World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15)Geneva, 2–27 November 2015 /
PLENARY MEETING / Addendum 20 to
Document 9-E
15 October 2015
Original: English
European Common Proposals
Proposals for the work of the conference
Agenda item 4
4in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC07), to review the resolutions and recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation;
The review of Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences is a standing agenda item. Based on membership proposals WRC-15 shall conclude on whether there is a need for any modification or suppression of Resolutions or Recommendations from previous conferences. Europe reviewed Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences and concluded to make proposals for modification, suppression or reasoned decision to abstain from changes as follows.
Relating to the procedure for identifying and announcing the position of
ships and aircraft of States not parties to an armed conflict[1]
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20122015),
1that the frequencies for urgency signal and messages specified in the Radio Regulations may be used by ships and aircraft of States not parties to an armed conflict for self-identification and establishing communications. The transmission will consist of the urgency or safety signals, as appropriate, described in Article33 followed by the addition of the single group “NNN” in radiotelegraphy and by the addition of the single word “NEUTRAL” pronounced as in French “neutral” in radiotelephony and if available on board by the addition of the single group “NNN” in radiotelegraphy. As soon as practicable, communications shall be transferred to an appropriate working frequency;
4that the identification and location of ships of a State not party to an armed conflict may be effected by means of appropriate standard maritime radar transponders radio equipment (for example AIS, LRIT systems). The identification and location of aircraft of a State not party to an armed conflict may be effected by the use of the secondary surveillance radar (SSR) system in accordance with procedures to be recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
Reasons:Modification in accordance with common practice based on current technology.
RESOLUTION 28 (Rev.WRC-0315)
Revision of references to the text of ITUR Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20032015),
c)that references to incorporated texts shall be explicit and shall refer to a precisely identified provision (see Resolution27 (Rev.WRC0315)[*]);
Reasons:Version of revision of Resolution 27 in considering c) shall be updated and associated obsolete footnote of Secretariat shall be deleted.
Bringing into use of space stations in the broadcasting-satellite service, prior to the entry into force of agreements and associated plans for the broadcasting-satellite service
Reasons:The processing of satellite filings under this Resolution is completed.
RESOLUTION 51 (Rev.WRC-2000)
Transitional arrangements relating to the advance publication and coordination of satellite networks1
Reasons:Objective reached, WRC-07 decided to abrogate this Resolution as of January 2010.
Transitional measures for coordination between certain specific geostationary fixed-satellite service receive earth stations and non-geostationary fixed-satellite service transmit space stationsin the frequency bands 10.7-12.75GHz, 17.8-18.6GHz, and 19.7-20.2GHz where epfd limits apply
Reasons:The Resolution has been implemented.
RESOLUTION 73 (Rev.WRC-2000)
Measures to solve the incompatibility between the broadcasting-satellite service in Region 1 and the fixed-satellite service in Region 3 in the frequency band 12.2-12.5GHz
Reasons:The compatibility between BSS in Region 1 and FSS in Region R3 in 12 GHz is covered by Resolution 547 and assignments under coordination at WRC-2000 have since been implemented without any incompatibility situation being reported.
Provisional application of certain provisions of the Radio Regulations
as revised by WRC12 and abrogation of certain
Resolutions and Recommendations
Reasons:Objective reached by publication of Radio Regulations 2012.
Measures and studies associated with the equivalent power flux-density (epfd) limits in the band 19.7-20.2GHz
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20032015),
e)that ITU-R studies reported to this Conference WRC03 considered HEO systems to be a subcategory of nonGSO systems and characterized their operational features;
f)that in the period between WRC2000 and this Conference WRC03, ITUR developed Recommendations concerning frequency sharing between HEO FSS systems and other systems, including GSO, low Earth orbit (LEO), medium Earth orbit (MEO) and HEO systems;
c)that the 19.7-20.2GHz band is one of the few bands identified by this Conference WRC03 on a global basis for high-density applications in the fixed-satellite service,;
d)Recommendation ITURS.1715 “Guidelines developed in response to the studies requested in Resolution140 (WRC03)”,
resolvesto invite ITUR
to develop, during this ITUR study period, criteria which would protect GSO FSS networks in the band 19.7-20.2GHz from unacceptable interference by HEO FSS systems taking account of the combined effect of interference into downlinks of the GSO FSS networks from HEO FSS systems and other nonGSO FSS systems,
resolves to invites administrations
to consider using the relevant ITUR Recommendations regarding the protection of GSO FSS satellite networks from interference by non-GSO FSS systems as a guideline for consultation between administrations, to fulfil their obligations under No.22.2 in the band 19.7-20.2GHz, and in the case where an administration responsible for a non-GSO FSS system requests the application of No.22.5CA,
Reasons:Recommendation ITU-R S.1715 has been approved in 2005 in response to the resolves to invite ITU-R. However the sections “invites administrations” and “instructs the Radiocommunication Bureau” are still relevant.
