5.4.f Sample forms for faculty evaluations and summaries of the results

Faculty evaluation takes two forms. The first is an annual reflection completed by the faculty member and an annual performance review completed by the school director. Due to the qualitative aspect of this report, an example is provided.

The second form of evaluation is student evaluation of instruction which occurs in every course every time taught. The summarized results of these evaluations may be provided upon request.

Example of faculty reflection and annual progress review:

University of Cincinnati – School of Education

Faculty Work Reflection for 2010-2011

Name: xxxxxxxxxx Primary Program Assignment: ______

I am requesting merit pay. Because of the quality of my teaching, my commitment to service, and what has turned out to be a very good publication year (our behavior management book has preorders of 5000 and is now translated into Korean as well as Spanish) I request highest level of merit.

Directions: Complete a reflection that addresses the three areas of scholarship, teaching, and service for the 2010-2011 academic year. Evaluate yourself in respect to how teaching is defined in the RPT document.


Course No. / Course Title / Credits / Yr/Qtr
4 / 10a
4 / 11w
4 / 11s
4 / 11w
Student Teaching Supervision / Two students in internship / 11s

Mentoring/Graduate Committees

List and discuss activities during the last academic year, including doctoral committees – names of students, role (chair or member), status (e.g., dissertation stage), and Master’s Project/Thesis committees – names of students, role, status. Evaluate your work in respect to student mentoring.

The doctoral students for whom I am chair of their committees are spectacular. xxxx and xxxx are a dream to work with – we meet regularly to discuss their current research projects. xxxxxxx is generating a document that will have on impact on how special education does business in Ohio. Xxxxx is working with me on systems change in a special education classroom in CPS. Xxxxx is working on her writing, and I go through her drafts carefully which takes a long time.


List and discuss activities during the last academic year, including publications, including submissions and revisions; presentations to be given at academic conferences, and; research grants developed/submitted. Evaluate your work in respect to scholarship as it is defined in the RPT document.


List and discuss activities during the last academic year, including service to profession (e.g., offices/ committees; reviewer; other services to local, regional, or national professional organizations etc.); service to program and School (creation and grading of masters projects, program development/ coordination activities; committee service; peer reviewer; preparation of accreditation/formal reviews or reports); service to college and university (e.g., elected/appointed positions; committees), and; community service (including workshops for practitioners). Evaluate your work in respect to service as defined by the RPT document.

xxxxxxxxx 4/29/2011


Annual Review of Faculty Member:

xxxxxxxx Response:


