RFP for Phone System Replacement
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Chesapeake bay foundation
Request for Proposal for
Phone System
All information included in this RFP is confidential and intended only for the recipient. No information included in this document or in discussions connected to it may be disclosed to any other party.
About Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Founded in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay. Serving as a watchdog, we fight for effective, science-based solutions to the pollution degrading the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.
With offices in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia and 15 field centers, CBF leads the way in restoring the Bay and its rivers and streams.
Purpose of this RFP
CBF is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified vendors to offer their solution for IP phone system replacement. Services may include but are not limited to: cloud based phone systems, phone servers, phone equipment, switches, unified communications software, and implementation services. The system will presumably be rolled out by location over time, as budget permits, to ensure that adequate infrastructure is in place and proper training can be provided.
General Conditions
This RFP is not an offer to contract. Acceptance of a proposal neither commits our company to award a contract to any supplier, even if all requirements stated in this RFP are met, nor limits our right to negotiate in our best interest. We reserve the right to contract with a supplier for reasons other than lowest price. We will thoroughly examine each proposal for best price, product quality, performance measures, flexibility and customer support.
Proposals are to be made in good faith, without fraud, collusion or connection of any kind with any other contractor for the same work. All bidders must complete in their own interest and in their own behalf. If you are subcontracting any portion of this agreement, you must identify the subcontractor in your proposal and agree that all subcontractors are bound to all terms and conditions of this RFP.
The supplier will absorb all costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of the proposal.
All suppliers who submit proposals will be notified of the results of the selection process.
CBF reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, with or without cause, even if all the stated requirements are met. In addition, CBF may enter into negotiations with one or more entities simultaneously and award a contract without notification. At the sole discretion of CBF, bidder presentations may be requested before award of the contract. CBF may also request the opportunity to conduct an on-site review of the supplier’s facility and/or other locations where these services are provided, or a demonstration of the proposed technology.
RFP Schedule
This schedule outlines the major activities that will occur in this bid process and the due dates. Any changes in deadlines will be communicated to all suppliers in writing. We reserve the right to disqualify any supplier who does not comply with these deadlines.
Activity / Date/TimeRFP Released / January 23, 2017
Proposal Submission Deadline / February 6, 2017
Proposal Review / February 6-10, 2017
Bidder Presentations / Negotiations / February 13-24, 2017
Award / February 27, 2017
Contract Start / March 2017
Implementation Period / March, April, May, June 2017
Go-Live / June 2017
Current Environment
CBF has multiple locations with 4 digit dialing between offices
HQ office, Annapolis, MD
· Receptionist console for mainline with auto attendant
· 159 extensions
· 3 Polycom 7000 conference phones
· 10 Fax to mail lines
Washington DC office
· No receptionist phone
· Mainline with auto attendant and 6 extensions – hunt group
Easton, MD office
· No receptionist
· Mainline with auto attendant and 4 extensions – hunt group
Harrisburg, PA office
· Receptionist console for mainline with auto attendant
· 17 extensions
· Polycom 7000 conference phone
· Fax to mail
Virginia Beach, VA office
· Receptionist console for mainline with auto attendant
· 17 extensions
· 2 Polycom 7000 conference phones
· Fax to mail
Richmond, VA
· Receptionist console for mainline with auto attendant
· 15 extensions
· Polycom 7000 conference phone
· Fax to mail
Upper Malrboro, MD – Clagett Farm
· 2 direct dial extensions
Annapolis Legislative Office – Office only used 3/months out of the year
· 1 main line
· 2 extra phones
Lynnhaven River Now, Virginia Beach, VA (located inside CBF VA Beach office)
· Mainline with auto attendant and 8 extensions – hunt group
Oyster Restoration Center (ORC) (new from RFI)
· 1 direct dial extension with ported number
Please see the list of current requirements in Appendix A: RFP System Requirements. Responders are encouraged to include additional information as necessary in order to provide as complete and valuable a response as possible. Information regarding additional features and capabilities is welcome.
