Chapter 9 – Weight Management: Overweight, Obesity, and Underweight
Multiple Choice
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1. According to body mass index values, what fraction of the U.S. adult population is considered overweight or obese?
a. 1/10
b. 1/6
c. 1/3
d. 2/3
2. According to body mass index figures, what percentage of people aged 2-19 years are overweight or obese?
a. 12
b. 34
c. 48
d. 68
3. Which of the following describes a trend of worldwide obesity?
a. Nowadays, obesity is not seen in developing countries
b. Prevalence of obesity has leveled out in the last few years in the U.S.
c. The cut-off figure of the BMI for obesity varies from country to country
d. The obesity in other countries does not seem to increase risks for chronic diseases
4. What is the classification of a person who is 6 feet 4 inches tall and 202 lbs?
a. Underweight
b. Healthy weight
c. Overweight
d. Obese
5. Which of the following is a characteristic of fat cell development?
a. The amount of fat in the body is substantially determined by the size of the fat cells
b. More and larger fat cells are found in obese people compared with healthy-weight persons
c. Fat cell number increases most readily during early adulthood, when energy expenditure declines
d. Fat cells may enlarge but not increase in number upon reaching the age of 50 in males and reaching menopause in women
6. Which of the following does NOT describe the behavior of fat cells?
a. The number decreases when fat is lost from the body
b. The size is larger in obese people than in normal-weight people
c. The storage capacity for fat depends on both cell number and cell size
d. The number increases most rapidly in late childhood and early puberty
7. Tom was overweight when he was 13. During puberty he continued to gain weight steadily until at age 23, when he decided to lose weight. Tom successfully lost 50 pounds. Which of the following most likely happened to Tom’s fat cells?
a. They shrank in size but did not decrease in number
b. They melted away when he burned all the excess fat
c. They decreased in number but did not decrease in size
d. They changed very little since fat cells shrink only with a weight loss greater than 100 pounds
8. In the quest for achieving desirable body weight, adults have control over all of the following EXCEPT
a. diet.
b. behavior.
c. physical activity.
d. adipocyte number.
9. What is the rationale for the fat cell theory of obesity?
a. Fat cell number increases dramatically after puberty
b. Fat cell number in an adult can decrease only by fasting
c. Fat cell number increases most readily in late childhood and early puberty
d. Weight gain from overeating in adults takes place primarily by increasing the number of fat cells
10. Which of the following is known to promote fat storage in adipocytes?
a. Glucagon
b. Lipoprotein lipase
c. Cellulite synthetase
d. Lipoprotein synthetase
11. The major function of lipoprotein lipase is to
a. assist bile in the digestion of dietary lipids.
b. remove triglycerides from blood for storage.
c. trigger adipokine release from adipose tissue.
d. release triglycerides from storage within adipocytes.
12. Which of the following is a characteristic of the lipoprotein lipase enzyme?
a. In men, the enzyme activity is high in abdominal fat cells
b. Obese people who lose weight show markedly higher enzyme activity
c. Obese people have less enzyme activity in their adipocytes than lean people do
d. In women, the enzyme activity is low in fat cells within the breasts, hips, and thighs
13. The most likely explanation for why women readily store fat around the hips whereas men readily store fat around the abdomen is gender differences in
a. blood insulin levels.
b. the activity of lipoprotein lipase.
c. circulating lipid transport proteins.
d. the activity of lipoprotein synthetase.
14. Which of the following is NOT a feature of fat cell metabolism in men and women?
a. The rate of fat breakdown is higher in women than in men
b. The release of lower-body fat is more active in men than in women
c. Lipoprotein lipase enzyme activity is regulated by a gene that responds to weight loss
d. Fat storage in men develops primarily across the abdomen whereas in women it is found chiefly around the hips and thighs
15. Which of the following is a feature of the lipoprotein lipase enzyme?
a. Its activity decreases after weight loss but then rebounds quickly after resuming normal food intake
b. Its activity can always increase but cannot decrease and is, in part, controlled by the ratchet effect of metabolism
c. Its activities in men and women are sex-related and explain the differences in major fat storage regions of the body
d. Its low activity in obese people explains, in part, the inability to mobilize storage fat for energy when following an energy-restricted diet
16. Obesity resulting from an increase in the size of fat cells is termed
a. hyperplastic obesity.
b. hypertrophic obesity.
c. idiopenthic leptinemia.
d. anaplastic hypometabolism.
17. Adverse effects on organs such as the liver from the presence of excess body fat is known as
a. lipotoxicity.
b. hyperplastic lipase.
c. set point susceptibility.
d. hyper-responsive ghrelin.
18. Hyperplastic obesity is related to a(n)
a. increase in fat absorption.
b. decrease in ketone formation.
c. increase in the size of fat cells.
d. increase in the number of fat cells.
19. Obesity resulting from an increase in the number of fat cells is termed
a. hyperplastic obesity.
b. hypertrophic obesity.
c. idiopenthic leptinemia.
d. anaplastic hypometabolism.
