Minutes of January 20, 2009 Tele-Conference Meeting
Attendees:Dan McFadyen – Chair
Diana Dalton
Kulvinder Dhillon
Georgette Habib
Patricia McDowell
Paul Vlahos
Fred Way
Terry Rochefort
Regrets:Alex Ferguson
1.Welcoming Remarks
Dan McFadyen provided some welcoming remarks and thanked everyone for attending the conference call.
Dan McFadyen asked the Committee Members to introduce themselves and provide a brief overview of their organization and their specific interest in this Committee.
3.Terms of Reference
The Committee approved the draft Terms of Reference noting that they can be revised from time to time as the need arises.
Dan McFadyen noted that currently only organizations that are members of CAMPUT have been invited to join this Committee. He noted that there are other oil and gas regulators in Canada such as Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, and Northwest Territories, who operate as part of a government department. While their structure may be different from the organizations of the existing Committee members, their responsibilities are generally the same. These regulators may have some interest in joining this Committee and have expertise and knowledge that they can share with the other members of the Committee. Dan suggested that an invitation be extended to this group of regulators to join the Committee. Discussion occurred. The Committee was in agreement with this proposal.
Terry Rochefort advised that it may take awhile for a decision to be made as to whether this group of regulators could become Associate Members of CAMPUT but there should be no issue with them participating on this Committee. A decision with respect to their eligibility to become an Associate Member would probably be made at the next Executive Committee meeting to be held in May 2009. Terry will advise the Committee Members once a decision has been made. Dan will send a letter to this group of regulators inviting their participation.
Dan also noted that the Terms of Reference require a Vice-Chair to be appointed. He asked the Committee Members to consider volunteering and this matter can then be further discussed at the next meeting.
4.Potential Discussion Items for Next Meeting
Dan McFadyen noted the importance of developing a list of potential discussion items to assist in moving this Committee forward. The following items were raised:
- Sharing of Best Practices (Standing Agenda Item) – select a different topic for each meeting
- Risk Management – assessment and management of risk and how the current risk profile is changing
- Legacy Issues – what kind of regulatory framework is best suited to deal with legacy issues
- Carbon Capture
- Public Involvement – how can we better engage the public
- Interveners and Cost Awards
- Aboriginal Consultation (First Nations matters)
- Compliance
- Training
- Prescription-based Regulation vs Performance-based Regulation
Fred Way advised that his organization has commenced discussions with the federal Training Institute in Ottawa to put together a short training session for new recruits. Fred will keep the Committee updated.
Terry Rochefort noted that the Chair of the Education Committee is very open to training opportunities that can be provided through CAMPUT.
Dan noted that our Committee needs to ensure that we do not duplicate any of the activities of the Regulatory Committee or the Education Committee of CAMPUT.
Dan advised that he will take the above-noted items and prepare a draft agenda for the next meeting which he will send to the Committee members for their input.
5.Next Meeting
Dan McFadyen suggested, and the Committee concurred, that we plan for our next meeting around the CAMPUT Annual Conference in May. Dan will work with Terry Rochefort to organize a 2-3 hour meeting. The Sunday afternoon before the Conference was suggested as a tentative time and Dan and Terry will follow up accordingly.
Dan McFadyenDate