Full Governing Body Meeting
No5Minutes of the Hilltop & Kelford Schools Federated Governing Body
Special Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 10th February 2015 at 10.30am at Kelford School
Mr N Whittaker
Mrs S Shelley
Mr W Carratt
Mrs C Phillips
Dr F Hendry
Mr D Trickett
Mrs L Heeley
Mr R Mulvey
Miss V Drew
Mrs C Southwell-Clerk to Governing Body
1.1To receive apologies
Previously the Strategic Committee had been suspended whilst the application for Academy status had been ongoing. Following the withdrawal of the academy application the Governing Body had noted that the work of the Chairs and Strategic committees did overlap. Therefore on 30th September 2015 it had been agreed that the Chairs and Strategic Committees should merge to form one committee. This meeting had been planned as the first meeting of that committee but due to the urgent discussions required by the Full Governing Body in light of the Head Techer’s resignation this meeting had been opened to all Governors available as a Special Meeting of the Governing Body. Due to the short notice of this meeting all absences were deemed to be approved and all apologies were accepted
Resolved:That the information is received and the apologies accepted.
Action Point:
2.1To agree additional items of urgent business for consideration at item below.
a) Decision made by Governing Body
b)Letter to the Director Ian Thomas with regard to the SEN review
c)Childcare Disqualification Declarations
d)Kelford School Prescribed Alterations
Resolved:That items a) & b) be dealt with immediately and that item c) & d) be dealt with at item 6 on this agenda
a) Decision made by Governing Body
A Governor challenged why the Governing Body had made the decision to have two Head Teachers rather than staying with the position of Executive Head Teacher? He felt that there was evidence and research showed that schools were more successful when there was an Executive Head Teacher in place and he personally felt that federated schools were better than individual schools. He felt that the Governing Body were rushing the decision.
A Governor questioned with regard to the research looked at? The Governor stated that all schools that were not successful with a single Head Teacher were forced into federations and academies. Governors agreed that the schools would still have the security of the Federated Governing Body and that the schools would still work closely together.
Governors responded that they felt that the discussions with regard to this took place at the previous meeting. At that meeting all Governors had felt that it was important for each school to have its own Head Teacher for a period of time. The Governing Body would remain Federated and this would give both schools chance to build stronger relationships within their own learning communities and if other partnerships became possible then the option of appointing an Executive Head Teacher would still be possible. They did feel that they were having to make quick decisions with regard to the advertisement of the position for a Head Teacher at Hilltop School but it was noted that the earlier the advert is circulated the better the applications and also that to allow an applicant already placed in a school to be released for September 2015 it was important to get the advert out and go through the process as quickly as possible to allow them time to hand in their notice and also work with Mrs Nartey during the summer term. The appointment schedule would also allow time for a further appointment process to take place if necessary i.e. if a current Deputy Head Teacher at either school was appointed to the new position of Head Teacher, there would still be time to carry out an application process for the position of Deputy before the deadline of resignation on 31st May 2015. Mrs Nartey had agreed to be the Acting Head Teacher at Hilltop School until 31st August 2015. At Kelford School Mrs Tattershall had agreed to take on the Head Teacher position until 31st August 2016.
All Governors agreed that they wanted what was best for the schools and the pupils at the time of Mr Whittaker’s appointment to the Executive Head position Hilltop was going through a vast change of leadership due to the numerous retirements that were due. A strong leadership team is now in place and there are now many different models and possibilities available for both schools. Governors need to ensure that the correct decisions are being made as the schools continue to develop and move forward. All Governors felt that it was important that any doubts are raised now and discussed. Governors were asked since there had been time to reflect on the decision made on 30th January if there were any other questions or queries. A Governor questioned with regard to Mrs Nartey’s position and retirement. Mr Whittaker stated that Mrs Nartey had informed him that she did not want to become the Head Teacher but was very willing to be the Acting Head Teacher until 31st August 2015. Mr Whittaker felt that until the new Head Teacher appointment is made that it was difficult to discuss the future role for Mrs Nartey. It might be possible for Mrs Nartey to continue until her retirement in a different role in the school or in the Maltby Learning Community.
It was noted that a meeting had taken place with Mrs Tattershall that morning but at present the Governors had not met with Mrs Nartey.
Resolved:There the information be received
Action Point:
b)Letter to the Director Ian Thomas with regard to the SEN review
It had been discussed at the Full Governing Body meeting how the Governing Body could be engaged with the LA’s Strategic vision and planning. A further email with regard to the review had been received by Mr Whittaker and he had responded asking for the Governing Body or a group of Governors to be involved in that review process. At present no response had been received.
