american legion post 28

4th qtr newsletter 1 OCT thru 31 DEC 2017


Carroll Owings, Commander

Greetings. It's been a great summer, filled with many activities. Baseball was a huge success! Congratulations to our Junior Team who won the State Championship! We have had BINGO, hotdogs and Hamburgers and it's been a huge success. We have the Fair coming up and Veteran's Day Parade.On a sad note. We said a sad goodbye to our Chaplain Joe Belville's Beautiful wife Sharon. Sharon was a Marine Veteran herself and will be missed.

We are in need of more members for the Honor Guard. Keep in mind that this is the final Honor given to our fallen Brothers and Sisters in arms. Please Contact Jim Harbison, Leah White, or the Post. We train on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Please consider joining us.We are working on recognizing more people from different organizations for their service to our community, and state.We are working on getting our Sons of the American Legion (SAL) charter back. We need a minimum of 10 members. Call the Post for more information.

We are looking forward to more activities this fall. My phone is always available 864 541-3057 cell or at the the Post 864 253-0376For God and Country,


Jack Wright,District 5 Commander

The American Legion Department of SC

The District is doing great on Membership, current in second place in the State. Under the realignment of the Districts. District 5 lost two Post in the rezoning, both of our Woodruff Post went to Greenville District. Our Legionnaire friends from Post s 33, and 260, will be missed. We welcome our two new Posts Taylor’s Post 214 and Greer Post 115.

The District emphases for the next quarter will be on Membership. Oratorical , Veterans Day. Our next District meeting will be held on Saturday November, 18, 2017 at American Legion Post 28.Wishing everyone a wonderful Fall Season, and enjoy your family during the Thanks Giving Season and Christmas Season. We are truly Blessed , and let’s not forget those that have been devastated by the resent hurricanes. For God and Country ______

Jim Harbison, Adjuntant,

We hve had a good quarter, and here are a few things that makes the statement true. Our Honor Guard has performed 26 Military Funerals. Three Legionaires has joined the Honor Guard. We were able o get our coupon books two

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months before the schools. This was a bonus for we were able to sell the 2018 books and give the buyer a bonus of the 2017 coupon book as a freebie. We put $1550 in the general fund. We have scheduled the yard area clean-up for Oct 27 &28, grab your gloves and let’s get-r-done. Veterans Day Parade is Nov 9 at 4 pm. We will use our bus and if you want to ride along call the office and reserve a seat. We installed a cover to keep our bus clean and in good shape. For God and Country


Leah White, 2nd Vice Commander

As y'all know, Post 28 is the largest Post in our District, But we do not have a SONS of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron. I'm trying to fix that. What we need I'd your son's, grandsons, great grandsons, nephews. They are all elegible from birth. The dues is $15 a year. We need people willing to be the leaders in the Squadron. I am willing to be the Post liaison for the Squadron. What the SAL does is come along side the Post to help get things done. There are many ways that a Squadron can help Post 28. I will get the SAL State leader to come and help us get organized, so no one feels left on their own. We need at least 10 members to get our charter

back. We currently have 2 members. We NEED YOUR HELP! I have applications, and there are applications at the Post. I can mail them out to you, or email them to you. Please

call me at (864) 205-2755 with any questions. For God and

For God and Country


Charles Landen, Service Officer

Disabled Pauline Vet's (Richard Lyons) home floor was repaired in June with the most appreciated assistance from Operation Restoration. Operation Restoration also replaced the vets living room furniture and a much needed refrigerator. THANKS goes to Post 28 Commander Carroll Owings, Lowe's East Side and TONY MESSEL. For God and Country.

Ed Y Hall, Historian

IMPORTANT NOTICE: POST 28 MEMBERS WILL, SOON IF NOT ALREADY, HAVE RECEIVED YOUR ANNUAL ENERGY STATEMENT LETTER. INSIDE YOUR LETTER IS A SELF ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE USED TO RETURN YOUR ANNUAL PAYMENT. SOME OF THE THE STAMPS ON THE RETURN ENVELOPE HAVE BEEN INCORRECTLY PLACED AND MAY NOT BE CANCELED PROPERLY ON ITS RETURN TO POST 28. PLEASE REMOVE THE STAMP AND PLACE IT IN THE PROPER LOCATION IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER OF THE ENVELOPE PRIOR TO MAILING. MEMBERS MAY ALSO PUT THE PAYMENT IN ANOTHER ENVELOPE OR JUST SIMPLY DROP OFF YOUR PAYMENT DIRECTLY TO POST HQ. SOME OF THE RETURN ENVELOPS HAVE THE WRONG RETURN ADDRESS. THE CORRECT ADDRESS IS: PO BOX 391, SPARTANBURG, SC 29304 MEMORIAL WALL AND BRICK WALK REPORT As of this date 430 Memorial Wall names have been adopted off of the Wall. We have eight more months to complete our project of total adoption before Memorial Day, 31 May 2018. We are 70 % of the way there now with only 213 more to go. We need help with this project and there are many ways to get the task done. Check with your church, club, school class, place of employment and see if your friends might like to adopt a few names off the wall. Ed Hall, project chairman, has the list of names adopted so far. Post 28 members may adopt names for as little as $25 each. Non member cost is $40 per name.Our Legion walk now has 1205 bricks in four sections. Section Three is almost full and with the remaining Memorial Wall bricks being added daily we will soon be filling up Section Four. LOTS OF NEW ITEMS IN THE MUSEUMCome up and take a look at some of the new items that have been added to the Museum. ENERGY STATEMENT LETTERS ON THE WAY. Members are advised that the letters have been sent out a month early with payment requested not later that 31 December. Last year only 70% of the membership paid their assessment. We need to do better than that to cover our energy costs. The Post is doing an energy study to see where we can cut costs. So far the study has concluded that our MONTHLY COST amounts to $660. That amount covers electrical, gas and water. Thats alot of money for a five day a week, four hours a day operation with a few extra days thrown in for the month. We are are currently working on ways to reduce our operating costs. Duke Power will be involved with our study. For God and Country.

John J Barron, First Vice Commander

Every Fall, Post 28 Legionnaires come together for a day of yard work to clear away dead fall from the post grounds done in about 5 hours with the help of about 20 legionnaires. This readies our grounds and the building for the holiday season. The TO DO LIST: Clear Jesse Campbell

Way of dead fall, clear drains, prune crape myrtles, trim low handing branches from trees, trim hedges around building and monument, and cut down brush around courtyard. So, break out your yard tools! Report to the pose 9 am – 2 pm, October 27 & 28, 2017. Lunch will be provided of donuts and hotdogs. For God and Country.

State champions

Al post 28 junior team

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A picture of exhaustion, right John

Doing it again aren’t we guys

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A great picture

Our nations sport in action

Part of the team that makes it work

More of that team

American Legion Baseball is a tradition that is not only great, it is essential to help our young people learn that it is a team effort that makes things go and a leader to direct the join










5th------Navy Reserve Supper

9th-15th------Piedmont Upstate Fair Booth(Need volunteers

13th------Auxiliary Bean Supper

21st------Honor Guard Mtg

30th------Board of Directors Mtg



9th------Veterans Parade

18th------District 5 Meeting

25th------Honor Guard Mtg


11th------Lighting of the Christmas lights

12------Christmas Parade

16------Honor Guard Mtg


I must apologize to the members of Post 28 for not getting a 2nd or 3rd qtr normal news letter out. However a lot of special


things were happening that required emphasis. Also 5 weeks of flu kicks your b--- hard. I hope I,m back on track toputting out a decent newsletter again. My email address is: or my phone is: 1-864-316-3888 should you want to contact me.