Transitional arrangements relating to use of the frequency band 11.7-12.2GHz by geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service in Region 2
Reasons:Transitional measures contained in this Resolution are not required any longer
RESOLUTION 144 (Rev.WRC-0715)
Special requirements of geographically small or narrow countries operating earth stations in the fixed-satellite service in the band 13.75-14GHz
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20072015),
Recommendation ITURS.1712 “Methodologies for determining whether an FSS earth station at a given location could transmit in the band 13.75-14GHz without exceeding the pfd limits in No.5.502 of the Radio Regulations, and guidelines to mitigate excesses”,
1to continue inviting ITUR, to pursue its studies as a matter of urgency, with a view to developing ITUR Recommendations, which will establish technical or operational methods which will further facilitate sharing and may allow greater flexibility in the deployment of FSS earth stations in the band 13.75-14GHz, having regard to No.5.502, and which may also be used as a basis for the establishment of bilateral agreements between concerned administrations;
2that the administrations of geographically small or narrow countries may exceed the limitations on FSS earth station power flux-density at the low-water mark in No.5.502 if such operation is in conformance with bilateral agreements with administrations deploying maritime radiolocation systems in the band 13.75-14GHz, this being in order to provide due consideration to administrations of geographically small or narrow countries,
1administrations deploying maritime radiolocation systems in the band 13.75 to 14GHz to participate actively in the ITUR studies referred to in resolves1;
2administrations of geographically small or narrow countries to also contribute to the above studies.
Reasons:Resolves 1 and invites 1 and 2 could be suppressed following the approval of Recommendation ITU-R S.1712-0 in 2005.
Satellite systems formerly listed in Part B of the Plan of Appendix 30B (WARCOrb-88)
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20072015),
e)that, therefore, this Conference WRC07 suppressed PartB of the Plan in Appendix30B,
1that the notified period of validity of assignments to “existing system(s)” as referred to in consideringc) for which the notified period of validity expires before 16May 2011 shall be extended until that date;
2that administrations intending to further operate assignments to “existing system(s)” as referred to in consideringc) beyond 16 March 2010 shall so inform the Radiocommunication Bureau before 16March2008, indicating which assignments are concerned;
3that, after the notifying administration has acted in accordance with resolves2, assignments to “existing system(s)” as referred to in consideringc) may continue to be operated in accordance with the notified period of validity, including the extension provided in resolves1, if appropriate;
4that an administration wishing to further extend the notified period of validity, extended under resolves1, if applicable, of assignments to “existing system(s)” as referred to in consideringc),shall inform the Bureau accordingly more than three years before the expiry of the notified period of validity, extended under resolves1, if applicable, and if the characteristics of that assignment remain unchanged, the Bureau shall amend, as requested, the notified period of validity and publish that information in a special section of the Bureau’s International Frequency Information Circular (BRIFIC),
instructs the Radiocommunication Bureau
1to cancel from the Master Register and the List assignments to “existing system(s)” as referred to in consideringc) upon expiry of their notified period of validity, or if the notifying administration failed to comply with resolves2 above;
2to calculate aggregate C/I of the “existing systems” as referred to in consideringc) without taking into account the interference between these systems;.
3to take the appropriate actions in accordance with resolves1 and4.
Reasons:Resolves 1 to 3 are no longer required and can be suppressed. However resolves 4 and instructs the Radiocommunication Bureau 1 and 2 must be retained.
RESOLUTION 207 (Rev.WRC-0315)
Measures to address unauthorized use of and interference to frequencies in the bands allocated to the maritime mobile service and to the aeronautical mobile (R) service
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20032015),
invites administrations
1to ensure that stations of services other than the maritime mobile service abstain from using frequencies in distress and safety channels and their guardbands and in the bands allocated exclusively to that service, except under the conditions expressly specified in Nos.4.4, 5.128,5.129[*], 5.137 and 4.13 to4.15; and to ensure that stations of services other than the aeronautical mobile (R) service abstain from using frequencies allocated to that service except under the conditions expressly specified in Nos.4.4 and4.13;
Reasons:Update in order to delete the reference to suppressed provision No. 5.129.
RESOLUTION 418 (Rev.WRC1215)
Use of the band 5091-5250MHz by the aeronautical
mobile service for telemetry applications
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20122015),
e)that the frequency band 50005091-5150MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite(R) service on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No.9.21;
a)that results of studies conducted in accordance with Resolution 230 (Rev.WRC03) show the feasibility of using the band 5091-5250MHz for the aeronautical mobile service on a primary basis, limited to transmissions of telemetry for flight testing, under certain conditions and arrangements;
Reasons:Update in accordance with the current situation.