Proposal Format and Submission Requirements
Proposals should be organized in the following format:
● Section 1: Executive Summary. The one or two-page executive summary is to briefly describe the Proposer’s proposal. This summary should highlight the major features of the proposal. It must indicate any requirements that cannot be met by the Proposer. The reader should be able to determine the essence of the proposal by reading the executive summary.
● Section 2: Response to RFP Requirements. Proposers should provide responses to all requirements outlined in Appendix A: RFP System Requirements
● Section 3: Pricing. Proposers should complete the Appendix B: Pricing Proposal. Additional vendor sales quotes, hardware details, or other pricing material may be included in this section.
● Section 4: Additional Information. Proposers may include additional information regarding their products and services in this section.
Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed to:
Shaun Poulton, Hartman Executive Advisors
Executive IT Advisor
Phone: 410-600-3319
Submissions are requested by: February 6, 2017
Please submit responses electronically to:
with subject “CBF-RFP-PHONE response: <Company Name>”
Diverse Business Participation
CBF actively encourages proposals from Small, Women and Minority Owned (SWAM) Businesses. Please note if you are a Small, Women or Minority Owned Business and if you are certified by the State/Commonwealth/DC.
Appendix A: RFP System Requirements
Company Background Information
1. Legal name of the company
2. Number of years in business
3. Headquarters location address, phone number, website
4. Company type
5. Number of employees
6. Tax ID number
Company Experience and References
Please describe the product/market differentiators that distinguish you in the industry and make you capable of competing for this project.
Please provide project details for at least two (2) contactable references. Include contact information (name, title, phone, and email) for each customer reference who can speak to project performance throughout the life of the contract.
1. Does the vendor develop and maintain the platform solution in-house or does it resell another vendor’s solution?
2. Where is the platform hosted? Is it centrally hosted or geographically distributed? Please provide a map or list of datacenter hosting locations.
3. Describe guaranteed availability/up-time. Include standard Service Level Agreement (SLA).
4. What business continuity / system survivability options are available?
5. What happens to service in the event of a local power or WAN outage?
6. Please describe platform security measure. How is call data protected?
Chesapeake Bay Foundation requires the following basic service requirements:
Service / Vendor Response(Y/N) / QTY* / Included or Optional**
Number portability for all numbers
4-digit extension dialing, regardless of geographic location
Unlimited local dialing
Unlimited domestic long distance
International dialing (include current rates)
Toll-Free service (include current rates)
* Please identify if your solution supports this requirement (Y/N) and state any limits on quantity (e.g., 1 per user, etc.). If quantity is unlimited, please state unlimited.
** Please identify if the feature is included in your standard pricing or available as an optional feature at an additional cost.
