To Green Connections Advisory Goup: CDFO (Tony Tung); SDS (Karen Kwok); EPSociety (Peter Chan);
Copy: SEE(Johnny Chan; Michael Leung); SDS (Adele Wan); CAIO(Chanel Leung); EDGE(Patrio Chiu); CYEP(Constance Ching; Man Law); ELC(Flora Leung; Conny Yau)
Prepared by Sisi Liu ; Reviewed by Robert Gibson
Date: 24 Sept 2012
Green Connections progress report 10st August – 18th September 2012
This month Green Connections focused on developing its website, Facebook page and Planet Room facilities plus identifying opportunities for events and partnerships.
1. 80% of the website content is finished. Upon approval on the wording, the first prototype can be set online. Glossary and Research Project parts to be completed later.
2. Developed Green Connections Facebook page and increased the audience to 47 people. New posts about CityU Green Activities and Hong Kong events are posted regularly.
3. Post a part-time work opportunity from Business Environment Council through SEE’s CAP system
4. Co-organized two carbon trade game sessions with Tenghoi Conservation Group and City Youth Empowerment Project. CYEP has also included “Environment Issues” as one of their services and has invited students to enroll in.
5. Partnered with English Language Center to deliver environment themed Practical Language Activities (PLA) sessions. The session is fixed to 2:00-3:00pm every Monday from Week 4 to Week 13.
6. Developed theme days of Planet Room to encourage student usage. Movies have been shown accordingly to the themes.
September-October Work Plan:
1. Design a long-term volunteer service with CYEP and Tenghoi. Look for other opportunities for volunteer service with NGOs including, Clean Air Network and Feeding HK.
2. Improve our PLA session materials and raise awareness of environmental issues with PLA sessions.
3. Finalize Satish Kumar proposed 2nd December talk with KFBG and the Joint University Environmental Innovation Forum.
4. Develop and implement strategies to encourage use of Planet Room
Opportunities identified for consideration:
1. Feeding Hong Kong: This NGO collects surplus new food from businesses and distributes it to charities. It needs one long-term project management volunteer needed and many pop-up (one off) volunteers.
2. Clean Air Network: Student Campaign
3. Hong Kong CleanUp: student union (TBC)
4. MTR: internship needed for summer 2013; translator for sustainability report
5. Planet Room: Best Green Logo Vote and gifts to be provided