Updating of the “Remarks” columns in the Tables of Article9A of Appendix30A and Article 11 of Appendix 30 of the Radio Regulations
Reasons:The assignments of the affected or affecting networks, terrestrial stations or beams of administrations remaining in the Tables 2, 3 and 4 of Article 11 of Appendix 30 and in Tables 1A and 1B of Article 9A of Appendix 30A either have already been recorded in the Master International Frequency Register and brought into use, or included in the original Region 2 Plan. Therefore the status and characteristics of these assignments will remain unchanged.
Additional regulatory provisions for broadcasting-satellite service
networks in the band 21.4-22GHz in Regions1 and3 for
the enhancement of equitable access to this band
Reasons:This Resolution has been implemented.
RESOLUTION 749 (Rev.WRC1215)
Use of the band 790-862MHz in countries of Region 1 and the Islamic Republic of Iran by mobile applications and by other services
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20122015),
i)that the GE06 Agreement established, for the band 470-862MHz, 16June2015 as the date when the transition period endsed, meaning that the assignments that were in the analogue Plan shall are no longer be protected and shall not cause unacceptable interference in countries which are Contracting Members to the Agreement;
further recognizing
a)that the frequency band 790-862MHz, as part of a wider frequency band, was has been allocated to the mobile service in Region3 (including Iran (Islamic Republic of)) since 1971 (prior to WRC07);
f)that in Resolution 749 (WRC07), WRC resolved to invite ITUR to conduct sharing studies for Regions1 and3 in the band 790-862MHz between the mobile service and other services in order to protect the services to which the frequency band is currently allocated and to report the results of the studies for consideration by WRC12 to take appropriate action;
gf)that the coordination between terrestrial services (fixed, mobile and broadcasting) in the frequency band 790-862MHz between Iran (Islamic Republic of), on the one hand, and the other countries of Region3, on the other hand, is a matter to be left to the administrations concerned, based on bilateral or multilateral negotiations, if it is mutually agreed by those administrations,
b)that in the band 790-862MHz, Resolution 224 (Rev.WRC1215)applies,
2.1when coordination between administrations is being effected, the protection ratios applicable to the generic case NB contained in the GE06 Agreement for the protection of the broadcasting service shall be used only for mobile systems with a bandwidth of 25kHz. If another bandwidth is used, the relevant protection ratios are to be found in Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368 and ITURBT.2033;
3.2adjacent channel interference should be treated among administrations concerned, using mutually agreed criteria or those contained in relevant ITUR Recommendations (see also the most recent versions of Recommendations ITU-R BT.1368,and ITU-R BT.1895 and ITURBT.2033 when sharing with the broadcasting service is concerned), as appropriate,
further resolvesinvites administrations
to invite administrations to contribute further to the studies conducted by ITU-R in accordance with Resolution224 (Rev.WRC12) and recognizingk) above,
Reasons:Modification in accordance with current situation.
Power flux-density limits for transmitting stations
in the 21.4-22GHz band
Reasons:The transitional measures for terrestrial stations in resolves 1 are valid until the first day of WRC-15, furthermore no assignment for a space station in the MIFR exceeds the pfd limit, and resolves 2 is therefore implemented.
Preliminary agenda for the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference
Reasons:Objective reached.
Agenda for the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference
Reasons:Objective reached.
Review of the Rule of Procedure for No.9.35 of the Radio Regulations
Reasons:Resolution has been implemented.
Transitional measures for coordination between the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) and the space research (passive) service in the band 1668-1668.4MHz for a specific case
Reasons:Since the SPECTR-R satellite system is registered in the MIFR, the coordination procedure between new MSS systems and this space research system will be applied according to standard provisions. The transitional measures contained in this Resolution are therefore no longer required.
Study of the boundary between the out-of-band and spurious domains of primary radars using magnetrons
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20032015),
a)that §3.3 of Annex1 in the most recent version of Recommendation ITURSM.15391 mentions that the specification of the boundary between the out-of-band and spurious domains of primary radars is subject to ongoing studies in ITUR and that there would be benefit in having these completed by the next Radiocommunication Assembly;
Reasons:As Recommendation ITU-R SM.1539 is of non-mandatory nature,the reference in recognizinga) should be without specific version.
Future IMT systems
a)the ongoing relevant studies by ITUR on IMT-Advanced, in particular the outputs from QuestionITUR2291/83/5;
Reasons:Update with current situation.
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[1]Administrations are invited to study the text of this Resolution and provide any proposals to a future competent Conference.
[*]Note by the Secretariat: This Resolution was revised by WRC-07.
[*]Note by the Secretariat: WRC-07 suppressed provision No.5.129 and modified provision No.5.128 by merging the contents of former provisions Nos. 5.128 and 5.129.