MEIF Project Narrative Template

(5-page limit, single space, minimum size 11 font)

Please use this template for your proposal narrative and remove the instructions (italicized in blue) under each section prior to submission.

Project Title:

Name of Principal Investigator (PI):

1.Abstract (limit to 200 words):

With the general public as the audience, explain the community need to be addressed, the strategies to be employed, the target area(s), workforce development outcomes, and economic development impacts. This abstract will likely be used for public dissemination.

2.Statement of External Community Needs and Strategies to Address the Needs

Briefly describe the documented external community need(s) this proposal will address. Explain the strategies in your proposal that will address these needs. If your proposal includes international travel, explain how the travel is relevant to addressing the community’s need. Explain how the project will advance MEIF @ USM’s or the North Atlantic Region Strategic Frameworks.

3.Project Logic Model

Provide a logic model table (see example below) that summarizes the community needs, strategy, input, activities, outputs, outcomes (including workforce development outcomes, and related long-term economic development impacts) you intend to achieve by the end of the funding period. A logic model is a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve. A good resource on logic models is the W.K. Kellogg Foundation at . You may use the table below and expand it, as needed. The logic model table is a modified version of a template developed by the Data Innovation Project. You may use the table and expand it, as needed.

Community Needs / Inputs / Activities / Outputs / Outcomes / Economic Development Impacts
List needs / List inputs / List activities / List outputs / List outcomes / List macro-indicators
To address these needs…. / We will use these resources… / And engage in these activities… / And produce these outputs… / Which yield these outcomes… / With these ultimate long-term outcomes.
What community-based needs are being addressed? / What people and resources will be used tosupport the project? / What are the main things the projectwill do/provide? / How many and what sort ofobservable/ tangible results will beachieved? (# of research proposals, # of students, etc.) / What changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes occur as a direct result ofthe activities? Ensure these are measurable. / What results should follow from theinitial outcomes? These are typically, changesin broader conditions.
These outcomes are affected not by any single strategy, but by all of thestrategies and activities, which may be influenced by other work outside thescope of your project. List the appropriate macro-indicators from the Maine Development Foundation’s 2017 Measures of Growththat map to the outcomes. (You are not expected to measure these macro-indicators)

4.Partners and Collaborators

Briefly describe your partners and collaborators in this project and their roles and responsibilities. These include both within USM and external to USM. Please attach letters of commitment from external partners confirming their roles and responsibilities in the project.

5.Project Personnel

Discuss the rolesand responsibilities of key personnel who will be involved in the implementation of the project.

6.Work Plan

Provide a clear description of the activities, leads for implementing specific activities, and associated timelines you propose to undertake in order to achieve the project’s outcomes. The activities are the same as those provided in the logic model, but described in more detail.

7.Evaluation Plan

Describe how you plan to measure your project’s progress toward achieving its outcomes.


Discuss your strategy for sustaining the project beyond MEIF seed support. Examples include, but not limited to: seeking external funding, integrating into existing internal or external programs, or seeking additional USM resources not associated with MEIF @ USM.

Attachments (not included in the 5-page limit)

  • Bibliography
  • Current CV of PI only (2-page limit)
  • Documentation of Needs
  • Letters of commitment from external partners (Maine and international, if applicable) confirming their participation and roles in the project
  • Signed Pre-Authorization Form


November 29, 2017