Date Completed______revised 01/04

State 4-H Leadership Council and District Officer

News Information Sheet


G:\FourH\ROUNDUP\ELECTION\2007-2008 Election\Forms\newsinfo sheet.doc


Complete Mailing Address:

Phone #:

Birthdate (00/00/00):

Age (as of Jan. 1, current year):

Number of Years in 4-H:

Race and/or Tribal Affiliation:

Name of Parents or Guardian:


Local 4-H Club:

Grade in School (as of September 1, current year):

Name of School:

(Graduating Seniors, list your high school and graduation date)

Name of Hometown Newspaper:

Plans after high school (college, tech school, career, etc):

G:\FourH\ROUNDUP\ELECTION\2007-2008 Election\Forms\newsinfo sheet.doc

List your main 4-H Project areas:

Write a 3-4 sentence description of a leadership or community service program you are particularly proud of. Tell the impact it had on the individual and/or community.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?

How do you perceive the skills being learned as a 4-H member being applicable to you as an adult?

If you were given the opportunity to summarize the 4-H program in 10 words or less what would your statement be?

What skills and experiences do you hope to develop and use to serve your constituents?

What is a professional goal you have for serving the Oklahoma 4-H program?

List up to three offices you have held:

List your three most important school/community/church activities or honors:

What does being elected to an office mean to you?

Public Speaking, Leadership & Citizenship in All Projects

Activity / # activities organized, conducted or presented / # youth & adults
reached or involved / # hours spent planning, conducting & evaluating programs/activities

Public Speaking

Talks, Demonstrations
Illustrated Presentations


Workshops/classes Working displays
Officer activities
Citizenship and Community Service

G:\FourH\ROUNDUP\ELECTION\2007-2008 Election\Forms\newsinfo sheet.doc