS prevents inappropriate behaviors by developing consistent procedures and teaching procedures and expectations. As positive behaviors are reinforced, negative behaviors are significantly reduced. Our guiding principles are based on the “Paws for Success”: Be Prepared, Eager to Learn, Accept Responsibility, and Respect Everyone.
Physical Education –The state requires 150 minutes of PE weekly. All students will be expected to participate unless they have a written excuse from their parent. If you must sit out for lengthy periods of time due to illness, an excuse from the doctor is needed.
School Colors –Green and gold are our school’s colors. Green stands for nature and growth. Gold represents academic achievement.
School Hours – Classes start at 8:30 A.M. and end at 3:00 P.M. daily except for Wednesday. On Wednesdays, school is dismissed at 2:00 P.M.
Single Point of Entry – For safety purposes, our school campus is completely fenced in during the school day. Visitors must park in the lot in front of the school and check in through the main office. In the morning, two doors are open from the car rider area admitting students on campus. Only bus students should enter from the bus loading zone area.
Student Check Out Procedures – If your parents need to check you out from school early, they must go to the office to do so. Until they get to know your parents, the office staff will ask to see their ID. Only authorized adults will be allowed to sign you out. Your parents should send a note in advance if they know you will need to leave early. There will be no students signed out in the last thirty minutes of school. Early sign-outs are counted the same as tardies.
Tardiness – Being prompt is a life skill that is learned by example. You are expected to be in your classroom when the tardy bell rings at 8:30 A.M. Students with tardies or early sign-outs will not be eligible for a perfect attendance award as you are missing valuable school time.
School Messenger – This is our automated phone calling system which is capable of sending messages to each home between 6:00 and 9:00 each evening. In case of a school wide emergency this system can also be used to notify parents. Please listen to the messages. It is one way we try to stay in touch with families.
Terrific Kids – The South Lake Kiwanis Club sponsors this program to honor one student from each class each week. Your parents are invited to the ceremony when you are the Terrific Kid.
Textbooks – Lake County Schools loans you textbooks each year to help in your studies. It is expected that you will take good care of your books and return them in clean, unmarked, condition. If a book is lost or destroyed, you must pay for it.
Toys/Radios/Walkman/CD players, etc. – School is a place to learn, not to play with toys brought from home. Toys, CD players, MP3 players, I-Pods, radios, trading cards, etc. brought to school will be taken away from the student and returned only if a parent comes to school to pick up the item(s). The school is not responsible if these items are brought to school and lost, stolen, or broken.
Transportation Arrangements – Your parents must send a note with you in the morning if you are going home in a different than usual way. We ask that for your safety changes are not made by phone during the day.
T-Shirts – Adults and students may purchase Pine Ridge T-shirts from the school office.
Visitors – Visitors and parents are always welcome at Pine Ridge. They must first check in with the office and receive a visitor’s sticker. If you see a stranger without a visitor sticker, please tell your teacher.
Volunteers – We love our VITAL Volunteers! Anyone wishing to help needs to sign up in the front office and be approved by the district. We ask that volunteers sign in and out, record their time, and always wear their volunteer badge while on campus. Parents are asked to volunteer at least 4 hours per year. Field trip chaperones need to sign up 6 weeks prior to the trip. Volunteers must follow the dress code for Lake County students.
Withdrawal – If you move, your parent must come to school to let us know. All library books and textbooks must be returned. Your new school must request your records.
WPRE – This is our very own Pine Ridge TV station. A student produced news program airs each morning.