1. How is the system managed/administered? Please describe customer Administrator interface.
2. Is self-service supported?
3. How are moves, adds, and changes performed?
4. How is service added, removed?
5. Please describe real-time reporting options.
Features / Functions
Chesapeake Bay Foundation requires the basic features/functions as described in the RFI:
(Y/N) / QTY* / Included or Optional**
Integrated corporate Directory
Redundant/backup server capabilities
Multiple phone types with open standards
- Basic Phone
- Advanced phone
- Switchboard phone
- Conference Room phone
- Cordless handsets/headsets
Multiple morning /night modes
Hunt Groups
Ability to assign a number of lines to a Hunt Group (e.g. Can take 3 calls before Voicemail)
Call rollover
Distinctive Ring for Hunt Groups
Group pickup
Direct Inward Dialing
4 digit extension dialing
Station monitoring or busy lamp field
Do not Disturb
Message waiting light/display
AutoDial (calls number when picked up)
Call park
Caller ID
Call Hold
Call Hold with multiple messages
Call forwarding
Call forward to cell phone (simplified)
Call forwarding for specific numbers
Call forwarding when busy
Call forwarding on no answer
Call recording
Call menus
Speed Dial
Memory buttons
Multiple phone queues
Busy Redial
Internal Conference Call
External Conference Calling
Message Line (for automated messages only)
Voicemail forwarding to e-mail
Voicemail forwarding to text
Remote Voicemail Retrieval
Auto attendant
Auto Attendant when busy
Attendant Console
Messages on Hold
Integrated Voice Response
Call Routing
Toll and Nuisance number restrictions
Directed Pickup
Long distance password
Enhanced 911
Programmable music on hold
Overhead paging
Group paging
Start call from e-mail
Building Intercom
Call Center Support
Call Logging w/ export Capabilities
Call Accounting
Mobile device integration (softphones)
Automatic Phone Moves (Follow me)
Roaming User Support
Inbound Fax to e-mail
Outbound fax to distribution group
Integration with Skype for Business/Office 365
Twinning- ability to call simultaneous phones and handoff to/from a desk phone
Hot Desking- ability for any user to log into a phone and make it their phone
Phone Metrics
Metrics for Time to Answer
Metrics for Number of calls (inbound /outbound)
Metrics for Time on Hold
Metrics for Lost calls
Reports and Metrics for call tracking
Reports and Metrics for detail phone calls by extension
Integrated security for phone data
Overall metrics by department
Administrative Features
Change names via Admin Console
Change extensions via Admin Console
Change routing in auto attendants
Change hunt groups
* Please identify if your solution supports this requirement (Y/N) and state any limits on quantity (e.g., 1 per user, etc.). If quantity is unlimited, please state unlimited.
** Please identify if the feature is included in your standard pricing or available as an optional feature at an additional cost.
Implementation and Project Management
1. What is your standard operating procedure for implementing a project such as this? Please give a brief overview of your methodology, not a detailed project implementation plan.
2. Discuss the roles on your implementation team, such as Account Manager, Business Analyst, Project Manager, Tester, Trainer, etc.
3. What are the typical challenges in this type of implementation?
4. What is the typical timeline for an implementation of this nature?
5. How will you provide training for users and administrators?
Support and Maintenance
Platform Maintenance
1. What is your strategy for upgrades and new releases?
2. Is deployment of application changes seamless, non-disruptive, and remote? Explain the process.
3. Are new features automatically available to existing customers? Or is a service upgrade required?
4. Please describe remote diagnostics for both the platform and individual client sites.
Customer Service and Technical Support
1. What levels (tiers) of service do you offer and what are the details of each level of service?
2. Detail the issue resolution process.
3. What is your average time to solve a moderate to difficult issue?
Appendix B: Pricing ProposalOne-Time / Non-Recurring Charges
Description / Unit Price / QTY / TOTALAccount setup
Project Management
Solution Sales Engineering
Number Porting
Solution Configuration / Customization
Solution Testing / Verification
Deployment support
User Training (remote)
User Training (onsite)
Administrator Training (remote)
Administrator Training (onsite)
Deployment Engineering / Technical Support (remote)
Deployment Engineering / Technical Support (onsite)
Standard Handset - Make/Model: ______
(Purchase option)
Executive Handset - Make/Model: ______
(Purchase option)
ATA device (for traditional fax, analog interface)
Voice gateway (to support survivability options)
Monthly Service / Recurring Charges- (please segment by location)
Description / Unit Price / QTY / TOTALStandard business user
Included features / quantities:
Optional services / quantities:
Maintenance, Service, and Support:
Standard Handset - Make/Model: ______
(Lease/Rental option)
Executive Handset - Make/Model: ______
(Lease/Rental option)
Conference Station - Make/Model: ______
(Lease/Rental option)
Other Equipment – details/quantities
Appendix C: Current Workflows
Scenario 1: Incoming call answered by human during work hours. After hours goes to attendant/voicemail.
Scenario 2: Incoming call answered by auto attendant and then forwarded in round robin fashion to extensions. After hours is message only
Scenario 3: Phone is answered by auto attendant user inputs from options menu
Scenario 4: Multiple time schedules
Non-Business Hours
Auto-attendant with forwarding to Open Departments
Business hours