5Pinkenba/Eagle Farm Neighbourhood Plan Code
Performance Criteria / Acceptable SolutionsWhere located within a storm tide inundation area (Map K—Storm Tide Inundation and Maritime Development Areas)
P1Development ensures that ground levels and floor levels have an acceptable flood immunity according to risk / A1.1All non-residential development (including ancillary structures and carparking areas) located within a storm tide inundation area (high or moderate risk) is at a minimum of 3.1m Australian Height Datum (AHD)
Development is designed and constructed to withstand hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces as a result of inundation by a defined storm tide event
Note: Compliance with this acceptable solution can be demonstrated by the submission of a risk assessment identifying the risks posed by the defined storm tide event and measures designed to mitigate risks potentially through location, design, construction and operating standards
A1.2Where involving non-residential development and located within a storm tide inundation area (high or moderate risk), development sites are filled to a minimum level of 3.1m AHD so that buildings are constructed above the 100 year ARI flood level
Note: the 100 year ARI level of 3.1m AHD relates to storm tide inundation
Compliance with this acceptable solution can be demonstrated by the submission of a hydraulic and hydrology report identifying flood levels and development design levels (as part of a Site Based Stormwater Management Plan)
P2Development in a storm tide inundation area does not increase the severity of storm tide related impacts for other property / A2Where located within a storm tide inundation area (high or moderate risk), development does not:
- accelerate or redirect flows towards neighbouring infrastructure and development
- increase local water levels on adjacent land
P3Infrastructure for essential services is designed and located so as not to be adversely affected by storm tide flooding in a high risk inundation area / A3Development within a storm tide inundation area (high risk) provides infrastructure for essential services (e.g. on-site electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage and telecommunications) that are able to function during and immediately after a defined storm tide event
P4Hazardous materials do not adversely impact public safety or environment during a defined storm tide event / A4.1Hazardous materials are stored above the defined storm tide flood event level
A4.2Structures are designed and constructed to prevent the inundation from storm tides
Reconfiguring a lot
P5Lot size, dimensions and levels allow a range of uses and ensures storm surge and river flooding risks are mitigated / A5.1The minimum lot size complies with Table 1—Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions
A5.2Lots contain a minimum square or rectangular area and minimum frontage in accordance with Table 1—Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions
A5.3Lots contain a minimum square or rectangular area, at or above the 100 year ARI flood level in accordance with Table 1—Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions
P6Development provides for the improvement of the defined carrying capacity of roads to enable safe and efficient regional, city and local transport networks / A6.1Development dedicates land to Council for road widening and upgrades in accordance with Map H—Proposed Road Upgrades and Streetscapes and theTransport and Traffic Facilities Planning Scheme Policy
A6.2A maximum of one vehicle ingress and egress is provided to each site from an arterial road
A6.3Vehicular access to development having frontage to Kingsford Smith Drive is provided in the form of rear access lanes
Environmental protection
P7Development ensures areas of high ecological significance where in a coastal management district are protected and rehabilitated / A7.1Development does not occur in areas of high ecological significance where in a coastal management district as shown on Map L—High Ecological Significance Areas including:
- Luggage Point—Juno Point Conservation Area
- Myrtletown foreshore
- Boggy Creek
- the Brisbane River
Note: Plant species favoured by wading birds such as the ibis, egret and heron for nesting and breeding are not to be used
A7.3Development within 50m of a habitat area or ecological corridor as shown on Map L—High Ecological Significance Areas retains vegetation
Protection of Operational Airspace
P8Development ensures aircraft safety in operational airspace is maintained and temporary or permanent physical obstructions do not adversely impact on operational airspace / A8.1Buildings, structures and landscaping are designed, constructed and maintained to avoid entering operational airspace as shown on Map I—Operational Airspace and Map N—Brisbane Airport PANS–OPS Surfaces
A8.2 Development involving temporary or permanent aviation activities are not located beneath operational airspace as shown on Map I—Operational Airspace and Map N— Brisbane Airport PANS-OPS Surfaces
P9Development does not increase the risk to public safety / A9.1Development is located outside of the public safety zone as shown on Map J—Australian Noise Exposure Forecast Contours and Public Safety Zones
A9.2Development does not involve the storage of hazardous materials in the public safety zone as shown onMap J—Australian Noise Exposure Forecast Contours and Public Safety Zones
P10Emissions do not adversely impact on air turbulence, visibility or engine operation in operational airspace / A10.1Development does not contain stacks (vents) which emit high velocity gases exceeding 4.3m per second
A10.2Development does not emitairborne particulates (steam, ash, dust) which may impair visual conditions of operational airspace
P11External lighting does not adversely impact on operational airspace / A11.1Lighting does not distract or interfere with pilot vision
A11.2Lighting does not imitate the format of approach or runway lighting
Note: Compliance may be demonstrated with standards specified in CASA Guidelines: Lighting in the vicinity of aerodromes—Advice to lighting designers
P12Wildlife, particularly flying vertebrates such as birds and bats, are not attracted into operational airspace in significant numbers / A12Potential food/waste sources are covered and collected so that they are not accessible to wildlife
Coastal management
P13Development (other than maritime development) allows for natural fluctuations of the coastline, avoids the need for coastal protection works and maintains coastal vegetation which if removed would lead to site destabilisation and increased erosion / A13.1Development is located outside the erosion prone area as shown on Map M—Coastal Development Control Areas
Where located within an erosion prone area as shown on Map M—Coastal Development Control Areas and in a coastal management district, development is designed and located to protect the structure and condition of coastal vegetation
A13.2Except where located in the Eagle Farm Precinct:
- a 50m wide undeveloped buffer is provided to Boggy Creek including filling or excavation associated with drainage works
P14Development within a storm tide hazard area does not increase the risk to people and property from exposure to adverse storm tide flooding impacts / A14Development of sites that are either wholly or partly located within a storm tide inundation area as shown on Map K—Storm Tide Inundation and Maritime Development Areas provides either:
- a flat impervious area of a size sufficient to accommodate all occupants or employees on the site,for people to take refuge during a defined storm tide flood event
- an evacuation route (egress) above the defined storm tide flood level which remains passable for emergency evacuations for the defined storm tide event
- not expose users to undue risk
- not cause, or have the cumulative potential to cause, real damage to land and/or buildings
- not interrupt or materially change the surface water drainage from or onto adjoining land
- not create, in the event of a storm tide event, a sudden change in flow distributions, flood level or velocity that could result in:
sedimentation, or
increased flood hazard
P15Development provides appropriately sized footpaths capable of accommodating high quality, sub-tropical landscaped streetscapes that encourage pedestrian activity and amenity / A15.1Development with a frontage to a Subtropical Boulevard, as shown on Map H—Proposed Road Upgrades and Streetscapes provides a publicly owned footway with a minimum width of 5m
A15.2Where the existing footpath width is less than 5m, a linear land dedication is provided to achieve the footway width
Sensitive Land Use where within 250m of a Medium Impact Industry or 500m of a High Impact Industry Use or 1,500m of Noxious and Hazardous Industry
P16Development within Sensitive Land Use areas must not compromise the continued operation of an established industry / A16Development must demonstrate that levels of acceptable air quality and noise levels can be achieved in accordance with Council standards
Note: Refer to the Air Quality Planning Scheme Policy and Noise Impact Assessment Planning Scheme Policy in City Plan 2000 Appendix 2
Land use separation—sensitive land uses
P17Development must not result in sensitive land uses being exposed to air, noise and odour emissions that adversely impact on human health, amenity and wellbeing