Resolved:There the information be received
Action Point:
3.1Governors were asked to declare any personal or business interests with any item on the agenda.
Resolved:There were no declarations of personal or business interest in relation to any item on the agenda.
Action Point:
4.1To review the minutes of the previous meeting of the committee from 8th September 2014 (Chairs Committee)
These minutes were reviewed
Resolved:That all actions had been completed and that there were no matters arising
From the Special Meeting of the Governing Body on 30th January 2015 the following actions were outstanding
Action Point:
1)Mr Whitaker to draft an advert for Head Teacher position at Hilltop School and circulate via email.
Resolved:To be dealt with as item 5.1 on this agenda
2)Mr Whittaker to draft a letter to all families and inform all staff by the end of next week.
3)Mr Whittaker to contact Karen Borthwick re: Selection Panel
Resolved:Completed. Elaine Shepherd has been allocated to assist with the procedure of the selection of a new Head Teacher for Hilltop School
4)Miss Hobson to invite all Governors to the next Strategic Committee meeting.
5.1Head Teacher Appointment – Advert and Accompanying Documents
Mr Whittaker talked Governors through the application process, the role of the Governors and LA and gave Governors an update with regard to the meeting that had taken place on 6th February 2015 with Dave Borthwick, Director of Schools First, who are the HR and Payroll provider for Hilltop School, and Elaine Shepherd the allocated LA Advisor appointed to assist with the appointment process. Mr Whittaker explained the checks that were carried out by the LA prior to the ratification of an appointment of a Head Teacher.
Mr Whittaker explained that DaveBorthwick will be dealing with the circulation any application forms and receiving and circulating applications to the panel. At the Governing Body meeting on 30th January 2015 it had been proposed that there would be five Governors on the appointment panel. This had been discussed with DaveBorthwick and Elaine Shepherd and the proposed panel should consist of the Chair and Vice-Chair, one of the Chairs from the Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Committee, and two Parent Governors who are Parents at Hilltop School. The structure of the panel was agreed by Governors.
The dates agreed with Dave Borthwick and Elaine Shepherd were also discussed:
- Advert published in TES & Rotherham and on school website by 20th February 2015
- Closing Date 16th March 2015
- Shortlisting 19th March 2015 – am
- Interviews – 23rd March 2015 – in school
24th March 2015 – formal interview at hotel
Governors discussed the application process and the involvement of all Governors on Monday 23rd March 2015, this day would involve tasks and applicant involvement in school. Governors discussed the possible events and it was agreed that Mr Whittaker should work with Elaine Shepherd and the Leadership Team at Hilltop School to develop a programme for the day.
A Full Governing Body meeting to ratify the appointment was also made for Tuesday 24th March 2015 at 6pm at Hilltop School.
A discussion took place with regard to the membership of the panel and the following members of the panel were agreed:
- Chair Mrs Carol Phillips
- Vice-ChairMr Warren Carratt
- C T&L Committee representativeMrs Caroline Firth
- Hilltop Parent GovernorsMrs Victoria Harrop
Mrs Rebecca Earp
Mr Whittaker had been asked to compose a draft advert for the position, this had been circulated prior to the meeting and was discussed in detail. Amendments were made as agreed.
The salary range and school ISR (group) was discussed. Mr Whittaker explained the calculations undertaken to determine the group range. The Job Description and Personal Specification requirements were also circulated and discussed. Mr Whittaker explained that it was difficult to make amendments to these documents as they are national documents taken from the School Teacher’s Pay and Conditions Documents and the National Standards for Head Teacher’s. The Personal Specification Document is an agreed document for the size and type of school.
A scoring system for judging application forms against the criteria was discussed and agreed.
The panel discussed the advertisement with TES and it was agreed that it was important to attract attention to the position so it was agreed to pay for the gold online package.
It was agreed that the Clerk would circulate all paperwork to panel for consideration and approval and once it is approved she would then ensure that the advert is published on the Rotherham Council website, the school website and the Teacher’s Education Supplement (TES) online site.
Mr Whittaker gave Governors and update from the meeting earlier in the morning with Mrs Tattershall with regard to her move of position to Head Teacher until 2016. The changes that would be required within the current structure of the Senior Leadership Team were also discussed and Governors approved the recommended changes to salary ranges and the appointment of a senior Deputy Head Teacher and two TLR positions to assist with leadership items. All these changes will be temporary changes until 31st August 2016.
