Newsletter, Sunday, November 23rd 2014

Masses this weekend: Intentions

5.00p.m. For all the children of our community.

7.00p.m. Laurence and Catherine O’Mahony (A).

10.00a.m. Tomás Whelan (A).

11.30a.m. Joan Smyth (A).

Sympathy: We extend our sincere sympathy to:

  • Neil and Anne Coakley and family of Monaleen Heights on the death of Neil's mother Katherine of Dromahane, Mallow.
  • Please pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Weekday Mass Times: Monday to Friday – Mass at 9.45a.m. each morning.


Monday 9.45a.m. Rosemary Ireton, R.I.P.

Tuesday 9.45a.m. The McGrath and Ryan families

Wednesday 9.45a.m. Martin O’Brien, R.I.P.

Thursday 9.45a.m. Deceased members of the Mulcahy family

Friday 9.45a.m. Holy Souls.

Offertory Collection: €1,343.00. Sincere thanks.

Dr. P. Gerard Boland: Congratulations to Gerard Boland of Monaleen Road on being conferred with the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Economic Science by the University of Limerick. This is a richly deserved honour for a man who has given so generously of his time and talent to help create a better and fairer society in Limerick and beyond. We also acknowledge what Gerard has done in his own community of Monaleen, particularly in raising funds for Monaleen National School and for his guiding hand in the building of the Parochial House. Michael Tiernan's family members and his many friends in Monaleen are also delighted that his great work has been recognised and that he was given the Honorary Degree of Economic Science. Well done to Gerard and Michael.

Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue on Tuesday morning, November 25th from 10.00a.m. to 10.00p.m. Cards for Adorers can be collected in the Church on the same day.

Sacristan’s Collection: A Collection for our Sacristans, James Butler and Joan Body will be taken up at all Masses on the weekend of November 29th/30th. You are asked to show your appreciation of the work they do in our Church.

Cemetery Prayers: Prayers in Ballysimon Cemetery on Sunday, November 23rd at 3.00p.m. and in Killonan Cemetery at 4.00p.m.

Self Help Africa Group: Would like to thank all the people of the parish who contributed to their Church Gate collection last week-end. Amount collected was €487.00.

Book Fair - Monaleen National School: The annual Book Fair will take place in Monaleen National School on Sunday, November 30th from 2pm - 5pm. All profits will go towards buying books for the classrooms.

Rape Crisis Midwest: Is delighted to announce an evening of song, poetry and carols from the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick. It is taking place on Thursday, 27th November in Theatre 1 of the Irish World Academy in the University of Limerick. Hosted by Joseph O’Connor Novelist and Broadcaster, the event promises to be an evening to suit everyone and guaranteed to get people in the festive spirit with a mulled wine reception on arrival.

A number of artists will feature that evening including the Bavad Gospel Choir directed by Kathleen Turner, Cantoral Chant Ensemble, Mary McLaughlin, Noirin Ni Riain, Roisin Ni Ghalloglaigh, Sandra Joyce, Sionna Vocal Choir and the Bavad Chamber Choir directed by Oscar Mascarenas. We are also delighted to announce that the event will be hosted by Joseph O’Connor, Novelist, Broadcaster and Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Limerick. All proceeds from the event will go towards the provision of services at Rape Crisis Midwest and all artists on the evening will provide their services free of charge. We look forward to your support on the evening – tickets can be purchased from the UCH box office by logging on to

Calling All Men: A talk on Mens' Health will be presented by Mr S. Giri, Consultant Urologist University College Hospital Limerick for Monaleen Cancer Support Group in the GAA Clubhouse on Wed 3rd December at 8:30pm. All are invited, from Young to Vintage, spouses and relatives very welcome.

Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Older People: Are you someone who can stand out from the crowd? Sage Support and Advocacy Service for Older People needs volunteers to help speak up for older people across all care settings. Sage will provide FETAC training and support. For more information call 086-1831428.

Console's Annual Christmas Celebration of Light Service: Will take place this year on Sunday, 30th Nov. at 4.00p.m. in St Augustine's Church, O'Connell Street. For further information please contact:

Pauline Londra, Console, 114 The Grange, Limerick, Telephone 061-306792/Freephone Helpline: 1800-247-247. Email: <mailto:.

G.A.A. Notes: LOTTO: The Jackpot currently stands at €3,600. Last week's numbers were 3, 13, 16 and 18, and there was no winner. Lucky dip winners were C. O’Leary, G. Larkin, T. Condon and P. Gleeson. Next week’s Jackpot is €3,900. Tickets can be purchased on a weekly basis from local shops and pubs. Please support us as this support is vital to the development of the club.

Next weekend: Intentions

7.00p.m. Brian Begley (Months Mind)

Eilis Anketel, R.I.P.

10.00a.m. Johanna O’Brien (A).

11.30a.m. Deceased members of the Larkin and Swan families

Alphonsus Rael (A).