5th Grade Second Chance Learning Opportunities-3rd Nine Weeks!
Do you want to boost your grade averages? Do you want to show what you really know? If so, the Second Chance Learning Opportunities are for you!
If completed accurately, each assignment will be worth 70 extra credit points toward your grade in that subject. You can complete as many or as few assignments as you wish to complete (exception: only ONE math extra credit project may be submitted).
All projects assignments are due on Friday, March 25th. No late projects will be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
Math: Fractions (**You may only complete 1 math extra credit assignment**)
Design and make a board game that reviews a concept covered about fractions (reducing/simplifying, equivalent fractions, proper/improper fractions, etc.). You need to give your game a catchy name and illustrate/decorate your game keeping with your theme (i.e. Frosty Fractions, Fishy Fractions, Piece of Cake, etc.). Your game has to cover equivalent fractions, proper/improper fractions, and/or reducing/simplifying fractions.
Find your 4 favorite recipes. You are to rewrite the recipe so that it can feed the class. In some cases, you will need to enlarge or reduce the recipe using equivalent fractions. Write an explanation of step by step directions of how you enlarged or reduced your recipes. Create a small cook book with the 4 original recipes and your 4 modified recipes.
Social Studies:
Research the Vietnam War or McCarthyism and type or write a one to two page report on this topic. Please include pictures if possible to accompany your topic.
English-Language Arts:
Compare two musicians or sports teams that you’re familiar with and describe both their similarities and differences. Create a format of your choice to display these differencesand to inform the public. It would be helpful if pictures were included to further illustrate your choices.
Model an electric circuit or electromagnet
Create and build a model to demonstrate an electric circuit or electromagnet. The circuit may be a simple circuit or parallel circuit. You may use a box, cardboard or poster board to display your model. The circuit model should include at least one load (ex: light bulb, buzzer) wire(s), and at least one power source (battery). To create an electromagnet, tightly wrap iron nails with copper wire. Attach one end of wire to the negative end of a battery and the other end of the wire to the positive). Be ready to show off your model to the classroom.
Second Chance Learning Opportunities – 3rd Nine Weeks
I, ______, understand that the Second Chance Learning Opportunities are designed to boost my grade averages for the 3rd nine week grading period in the subject in which the project is listed. I also understand that these projects are completely optional and that this will be the last opportunity to boost my grades (outside of regular class assignments). I further understand that if I choose not to complete any of the assignments this will not negatively affect my grade. All second chance learning opportunities are due on Friday, March 25, 2016 and no exceptions will be made for late projects.
*Please be sure to log onto the parent portal of Infinite Campus to check your child’s current grade averages.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM BACK BY Thursday, March 17, 2016!