Resolved:1)That Mr Whittaker works with Elaine Shepherd and Hilltop SLT to develop plan for interview days
2)Clerk to circulate advertisement documentation for approval and publish as necessary
Action Point:1)NW to develop plan for interview days
2)Clerk to arrange approval and publication of advertisement
5.2Confirmation of Panel for Appointment
Dealt with in item 5.1 on this agenda.
Action Point:
5.3Complaints Policy
As the Leadership & Management Committee had been reviewing this policy it was agreed that this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Leadership & Management Committee.
Resolved:That this item be added to the next meeting of the Leadership & Management Committee
Action Point:Clerk to action
5.4Reconstitution of Governing Body – Structure of Governing Body and Committees
Due to the time restraints of this meeting and the importance of this matter it was agreed that this matter should be dealt with at another Special Meeting of the Full Governing Body. Governors looked at the meeting planner and it was agreed to arrange a Full Governing Body prior to the Health & Wellbeing Committee meeting on Wednesday 25th February 2015. The Full Governing Body meeting would be at 10.30am and the Health & Wellbeing Committee meeting would follow on at approximately 12noon. The Clerk would confirm a location for this meeting and circulate the date to all Governors as soon as possible.
Resolved:That this item be deferred the next Special Meeting of the Full Governing Body on Wednesday 25th February 2015 at 10.30am
Action Point:Clerk to action
5.5Skills Audit
That this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Strategic Committee
Resolved:That this item be added to the next meeting of the Strategic Committee
Action Point:Clerk to action
5.6Blue Sky Thinking – School Year/Terms & Holidays
That this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Strategic Committee
Resolved:That this item be added to the next meeting of the Strategic Committee
Action Point:Clerk to action
5.7Three Year Financial Plan
That this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Strategic Committee
Resolved:That this item be added to the next meeting of the Strategic Committee
Action Point:Clerk to action
6.1To consider any other urgent business agreed by the governing body at item 2 on this agenda
Two items had been dealt with at item 2 on this agenda.
c)Childcare Disqualification Declarations
Mr Whittaker reported that further to the implantation of the new Childcare Disqualification Declaration Form 3 members of staff have been suspended at Kelford School and one member of staff will be suspended at Hilltop School whilst waivers were applied for. There are also two other members of staff where investigations were still ongoing. All suspensions were due to association – i.e. the member of staff had disclosed that a member his/her family had a conviction or caution which fell into the highlighted categories. Mr Whittaker explained the convictions were old assaults - i.e. pushing a police officer during the miner’s strike and also a conviction from 1972 prior to the member of staff even knowing the person. Mr Whittaker explained the difficult and uncomfortable position that it had put him and the relationship with members of staff into and the difficulty in obtaining the correct information to be given to staff. He also explained the implications of staffing within both schools and that training programmes had been cancelled due to the staffing crisis. Possible solutions were discussed but all felt that the strict guidance from Ofsted needed to be implemented and that it was important to apply for the waivers as soon as possible.
Resolved: That the information be received.
Action Point:
d)Kelford School Prescribed Alterations
The Clerk reported that at the meeting on 27th January 2015 Governors had requested the minutes from the Cabinet meeting in November 2014 where the Prescribed Alteration to Kelford place numbers had been discussed and also the minutes from the consultation meetings on 7th January 2015. The Clerk had been able to obtain these and circulated copies to governors.
Resolved: That the information be received.
Action Point:
7.1To consider the confidentiality of any items discussed during the meeting
Resolved:It was agreed that there were no confidential items
Action Points:
7.2To authorise publication of the above minutes in accordance with The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013
Resolved:That the minutes could be published in accordance with the above regulations
7.1To complete summary of meeting and agree key points
The summary document and key points were agreed
Resolved:That the summary document be completed
Action Points:
8.2To review the agenda for the next meeting of the committee
The Strategic Committee meeting arranged for 10th February 2015 at 10.30am at Kelford School has now been extended to a Full Governing Body Meeting so that all Governors can attend.
Resolved:That the information be received
Action Points: Clerk to inform all Governors
8.3To review meeting planner for coming year
The planner having been circulated with the agenda was agreed
Resolved:That the information be received
Action Points:
Hilltop and KelfordSchool Federation Governing Body Page 1
Printed 15/10/2018 Chair Initials