Coquille Valley Elementary

1115 N. Baxter



First Grade

2 packages of glue sticks

Pencils-2 dozen #2 (regular lead with no plastic coating)

(please sharpen)

Pencil box for supplies

Crayons- 2 boxes of 16 or 24 basic colors

Scissors- 1 pair (Fiskars blunt recommended)

Backpack-Please write child’s name in permanent ink inside

Optional-color/activity book/spiral notebook for rainy day recesses

1 box of quart or gallon Ziploc bags

Low odor dry erase marker

Pencil cap erasers

Computer headphones

1 ruler with both centimeters & inches

1 bottle of white school glue

Disinfectant wipes

*No markers please

*All first grade students should keep a change of clothes and shoes in their backpack

Second Grade

Glue-1 bottle white school glue- 1 package glue sticks

Scissors- 1 pair (Fiskars recommended)

Pencils- 2 dozen #2 regular lead yellow only (please sharpen)

2 Boxes of 16 or 24 crayons (or twistables)

Small pencil box for supplies (no larger than 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 3)

Eraser- 1 pink pearl, 1 pkg. cap erasers

Backpack-Please write child’s name in permanent ink inside

Computer headphones

Low odor dry erase marker

Kleenex- 1 large box

Ziploc bags-1 box gallon or quart size

Computer headphones

Third Grade

1 pair of student scissors Slider bags

Colored pencils 3-4 low odor dry erase markers each trimester

Multiplication & division flashcards Tissues- 1 large box each trimester

1 pkg. eraser caps/tops Post-it notes (3x3in) for student use

Large glue stick 1 spiral notebook- wide ruled

Crayons- minimum 16 colors each trimester Computer headphones

3 doz. yellow pencils Ruler- centimeters & inches (non-bendable)

Backpack- Please write child’s name in permanent *No binders please

ink inside

Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

4 pkgs. notebook paper-wide rule 3 holes 2 glue sticks

Glue stick, large 2 pencil sharpeners w/covers

Scissors, pointed 1 pair scissors

5 pkgs. #2 pencils 3 two-pocket poly folders

Colored pencils-8 colors minimum 1 pkg. colored pencils

Crayons-16 colors 3 dozen #2 pencils

3 spiral notebooks (1 subject) 1 pkg. eraser caps

Ruler with centimeters and inches 1 composition book, 100 sheets- wide ruled

Eraser tops 2 spiral notebooks, 70 sheets

1 pkg of 100 index cards 1 yellow highlighter

Pencil box 1 pair computer headphones

Computer headphones 1 container Lysol or Clorox wipes

Tissues- 2 large boxes 2 boxes tissues

3 Pee-Chee style folders 4 pkgs. notebook paper- wide ruled, 3 holes

Markers-1 pack 1 pkg. felt tip markers

1 1” three ring binder 1 dry erase board approx.12” x 9”

4 Dry erase markers (low odor) and eraser 1 pkg. dry erase markers

Red pen 1 black Sharpie permanent marker, fine point

Disinfecting wipes Pencil box

Personal pencil sharpener 1 box Ziploc bags, quart or gallon

Sixth Grade

Pencil cap erasers Ruler

3 3-ring binders 1 ½ in. or multi-subject binder Glue stick

4 dozen pencils/erasers high-quality Pencil pouch/box

1 dozen blue & black pens 2 large boxes tissues

5 notebook paper-loose leaf 4 spiral notebook- 1 subject

1 packages of dividers Hand held pencil sharpener

Colored pencils 6 white board markers

Crayons Highlighter

Scissors Markers

1 composition book 2 pkgs Lysol or Clorox wipes

Red pen Black Sharpie marker

Computer headphones