Ecology & Conservation Biology Specialization

Suggested First Two Years Course Sequence

These recommendations assume that you place into MATH1280, Precalc

First Year

BIOL2000 1
BIOL2040 or 2050 5
GSW 1100/1110 3-5
MATH1280 5
14 -16
Year cumulative hours: 28-32 / Spring
BIOL2040 or 2050 5
MATH 1340 or 1310 3-5
GSW 1120 3
BG Perspective* 3
Program cumulative hours: 28 -32

Second Year

BIOL3500 or 3540 4 or 3
CHEM 1250 ** 5
MATH1350 (if needed) 3
BG Perspective* 3
Foreign language (if no math) 3-4
Year cumulative hours: 30-31 / Spring
BIOL3500 or 3540 4 or 3
BIOL3000 or 4000 (Group A-D) 3-4
CHEM 1270/1280 5
BG Perspective* 3
Foreign language 3-4
Program cumulative hours: 58-63
See the Specialization check sheet for complete requirements beyond Sophomore year
The rest of your program needs to include:
PHYS 2010
CHEM 3440/3450
CHEM 3060 or 3410
BIOL 3000 or 4000 classes from Groups A-D
Foreign language (if not completed)
BG Perspective classes*

See classes listed on backside for semester scheduling information

*One course must meet cultural diversity requirement and one must meet international perspective requirement.

**Math 1220 or Math Placement Score of 41 required for CHEM 1250.

The following list is intended to make you aware of the semester schedules that is typical for certain courses and may change! Many of these courses are only offered in alternate years, so plan ahead.

Fall Courses

BIOL 4090 Conservation Biology

BIOL 4160 Landscape Ecology

BIOL 4200 Animal Behavior

BIOL 4220 Restoration Ecology

BIOL 4290 Evolutionary Ecology

BIOL 3740 Marine Biology

BIOL 4450 Environmental Microbiology

BIOL 4710 Sensory Ecology

ENVS 4120 Great Lakes Ecosystems

BIOL 4140 Plant Taxonomy and Evolution

BIOL 4350 Entomology

BIOL 4620 Principles of Biometry

BIOL 4720 Ichthyology

BIOL 4270 Invertebrate Biology

Spring courses

BIOL 4510 Evolution

BIOL 4010 Conservation in Practice

BIOL 4250 Limnology

BIOL 3430 Botany

BIOL 4050 Parasitology

BIOL 4730 Mammalogy

BIOL 4760 Herpetology

BIOL 4770 Ornithology