Note: For guidance on assessing impacts and performance requirments, refer to the AirQuality Planning Scheme Policy and the Noise Impact Assessment Planning Scheme Policy / A17.1Where a Low Impact Industry, the development is located a minimum of 150m from any sensitive land use
A17.2Where a Medium Impact Industry, the development is located a minimum of 250m from any sensitive land use
A17.3Where a High Impact Industry, the development is located a minimum of 500m from any sensitive land use
A17.4Where a Noxious and Hazardous Industry, the development is located a minimum of 1,500m from any sensitive land use
Where a material change of use for Restaurant, Office, Medical Centre or Shop
P18Development is clustered with existing retail and commercial uses and does not adversely impact on the existing road networks of the locality / A18.1Gross floor area is a maximum of 250m2
A18.2Development adjoins an existing Restaurant, Office, Medical Centre or Shop
A18.3Vehicular access is not provided from an arterial, suburban or district road
5.2Where involving a residential use, community facility, aged care accommodation, hospital, education purpose or child care facility
Performance Criteria / Acceptable SolutionsBuilding design for aircraft noise attenuation
P1Buildings are designed and constructed to mitigate adverse amenity impacts on occupants from aircraft noise
Buildings are designed and constructed to support the safety and efficiency of aviation operations / A1Indoor areas of buildings are designed and constructed to attenuate noise from aircraft where located within Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) contours 20 as shown on Map J—Australian Noise Exposure Forecast Contours and Public Safety Zones in accordance with the Airports Planning Scheme Policy
Note: Areas outside the ANEF20 contour may also experience impacts from aircraft noise
5.3Where in the Myrtletown Precinct
Performance Criteria / Acceptable SolutionsP1Development accord with and implement an approved Structure Plan / A1.1Development accords with an approved Structure Plan
A1.2The application contains a Structure Plan prepared in accordance with the Structure Planning Code
P2An integrated land use and infrastructure strategy through the preparation of a Structure Plan demonstrates the following:
a)development in the precinct successfully integrates heavy industry activities, trunk infrastructure and essential services with sensitive environmental features to capitalise upon the area’s locational and competitive advantage
b)the precinct principally caters for high impact and noxious and hazardous industries that require separation from sensitive land uses
c)development avoids adverse effects on the values of areas of high ecological significance (where in a coastal management district) and other significant environmental features to protect the area’s biodiversity, physical coastal processes and coastal landforms
d)development occurs in accordance with a sequencing plan to ensure the precinct is properly drained, provides adequate flood immunity and coordinates infrastructure provision in a timely and cost efficient manner
e)development incorporates best practice environmental management measures including appropriate treatment and reuse of stormwater
f)a minimum 50m wide buffer is provided along the Brisbane River, measured from the mean high water spring mark
g)principally caters for high impact and noxious and hazardous industrial uses
h)is adequately serviced and provides for appropriate road connections and access, including by public transport and bicycle
i)Bancroft Road north of Brownlee Street is maintained as a limited access road, with ingress/egress being primarily obtained from either Main Beach Road or Sandmere Road
j)development is designed to maximise energy efficiency and exhibit a high standard of architectural and landscape design
k)all lots within the precinct are included in the Structure Plan
l)facilitates the cruise ship terminal / A2No Acceptable Solution is prescribed
P3Lot reconfiguration and site use does not result in the alienation of land from its potential long term use as identified on the precinct maps / A3.1Lots accord with the approved Structure Plan
A3.2Lots provides for high impact and noxious and hazardous industrial development
P4Development fronting the Brisbane River enhances this waterway / A4Development with an interface to the Brisbane River, or adjoining open space along the Brisbane River provides:
a)an articulated building facade to the river
b)a landscaped buffer of a minimum width of 50m where land directly adjoins the Brisbane River
c)high quality building finishes which incorporate a variety of materials (such as brick, painted concrete or masonry and glass)
