4-H Community Service Award
To be filled out by 4-H Club or group and submitted to 4-H Office
4-H Club or Group______Club Leaders: ______
Area (s) of Community Service Program (i.e. Health, safety, recreation, etc.):
Number of 4-H members in club or group: BOYS______GIRLS______Total______
Number of meetings or work sessions in which program being reported was included______
What did your group accomplish?______
What projects &/or activities did your group conduct? Tell how many were involved and specifically describe what was done.
Describe cooperation with other community organizations, agencies, individuals, &/or group:
What were the results of your Community Service Programs to the group and community?
Signature of Club Leader______Date______
Signature of Club President______Date______
*NOTE: Attach to this report form supporting materials such as: news clippings and pictures to further tell the story of your work
Best All-Around Club
Name of Club______
Year Club Begin______Current Year______
Number of Members:______Adult Leaders:______
A. Average monthly attendance at club meetings______Number of visitors during year______
B. Indicate activities members participated in by giving attendance figures and describing what was done by individuals:
Number Explanation
National 4-H Week______
County Activity Day______
District Activity Day______
Day Camps______
Summer 4-H Camp______
4-H Congress______
Summer Fun Program______
Camping Trips______
County Fair______
State Fair______
Fashion Shows______
Livestock Activities______
Achievement Program______
C. Youth Council Meetings (# your club representatives attended)______
Duties or offices held:______
D. Number of volunteers attending County Council/Leaders' Assoc. meetings:______
E. Number of members giving Presentations: Club______County______District______State______
F. Number of Project Records submitted:______
G. Number of Cumulative Records/Resumes/Interviews:______
H. Has your club helped other organizations or groups? Explain
I. Describe what your club did during National 4-H Week.
J. Have members from your club represented 4-H at civic clubs?______
*Note* Write a brief summary of why you feel that your club deserves this award.
Leader______Club President______
4-H Agricultural Awards
4-H Club:______
1. What agriculture-related 4-H projects has the individual completed this year?
2. Check all the 4-H activities nominee has participated in this year related to Agriculture:
_____Club Presentation
_____County Activity Day
_____District Activity Day
_____State Presentations
_____State Congress
_____County Fair Exhibits
_____Local Livestock Show & Sale
_____Other Livestock Shows
_____Local Livestock Judging Contest
_____State Livestock Judging Contest
_____National Livestock Judging Contest
_____Animal Camp
_____Workshops attended
_____Workshops given by individual
_____Field trips or tours. List (ag. related):______
_____Assistance with Extension on-farm tests or demonstration plots
_____Other. List:______
3. How have you (or the 4-H'er) shared the knowledge of your/their agriculture projects with others
(family members, 4-H'ers, and other people)?
4. Write a brief statement explaining why you/or the nominee should be recognized for outstanding achievement in Agriculture.
Signature of 4-H Leader:______Date:______
4-H Beautification Award
Name of Club______
Number of Members______Adult Leaders______
1. Describe the community beautification project or projects that your club identified to work on.
2. Describe the responsibilities of the leaders & members. Include how leaders helped to accomplish the club's goals.
3. List the resource people that were involved and how they helped. (list any people from outside the club who were helpful—i.e. Community organizations, etc.).
Attach samples of news articles, photographs with captions, letters or other printed materials to
support your report.
Leader Signature______Date______
Club President Signature______Date______
Family & Consumer Science Award
4-H Club______
1. What home economics-related 4-H projects has the individual completed this year?
2. Check all 4-H activities individual has participate in this year related to Home Economics:
_____4-H Cooking Club
_____County Fashion Revue
_____4-H Sewing Club
_____State Fashion Revue
_____Club Presentation
_____County Activity Day
_____District Activity Day
_____State Presentation
_____4-H Congress
_____County Fair Exhibits
_____County Fair Dress Revue
_____Spring Into Cotton Event
_____State Fair Exhibits
_____Featured in news
_____Workshops attended
_____Workshops given by individual
_____Field trips or tours: List:______
_____4-H Baking Contest
_____Other: List______
3. How has this individual shared his/her knowledge gained from 4-H projects with others (family members, 4-H'ers, and other people)?______
4. Write a brief statement explaining why you believe you/or the nominee should be recognized for outstanding achievement in Home Economics.
Signature of 4-H Leader:______Date:______
Most Improved 4-H Club Award
To receive this award, a club must demonstrate growth over a two year period. Growth is measured by larger number of participants and involvement in more activities. A total comparison will be made by the judges to determine which club
has improved the most in all areas combined.
Club Name______Leader Signature______
Previous Yr.Current Yr.
1. Number of new club members gained______
2. Average number club members attending meetings______
3. Number club meetings held______
4. Number of educational programs at meetings______
5. Number club fund-raising projects______
6. Number of community service projects______
7. Number club members turned in complete project books______
8. Number of County Council meetings attended by club.______
9. Number of club members turned in cumulative/resume/interviews______
10.Number of Adult Leader meetings attended by club______
Indicate number of 4-H'ers who participated in each activity:
County Fair______
County Activity Day______
District Activity Day______
State Presentation______
District Teen Retreat______
4-H Congress______
4-H Camp______
Fashion Shows______
CountyTalent Show______
Livestock Activities______
State Fair______
4-H Summer Fun______
Achievement Program______
Others: List:______
Briefly explain how you think your club has improved this year and tell why you think you qualify for this award.
WilsonCounty 4-H
Teen Leader of the Year Application (14-18)
Return to 4-H office by January 4th (5:00 p.m.)!
4-H Club Name______
In a brief paragraph, please explain why you feel that you would be the best candidate for this award.
Please indicate what activities you have been involved with THIS year (2010).Also, indicate what level of activities you have been involved in (L= local, C=county, D=district, S=state, N=national).
If you need additional pages for information, please add.
Example: CountyActivity Day-C, 4-H District Activity Day (presentation)-D, etc.
WilsonCounty 4-H
Junior Leader of the Year Application (9-13)
Return to 4-H office by January 4th (5:00 p.m.)!
4-H Club Name______
In a brief paragraph, please explain why you feel that you would be the best candidate for this award.
Please indicate what activities you have been involved with THIS year (2010).Also, indicate what level of activities you have been involved in (L= local, C=county, D=district, S=state, N=national).
If you need additional pages for information, please add.
Example: CountyActivity Day-C, 4-H District Activity Day (presentation)-D, etc.