20. Which of the following defines the body’s set point?
a. Minimum weight of a person
b. Maximum weight of a person
c. Point at which a person’s weight plateaus before dropping again quickly
d. Point above which the body tends to lose weight and below which it tends to gain weight
21. Which of the following is a characteristic of the rate of dietary fat oxidation?
a. It is lower in obese people
b. It is independent of LPL activity
c. It is higher in females than males
d. It is independent of the body’s set point
22. Which of the following is a characteristic of the risk for obesity?
a. It is higher in fraternal than identical twins
b. It is associated more with environment than genetics
c. It is usually higher in people with more brown adipose tissue
d. It is higher in people who have obese friends, siblings, or a spouse
23. What is Prader-Willi syndrome?
a. Altered receptor activity for leptin
b. A genetic disorder resulting in obesity
c. Fat accumulation in the liver of gastric bypass patients
d. A failure to adapt to alternating periods of excess and inadequate energy intake
24. Which of the following is a feature of weight gain and genetics?
a. Obese people can change their genome but not their epigenome
b. Exercise has little, if any, effect on the genetic influence on weight gain
c. Identical twins are half as likely to weigh the same compared with fraternal twins
d. Adopted children tend to have body weights more like their biological parents than their adoptive parents
25. On which organ or tissue does leptin primarily act?
a. Pancreas
b. Intestines
c. Adipocytes
d. Hypothalamus
26. Which of the following is known to cause a reduction in fat cell number in mice?
a. Injection of leptin
b. Supplements of ghrelin
c. Long-term resistance exercise
d. Consumption of high-protein diets
27. What are the observed effects of sleep deprivation on leptin and ghrelin?
a. Leptin and ghrelin both increase
b. Leptin and ghrelin both decrease
c. Leptin decreases while ghrelin increases
d. Leptin increases while ghrelin decreases
28. As a new assistant in a weight-loss research laboratory, you are given a tour of the mouse laboratory. Why is the leptin-deficient mouse much larger than its leptin-sufficient counterpart?
a. Leptin deficiency causes lower levels of ghrelin
b. Leptin deficiency enhances appetite and decreases energy expenditure
c. Leptin deficiency causes psychological depression, which leads to increased food intake
d. Leptin deficiency reduces the desire to do physical activity, resulting in more excess energy available for fat storage
29. Which of the following describes a relationship between leptin and energy balance?
a. Fat cell sensitivity to leptin is higher in obese people
b. A deficiency of leptin is characteristic of all obese people
c. Blood levels of leptin usually correlate directly with body fat
d. Major functions of leptin include an increase in hunger and a decrease in metabolic rate
30. Which of the following is a feature of leptin?
a. It is an enzyme
b. It is a satiety signal
c. It is usually deficient in obese people
d. It is secreted by the brain and acts on fat cells
31. Which of the following is a feature of ghrelin?
a. It is a metabolic antagonist of leptin
b. It stimulates appetite and energy storage
c. The blood level in the fasting state correlates directly with body weight
d. It is released in high amounts from adipocytes during periods of excess energy intake
32. Why, in part, is weight loss more successful with exercise and also after bypass surgery?
a. Ghrelin levels are relatively low
b. Adiponectin levels are relatively high
c. PYY release from the hypothalamus is suppressed
d. Leptin release from subcutaneous fat stores is enhanced
33. Which of the following is a feature of ghrelin?
a. High blood levels are found in obese people
b. Its major role in the body is in suppressing appetite
c. It is secreted by adipocytes and promotes negative energy balance
d. Its blood concentration is very high in people with anorexia nervosa
34. What serves as the body’s chief storage site for lipids?
a. Yellow fat
b. Brown adipose tissue
c. White adipose tissue
d. High-density lipoproteins
35. What is the significance of the uncoupling proteins in adipose tissue?
a. Increased loss of energy as heat
b. Reduction of fat cell number
c. Lowering of basal metabolism
d. Proliferation of fat cell number
36. Kirima is a Native Eskimo who lives in one of the coldest regions in the world. What type of adipose tissue is most effective at helping her to maintain warm body temperatures during the coldest parts of the year?
a. Black
b. White
c. Brown
d. Yellow
37. Which of the following is a characteristic of the body’s major types of adipose tissue?
a. Very little brown fat is found in adults, whereas more is seen in infants
b. White adipose is especially important in infants as a moderator of temperature extremes
c. The uncoupled reactions in brown and white adipose are the result of LPL-induced hydrolysis of ATP
d. Among the three types of adipose, namely, white, yellow, and brown, the white adipocytes account for the greatest amount of heat expenditure
38. What primarily determines a person’s susceptibility to obesity?
a. Heredity only
b. Environment only
c. Fat content of diet
d. Heredity and environment
39. Which of the following is the best evidence that environment must play a role in obesity?
a. The rate of obesity has been rising while the gene pool has remained relatively constant
b. The recognition that identical twins reared apart have body weights similar to their biological parents
c. The development of precise body composition methodologies that define adipose storage sites based on gender
d. The discovery of uncoupling proteins that explain the variations in energy metabolism among lean and overweight people
40. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of food portion sizes?
a. They are both high in fat and large in size at restaurants
b. They have increased in general and this change parallels the increasing prevalence of obesity
c. Reducing portion size has a bigger impact than reducing energy density as a means of lowering total energy intake
d. They have increased most notably at fast-food restaurants compared with conventional eating establishments
41. Which of the following is a feature of taking diet histories to gauge energy intake?
a. They correlate strongly with current and past energy intakes
b. Their accuracy correlates strongly with an obesogenic environment
c. Only overweight and obese people report inaccurate energy intakes
d. Both normal and obese people commonly misreport actual energy intakes
42. Which of the following is a feature of NEAT?
a. It is the kcal expended in vigorous activity
b. It is the time (minutes/day) spent in vigorous exercise
c. It is about 350 kcal/day higher in lean than obese people
d. It activates brown adipose tissue in response to moderate but sustained physical activity
43. Compared with non-obese people, obese people have a lower