P5Access is obtained from an all weather access road / A5Vehicularaccess is provided from Main Beach Road or Sandmere Road
5.4Where in the Bulwer Island Precinct
Performance Criteria / Acceptable SolutionsP1Development in the Bulwer Island Precinct is consistent with the precinct intent and accords with Maps C and H to M / A1Development in the Bulwer Island Precinct:
- preserves land for high impact, noxious and hazardous industry that requires dedicated access to the Port of Brisbane or freight logistics services at the Brisbane Airport
- involves storage of, or operations associated with hazardous or noxious, offensive goods or activities
- separates high impact, noxious and hazardous industry from sensitive land uses
P2Development provides for a safe and efficient road network with:
- alternative emergency road access
- safe rail crossings
A2.1 Development provides for a suitable controlled rail crossing near the intersection of Eagle Farm Road and Farrer Street
Note:Compliance may be demonstrated by providing evidence that there will be no significant increase in traffic crossing the rail line created by the development, or there will be no significant increase in rail movements and no significant vehicle or pedestrian safety issues and no significant traffic delays created from future rail freight movementsA2.2 Development provides for an alternative road access linking Bulwer Island with Eagle Farm Road available at all times for unhindered access during emergencies
Note:Compliance can be demonstrated by providing evidence that all-weather road access is available as an alternative public road linking Bulwer Island with Eagle Farm. This alternative access must be available at all times for unhindered use in emergencies
5.5Where in the Pinkenba Village Precinct
Performance Criteria / Acceptable SolutionsP1Development is consistent with the house character of the precinct / A1Development involves a house
P2Development provides a habitable floor level that mitigates against inundation from flood and tidal water (including storm surge) and minimises risks to human life and property / A2Where a lot is subject to storm tide inundation, development has a minimum habitable floor level of 3.1m AHD
P3Buildings and structures are of a height that:
- avoid significant impacts caused by tidal water (including storm surge) and flood inundation
- does not significantly obstruct the outlook obtained from adjoining land in the Low Density Residential area
- does not result in the significant overshadowing of adjoining land in the Low Density Residential area
Note: Non load bearing aerials, antennas, flues, roof ventilators and chimneys are not considered part of the house for the purpose of determining building height
5.6Where in the Eagle Farm Precinct
Performance Criteria / Acceptable SolutionsP1Development in the Eagle Farm Precinct provides an attractive and coherent streetscape along major roads / A1.1Industrial building facades provide high quality architectural finishes through variations in form, colour and materials, using a combination of construction materials including brick, masonry, glass and colourbond steel roofing
A1.2Development provides a landscaped vegetated buffer having a minimum width of 3m along the full site frontage to Kingsford Smith Drive and Eagle Farm Road (excluding vehicle access points)
A1.3Building design orientates office components to address Kingsford Smith Drive and Eagle Farm Road
A1.4Vehicle parking and loading areas are located behind buildings fronting Kingsford Smith Drive and Eagle Farm Road
P2Development provides high quality landscaping along site boundaries shared with the Royal Queensland Golf Course / A2A densely planted landscaped buffer, at least 3m wide, is provided along the whole shared boundary of the property with the Royal Queensland Golf Course to effectively screen the use (including buildings, parking, vehicle manoeuvring, outdoor storage, hardstands and outdoor fabrication areas) from the Royal Queensland Golf Course
P3Where conducted in association with an industrial use on the same premises, commercial offices are ancillary to the industrial use / A3On-site commercial premises do not exceed 100m2 or 30% of the gross floor area of the premises, whichever is the lesser
Table 1—Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions
Area / Minimum Lot Size / Minimum Square or Rectangle (metres) (1) / Minimum Frontage (metres)Bulwer Island Precinct
High Impact Industry / 4 hectares / 150 x 250 / 150
Low Impact Industry / 1,000m2 / 20 x 30 / 25
Myrtletown Precinct
High Impact Industry / 4 hectares (2)
(10 hectares) (3) / 80 x 100(4) / 80(4)
Pinkenba Village Precinct
Low Density Residential / 800m2 / 20 x 40 / 20
(1)Applies to both regular and irregular shaped lots but excludes rear lots