Minnesota State High School League Rules will be in force with the following changes:

1.Lineups must be submitted to the score table 5 minutes prior to starting the game. Teams not on the floor 5 minutes after scheduled starting time forfeit.

2.All games are two 14 minute stop time halves. A 25-point lead at any point in the 2nd half will result in a change to running time until the lead drops below 15 points.

3.Each team is allowed 3 one-minute time outs per game. One time out is allowed per team for each overtime period. Unused time outs do not carry over.

4.There will be a 3 minute half-time break. This may be reduced if games are running behind.

5.No protests. Referees and tournament officials will settle disputes on the floor.

6.Overtime will be one, 2 minute stop time period. If the score is tied after one over-time period, the second over-time period will be sudden death. The first team to score a point wins.

7.Technical fouls will not be shot. All technical fouls will be a 2 point award and the ball. A player, coach assessed with a 2nd technical foul, will be ejected from the game and the remainder of the tournament, as will parents exhibiting un sportsman like behavior.

8.The OFFICIAL SCORER is to be furnished by the home designate, and is required to be at the scorers table. Top team on bracket or first team listed (pool play) is the Home Team.

9.Zone defense is not allowed in 4th grade. This includes no zone press or out-of-bounds. Double-teaming is allowed. Weak-side help defense is allowed. Any type of defense will be allowed for all other grade levels.

10.4th grade Free Throws – Must start behind the Free Throw Line can land over the line but cannot gain a rebounding advantage.(Must wait for ball to hit rim before going for rebound)

11.4th Grade - No full court press. All other grades No full court press will be allowed by a team who has a 20 point lead or greater.

12.There will be a jump ball to start the game with alternate possession thereafter. A jump ball will be used to start each over-time period.

13.Players, coaches, parents and fans are expected to display good sportsmanship at all times.