

Registration Process

Voting Process


The availability list of candidates for the National Executive Committee and Co-Opted members has now closed.

The following procedures need to be followed in order that we have a smooth and transparent election of members to the National Executive Committee.

The process is as follows:

  1. You must nominate on the Parabat Website:
  2. Only PVO paid up members can nominate their candidates for the different portfolios as per the nomination list.
  3. The PVO Voting forum will open on 15th September 2017 and close on 25th September 2017.
  4. On completion of the nomination process, PVO members will then be able to vote at the AGM on 30th September 2017, or send their proxies to the National secretary for their preferred candidates to represent them on the National Executive committee.
  5. There are sixteen positions to be filled on the NEC.
  6. Please note, no candidate or member will be recognised if he does not have an official PVO number

It is required to register on the web site as explained in the rest of the document using your PVO number only.

Registration Process

Login to the forum site using the following URL:

The site will open at the PVO forum:

Click on the “Register” button

The dialog box of the PVO Bulletin board will open

Click on the “I agree to these terms” button

The PVO registration template will open.

Use capital letters when starting your name with PVO. Enter the rest of the information as required.

Remember to use an O and not a Zero in PVO

Username: PVO…..

Email Address : your email address

Password: your password

Enter the confirmation code as seen and click on the Submit button.

NB: If an error occur then one of two things could be the cause:

  1. You are not a paid-up member
  2. The PVO number that was used is not in the database

Voting Process

Click on the button

The Forum dialog will open.

Click on the PVO Topic

Please take note that the PVO forum as a Locked sign and will be removed on the 15th September 2017 and locked again on the 25th September 2017.

The forum Password will be made available before 15th September 2017.

Make selection of one of the positions. NOTE: The dialog box below is filled with fictitious names.

Make your selection and click on submit vote.

Take note that you only have one vote. Once submitted, it can no longer be changed.

Use the bottom icon the move back to the PVO forum and continue with the voting process on each of the positions.

Happy Voting.