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Reef systems repair programme
Baffle basin, Burrum basin and Tinana creek sub-catchment:
ecological monitoring
Table of Contents
Reef systems repair programme
Terms of reference
Key performance indicators
Contractor skills and obligations
Project timeline and reporting
Burnett Mary Regional Group contacts
Map 1 Baffle basin project locations
Map 2 Burrum basin project locations
Map 3 Tinana Creek sub-catchment project locations
Request for tender response form
Contractor Details
Selection Criteria
Project Specific
Project Budget
Tender Conditions
Reef systems repair programme
Terms of reference
Reef systems repair programme: Baffle basin, Burrum basin, Tinana Creek sub-catchmentecological monitoring
The Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) is working with land managersin the Baffle basin, Burrum basin and Tinana Creek sub-catchmentto implementrestoration or protection works in riparian areas.These works are targeted to reduce sediment loads, improve the quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon and enhance biodiversity. The approach to this objective is focused upon targeting and eradicating feral pigs and weeds including Lantana camara (lantana), Dolichandra unguis-cati (cat’s claw creeper) and Cryptostegia grandiflora (rubber vine), implementing amended fire management regimes, riparian stabilisation, fencing of riparian areas and revegetation works.
A requirement of this programme is to establish ecological monitoring transectsforcertain projects. Monitoring is required before and after the works and the number of transects per site is dependent on the objective of the program. A standard form is provided for data collection by the Australian Government.Please follow this link to establish an understanding of the ecological monitoring requirements of the Australian Government.
To meet our monitoring obligations, BMRG require the services of an individual or company with appropriatebotanical skills, knowledge and demonstrated experience of field-based monitoring.
There are 29 sites in total that require ecological monitoringnoting that some projects have more than one monitoring site.Refer maps 1, 2 and 3 for project locations. Please contact BMRG (contact details pg. 4) for specific detail of projects with multiple monitoring sites as this may influence the tender budget.
Location / Monitoring sitesBaffle basin / 15
Burrum basin / 7
Tinana Creek / 7
BMRG has arranged with project partners and landholders for access to their properties for the purpose of undertaking ecological monitoring.
The successful tenderer must be capable of coordinating property visits and site access with landholders and provide immediate feedback to BMRG on any issues or difficulties encountered.
BMRG will consider tenders to undertake ecological monitoring for areas independently(part thereof) if a tenderer has specific knowledge in one of the areas over another, for example tenders to work only in the Baffle basin or the Burrum basin or Tinana Creek sub-catchment. BMRG will also consider tenders to work in a combination of the areas, e.g. Baffle basin as one area and Burrum basin / Tinana sub-catchment as another area. If submitting a part thereof tender please refer to the number of monitoring sites per basin or sub-catchment in order to prepare your tender.
Key performance indicators
- Complete ecological monitoring using the approved Australian Government method for 29sites or other combination depending on tender submitted.
- Provide ecological monitoring data to BMRG on a weekly basis, preferably by start of business each Monday.
- The ecological monitoring, collection of data using standard forms and submission of data for all sites to BMRG must be completed by 26 June 2015, with no possibility of extension.
Contractor skills and obligations
Provide BMRG with the details of each person, if more than one individual who will be undertaking these works; provide a copy of their CV detailing their skills, capacity and demonstrated experience to undertake these works; provide a copy of the Job Safety and Environment Analysis (JSEA) proforma used; provide BMRG with copy of all relevant insurance certificates.
Include with the tender submission to BMRG an initial timeframe indicating a proposed timeline for property visits for each basin or sub-catchment and when transects will be established for baseline monitoring, or follow-up or project completion ecological monitoring as required.BMRG will provide individual landholder contact details to the successful tenderer.
Project timeline and reporting
Tenders close:24 April 2015
Expected commencement date: 08 May 2015
Project Completion:26 June 2015
Burnett Mary Regional Group contacts
Key contact for further detail &
Authorised Representative:Kirsten Wortel
Biodiversity & Coastal Team Leader
Burnett Mary Regional Group
24/373Kent St, Maryborough, Qld 4650
Tender Submissions:Burnett Mary Regional Group
Ecological Monitoring Tender
PO Box 501, Bundaberg QLD 4670
Fax (07) 4154 1427
Map 1 Baffle basin project locations
Map 2Burrumbasin project locations
Map 3 Tinana Creek sub-catchment project locations
Request for tender response form
Activity: Baffle basin, Burrum basin, Tinana creek sub-catchment ecological monitoring
Contractor Details
Registered Trading Name:
Business Street Address:
Business Postal Address:
E-mail address:
Are you registered for GST? Yes No
Applicants are required to complete and submit the Request for Tender Response Form in the attached format. When addressing selection criteria applicants should refer to previous project successes.
The Registered Trading Name is to be entered on each page and all pages are to be signed and/or initialled where shown.
The information provided on this Request for Tender (RFT) Response Form will form the basis of the contract schedules if, after assessment, if this RFT is successful.
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Registered Trading Name: Initial:
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Registered Trading Name: Initial:
Selection Criteria
Project General
- Provide current documentation for Workers Compensation Insurance for nominated employees and other insurances including public liability ($20 million minimum), professional indemnity insurance anddriver’s license.
(Details and copies of all documents must be provided)
- Ability to supply the contact details of two referees from past projects.
(Provide details)
Project Specific
1.Demonstrated detailed knowledge of botany and ecologyin the region, with qualifications and/or demonstrated experience in-field is essential. Provide details for each individual who will be undertaking the work.
