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Experience in designing and implementing comprehensive community change, education, service systems reform and community economic development initiatives intended to improve the socio-economic outcomes of low and moderate income residents and the places in which they reside.Demonstrated capacity in establishing and maintaining rapport with diverse constituencies including; community residents, public and private sector officials, direct service practitioners, policymakers, evaluation and research professionals.
Notable Accomplishments:
Serve as Program Manager and Co-Principal Investigator for urban/rural models of k-12 education reform and a complementary multi-university post secondary education effort focused on North Carolina’s Minority Serving Institutions ♦Coordinated technical assistance in the area of family economic success for the Annie E Casey Foundation’s 10 year multi-million dollar investment in neighborhood change strategies ♦ Led planning and design efforts that launched neighborhood based employment/benefit access/financial service centers that are now being implemented in over sixty organizations across 20 cities ♦Provided leadership support and strategic planning consultation for the nation’s largest family resource center facility♦ Assisted in the development of two comprehensive websites targeted to community development practitioners and a second site aimed at constituencies interested in issues concerning marginalized males.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Senior Research Associate, 2006-Present
Center for Community CapitalUrban Investment Strategies Center
Manage and coordinate various education andcommunity economic developmentefforts among various audiences including governmental agencies, foundations, financial institutions, community development intermediaries and secondary/post secondaryeducation institutions with the goals of increasing investment in low income communities, improving education and workforce outcomes and connecting unbanked households tonon-predatory financial services. Select ProjectDescriptions:
- Serve as Program Director for a University (System) of North Carolina project aimed at post secondary access, retention and graduation of traditionally underserved students, with a particular focus on young men of color.
- Serve as an Adjunct Instructor in the UNC School of Social Workteaching the courseAsset Development Policy and Practice
- Led an interdisciplinary team of academics and practitioners to assess expanded income (workforce, income support, and asset building) services as well as education programs and services focused on college access and success in Cleveland, Ohio funded by Living Cities.
- Serve as consultant toReady2Thrive, a project of Public Private Venturesaimed at creating a national practitioners network targeted to academicians, legislators, direct service professionals and others concerned with the plight of at-risk young males.
- Served as lead consultantto the Annie E Casey Foundation’sefforts to assist formerly incarcerated individuals with the transition from prison back into their communities, these strategies emphasized employment as a key component for successful reentry.
- Conducted an audit of Cincinnati’s Financial Stability System for the United Way of Greater Cincinnati. Made recommendations for improving and integrating services as well as reforming local policy aimed at improving outcomes for low income households.
- Coordinated Pathways to Prosperity, an effortthat sought to connect residents of the Charlotte Housing Authority to fair and affordable financial services funded by the North Carolina Commissioner of Banks
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Program Associate, 2002 - 2006
As a member of the Foundation’s Community Change Initiatives Management Team, assisted in all aspects of strategy development, implementation and technical assistance support for the Foundation’s flagship initiative, Making Connections. Managed a diverse array of community change organizations, consultants and practitioners in the areas of prisoner reentry, workforce development, financial services, housing and community development. Select Grantees included: Aspen Institute – Economic Opportunity Division, The Community Builders Inc., Economic Policy Institute, LISC, MDRC, SEEDCO and ShoreBank Advisory Services. Managed the Centers for Working Families Initiative as an adjunct member of the Foundation’s Family Economic Success Unit. This effort created place-based initiatives that integrated workforce development, income supports, asset building and financial services targeted to low-income families.
Professional Experience Continued
Polk Bros. Foundation
Program Officer, 1999 - 2002
Assessed and evaluated funding requests from non-profit organizations including review of audited financial statements, program performance, organizational effectiveness and management capacity. Specialized in responding to grant requests in housing, family services, workforce and youth development.
Grassroots Planning and Consulting
Consultant, 1999
Provided program design, curriculum development and strategic planning support to a diverse array of clients including the National Community Building Network, Near South Family Life Center (a faith-based family resource center on Chicago’s south side) and the Nebraska Department of Social Services.
Family Resource Coalition
Community Building Director, 1997 - 1999
Coordinated internal capacity building efforts to explore connections between family support and community economic development. Developed and promoted resources that assisted family support initiatives in understanding, planning and implementing a range of family economic security strategies, including workforce development and asset building strategies.
Federal Technical Assistance Specialist, 1995 - 1997
Worked intensively in communities across the country to plan, design and implement family support initiatives. Provided technical assistance in community assessment, resident involvement and strategic planning for the development of family resource centers.
Annapolis Department of Planning
Community Development Project Planner, 1994 - 1995
Led comprehensive community development planning and program implementation in the areas of economic development, public safety, family support, land use and zoning for a local neighborhood revitalization effort. Assisted in the administration of the Community Development Block Grant Program and co-authored the 1995 Annapolis Consolidated plan.
Internships concurrent with Graduate Degree in Planning, 1992 - 1994
Enterprise Foundation/Neighborhood Transformation Center ♦ Baltimore Development Corporation ♦ Maryland Office of Planning
Master of City and Regional Planning, Morgan State University ♦ Bachelor of Arts, Geography, University of North Carolina at Greensboro♦ Certificate of Nonprofit Management, Duke University ♦ Management Certificate Program , Loyola University Chicago
American City Agenda for Ohio: Expanded Income and College Access and Success♦ The Reality Education and Assets Partnership: Making the Case for Student Financial Management Programs at Minority Serving Institutions ♦Downtown Los Angeles, CA: Community Driven Change – Employment Pathways for Ex-Offenders ♦Pathways to Success: Historically Black College and K-12 Partnerships ♦ Showing the Way: The Path to a High Performing Regional System for Family Financial Stability♦On Solid Ground: Family Support and Sustainable Community Economic Development ♦Prince Hall Family Support Center Strategic Plan♦The Clay Street Revitalization Plan
Action for Children NC-Board of Directors♦Ready2Thrive - National Practitioners Network for Marginalized Males Advisory Committee ♦Association for Black Foundation Executives ♦Scholars’ Network on Masculinity and the Well Being of African American Men♦UNC Community Campus Partnership, Executive Committee ♦ American Institute of Architects, Sustainable Design Assessment Team - Los Angeles ♦North Carolina Asset Building Task Force ♦ Neighborworks Success Measures Asset Building Indicators Working Group ♦ UNC Office of Business and Economic Development Working Group♦AECF Social Investment/Program Related Investment Committee ♦ AECF Prisoner Re-integration Committee ♦ Community Organizing for Family Issues Chicago-Board of Directors ♦ Public Allies Chicago-Board of Directors ♦ National Community Building Network-Board of Directors, Chair of National Conference Planning Committee for Los Angeles and New York City ♦ Donors Forum of Chicago-Community Building, Youth Development Task Force & Co-Chair of the Poverty Task Force ♦ Affordable Housing Funders Group/Co-founder & Inaugural Chair ♦ Chicago African Americans in Philanthropy ♦ Chicago Community Organizers Funders Collaborative ♦ Chicago Youth Services Division-Youth Development Standards Committee ♦ National Center for Children in Poverty-Community Building and Early Childhood Development Workgroup ♦ Council on Accreditation of Services for Children-Community Development Standards Group ♦ University of Illinois-Human & Community Development Advisory Committee ♦ Chicago United Way- Family Life Committee ♦American Planning Association – Planning in the Black Community Division ♦ National Forum for Black Public Administrators