Fifth Sunday of Easter 3rd May 2015
6.15pm Vigil Ederney, 9.30am Lettercran, 11am Ederney
Anniversary Masses
Saturday / 2nd / 7.30pm / PettigoSunday / 3rd / 9.30am
11am / Lettercran
Ederney / Funeral of Frank McKervey
Month's Memory, Dominic Meehan
Monday / 4th / 7.30pm / Ederney
Tuesday / 5th / 10am / Ederney
Wednesday / 6th / 10am / Ederney
Friday / 8th / 7.30pm / Ederney
Saturday / 9th / 7.30pm / Pettigo
Sunday / 10th / 9.30am
11am / Montiagh
Ederney / Rosie and Pat Keavney
Bernard Monaghan, Leathem Crescent
Baptisms during the summer months:
- 2nd Saturday of each month at 5.30pm in Pettigo
- 4th Sunday of each month at 12 noon in Ederney
- At least one month’s notice should be given in advance.
Visitation of the Sick:Holy Communion will be brought to the sick and
housebound during the coming week on the following days, Monday- Montiagh &
Lack areas; Thursday: Kesh-Tullyhommon- areas; Friday: Ederney.
First Communion 2015:Saturday 23rd May 2015
The next and final Do This In Memory Mass involving the Primary 4 First
Communion class will be on Sunday 10th May.
Mass for all doing Examinations will be celebrated on Tuesday 5th May at
7.30pm in the Sacred Heart Church, Irvinestown.
We Remember Those Who Have Died; Frank McKervey, Erne Drive;
Gerald O’Brien, Trillick. May theyrest in peace.
Eucharistic Adoration; in the Parish Centre each Thursday; 10.30am to 3.30pm
and 6pm to 9pm
The Rosary is said in the Church every evening; Sunday- Friday 6-30pm,
Saturday 5-15pm; (except Thursday.) Everyone is most welcome.
Congregational Singing: Please join in the singing of hymns at Sunday Mass.
We will begin singing at weekday Masses on Monday night @ 7.30pm Mass. We
will be using the Redemptorist Mission and Novena booklet ‘Stay with us Lord’.
We will sing one verse at the beginning and another at the end.
Fr. Conlon will visit Ederney on Tues 5th May; for appointment phone 68631100
St Vincent de Paul; helpline is077 388 38 108.
Diocese of Clogher Lourdes Pilgrimage led by Bishop Liam McDaid Mon.6th -
Sat. 11th July 2015. For detailed information see poster on Church notice board.
St. Josephs Young Priests Society:thank you to everyone who contributed to
last week's collection. The total was £572.64. Our Annual Mass and Dinner will take place in the Sacred Heart Church Irvinestown on Sat. 16th May at 3pmfollowed by a visit to the Garden of the Saints.Dinner will be in Mahons HotelIrvinestown at 4.30pm (£15 or 20 Euros). Numbers forthe dinnermust be confirmedwith Josephine McCuskeron 02866388769 by 9th May.
Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season:Opens Saturday 2nd May with One Day Retreats which continue on 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, 25 of May. Advance booking is essential. The Three Day Pilgrimage season begins on Friday 29th May. You can begin the Three Day Pilgrimage any day between 29th May and 13th August. Pre-booking not required. Contact Lough Derg 071 9861518 (from NI 00 353 71 9861518 or email .
Special Day Retreat ‘Hope and Encouragement for a New Beginning’ on Wednesday 20th May. Fr Ben Hughes, who promotes healing and well-being, will facilitate the day which will be beneficial to anyone who is living with or struggling with any issue that is holding them back or hurting their life. Advance booking is essential. For more information contact Lough Derg on 071 9861518 (from NI 00353 71 9861518 or see Poster and leaflets in the porch.
Clogher Diocesan One Day Retreat on Lough Derg: Saturday 22nd August 2015
Montiagh Notes for May: Reader- John Calgie. Gifts- Keown Family
Collectors and news sheets -Liam McLaughlin &Danny Gormley
Open Door Centre: Every Thursday in Town Hall 11am-12.30pm. Everybody Welcome.
The recent card play in Lettercran hall for Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association raised €2,235. Thanks to everyone who attended on the night, gave donations and gift vouchers. Thanks to the ladies who helped with the tea.
Get On Yer Bike! Ederney Four County Cycle Challenge: Dateshave now been confirmed for the Ederney Four County Cycle challenge (Fermanagh, Donegal, Leitrim and Sligo) which will take place on Saturday 1st and Sunday the 2nd of August; Anyone interested in taking part contact Donal Gormley 07786634559 or any committee member. Training every Sunday at 9am leaving from The Veranda with two routes, one for beginners and one for experienced cyclists; we already have 20 people training on Sundays and are also training mid- week; contact Donal Gormley for details
ESJ lotto jackpot is£3-400
Today Sunday SFL 1 @ 3-30 Ederney vs Belcoo.
If any club member requires a ticket for the Donegal v Tyrone game on 17th May please contact Gerry Mc Laughlin 07788436020 this week, tickets cheaper when bought prior to the day, same will apply to all other championship games Gerard will only order tickets when contacted by phone or email moneys must be paid prior to collection. Under 6,8,10 football continuing on the pitch on Tuesday evenings from
6- 7:15pm*Hurling/Camogietraining continuingon Saturday mornings @t 10:30 everyone welcome
Health & Wellbeing; this committee is working on a more organised Walking Club on Tuesday nights; watch this space!Remember let us have your old mobile phones; hand them in to DeclanMonaghan c/c The Cross or contact Patricia McGrath 0783352871..
Can allTopaz Filled cards be returned to Gerry Mc Laughlin ASAP.
Queen of the May
Bring flowers of the fairest
Bring flowers of the rarest
From garden and woodland
And hillside and vale
Our full hearts are swelling
Our Glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest
Rose of the vale
O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today
Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May
O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today
Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May
Our voices ascending,
In harmony blending
Oh! Thus may our hearts turn
Dear Mother, to thee
Oh! Thus shall we prove thee
How truly we love thee
How dark without Mary
Life's journey would be
O Virgin most tender
Our homage we render
Thy love and protection
Sweet Mother, to win
In danger defend us
In sorrow befriend us
And shield our hearts
From contagion and sin
Of Mothers the dearest
Oh, wilt thou be nearest
When life with temptation
Is darkly replete
Forsake us, O never
Our hearts be they ever
As Pure as the lilies
We lay at thy feet