2.Prior demonstrated record of achievement in delivery of ecological monitoring projects.
3.Demonstrated experience working with landholders, community groups or other stakeholder groups.
4. Demonstrated experience in project management, with the ability to schedule and prioritise work and to effectively work independently to a negotiated schedule of milestones. Please note this contract must be completed by 26 June 2015. Attach additional pages at rear of tender form if space is insufficient.
5. Proposed project approach and budget.
As per activities and key performance indicators on page 4 please attach anindicative project planand proposed timeframes for delivery. The project plan should be capable of achieving and demonstration of these key project outcomes:
1.A timeframe and indicative landholder-liaised property visits to undertake ecological monitoring in each basin or sub-catchment;
2.Visit all properties and complete ecological monitoring requirements. Please provide ecological monitoring field data sheets as per the Australian Government’s ecological monitoring guide data in legible scanned pdf by start of business each Monday;
3.Provide tabulated tracking of property visits and monitoring completed, for example, baseline, project completion or annual on a weekly basis.
Project Budget
Ecological monitoring at 29 sites in total or as per a part thereof tender i.e. Baffle 15 sites, Burrum seven sites, Tinana Creek seven sites. If additional sites are required BMRG will renegotiate with the successful tenderer/s. Please respond to the following for the budget costs:
- hourly fee rate
- travel fees e.g. per km rate
- accommodation and meal allowance costs per day
- cost to undertake data capture on the approximate number of properties and transects (refer Maps 1, 2 and 3 for location of projects)
- totalproject costs for works of more than one (1) month duration.
Tender Conditions
Notwithstanding any provision in the tender conditions or any term of the proposed contract the Principal has an absolute discretion to negotiate with any tenderer, is not bound to accept the lowest tender (if applicable) or any tender and otherwise is under no obligation to any tenderer or other party not to conduct its affairs howsoever it wishes to achieve a contract or arrangement to its benefit.T1 / The Principal contracts only with recognised and acceptable legal entities. The Principal does not contract with firms under any form of external administration. Any tender submitted by an unincorporated business such as a sole trader, partnership, or business name must identify the legal entity that proposes to enter the contract.
T2 / Refer requests for information about the tender to the Principal’s authorised representative shown on the Tender Form.
T3 / Tenderers must nominate at least three contracts/projects completed within the last five years that demonstrate their ability to successfully undertake this scope of works.
T4 / Submit the Tender Form, Tender Schedules and other required documents or information by the date and time given in the advertisement or invitation.
Failure to meet this requirement may result in the Tender being passed over.
Lodge the Request for Tender Form and other required information via post, email or fax to Burnett Mary Regional Group, PO Box 501 Bundaberg QLD 4670, , Fax (07) 4154 1427 by the Tender Closing Time, shown on the Tender Form.
T5 / If applicable - The quoted lump sum or rates must include GST if it is payable.
T6 / In evaluating tenders, the Principal may take into consideration factors including, but not limited to: whole of life costs; ability to meet requirements of BMRG’s Procurement Policy; innovation; delivery time; quality offered; previous performance; experience; capability; occupational health and safety performance; industrial relations performance; environmental management performance; community relations; value adding including economic, social and environmental initiatives; and conformity.
T7 / The Principal may consider alternative tenders, provided they meet the scope, functional intent and design concept expressed in the request for tender document. Where an alternative tender is proposed, a detailed description of the alternative must be submitted, stating clearly the manner in which it differs from the requirements of the request for tender document. Alternative tenders will not be considered unless the tenderer has submitted a conforming tender.
T8 / The Principal is not bound to accept the lowest (if applicable) or any tender. Tenders which do not comply with any requirement of, or which contain conditions or qualifications not required or allowed by the request for tender document, may be passed over. The Principal may accept tenders that do not conform strictly to all requirements of the Tender document.
T9 / No Tender, or qualification or departure from a contract condition or specification, is accepted unless the Principal gives an acceptance or formal agreement in writing.
T10 / If, as a result of a request for clarification from a tenderer or for any other reason, the Principal issues an instruction amending the tender documents, the instruction will be issued in writing to all tenderers in the form of an Addendum, which becomes part of the Tender documents. Written Addenda issued by the Principal are the only recognised explanations of, or amendments to, the tender documents.
T11 / The Tenderer must bear its own cost in relation to its participation in the Tender process, including (without limitation) preparing its tender, amending the Tender at the request of BMRG, participating in any post-tender process, participating in any further tender process and the preparation of any materials as requested by BMRG.
The Tenderer has no entitlement to make any claim for any costs, losses, expenses or damages or may suffer in respect of the tender process (including anything else done after submission of tenders) in any circumstances whatsoever.
For clarification, this clause will apply where BMRG has elected to vary the tender process in any way, to forego the tender process with respect to any tender or quotations, to not proceed with the tender process, or to not proceed with the works or the Project.
T12 / A tender is only accepted when accepted in writing by the CEO of the BMRG or their delegate.
T13 / Indicative tender process and timeframe
Activity / Timing
1 / Issue request for tenders / 10 April 2015
2 / Tender days / 14
3 / Tender Closing date / 24 April 2015
4 / Tender Evaluations / ASAP
5 / Award Contract / 30 April 2015
6 / Expected commencement date / 8 May 2015
7 / Proposed project completion date / 26 June 2014
End of request for tender conditions
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