Judson Jingle Bell Jamboree 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009 10 am to 4 pm
WagnerHigh School Cafeteria
3000 N Foster Road, San Antonio, TX 78244
Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______Alt. Phone: ______
City, State, Zip ______
Email: ______
Name of Business: ______
(Please include Parent Company name if you do business under an alias)
Type of product to be sold or displayed: ______
Nov 01 - Nov 26, 2009: SA WAHM/TX MEMBER 6’ TABLE $60 SA WAHM/TX MEMBER 12’ $70
TOTAL PAID:$ ______
If you would like information on becoming a member of SA WAHM/TX (San Antonio Work at Home Moms ofTexas) contact Eileen Berg at or check our website at
Checks should be made payable to: Judson Education Foundation
There is a $30 returned check fee.
NOTE: Checks will not be held but deposited on a regular basis
Please send your check, along with this form* (signed and filled out) to:
Natalie Lundschen
4818 Blue Spruce
San Antonio, TX 78219
I have read and understand the Judson Jingle Bell Jamboree 2009 Rules and Regulations.
By signing below, I agree to all terms listed on “Rules and Regulations” sheet, and I agree to pay the amount listed above.
We are asking, not requiring, that vendors donate an item for raffles.
The donation can be made the day of the event if you wish.
Please contact me if you should have any questions.
Natalie Lundschen - or 210-386-1107
* Note if paying via PayPal, please fill out form and email to
Judson Jingle Bell Jamboree 2009
Rules and Regulations
- Set up will begin at 8:00 a.m., no earlier. All tables/displays must be set up and ready for business no later than 9:45 a.m.
- Early take down will NOT be allowed. Your table and display must stay up for the duration of the event.
- Space and tables are limited, so register and PAY early. A space will not be reserved for you until payment and registration have both been received. I will send an email when I have them from you.
- Table coverings will not be provided. You must provide your own. Chairs will be provided.
- We will email you a flyer, and you can pass it on to as many people as you wish. You may also print them and distribute them. The more people we tell, the more successful this will be!
- All payments are due on or before registration deadline November 27, 2009
- Only one company per table. A 6’ table will be shared with another vendor requesting a 6’ table. The organizers will do their best not to put you next to a direct competitor, but there will be no guarantees. These tables are two 6' hinged together to make a 12' table.
- There will be only one table per company. (No duplicate vendors)
- No refund of payment will be given, unless the event is cancelled by the Judson Education Foundation.
- All rules and regulations set forth by JISD and WagnerHigh School will be followed.
- The Judson Education Foundation committee, it’s members, Wagner High School (or staff), JISD (or staff), San Antonio Work at Home Moms of Texas (SAWAHM) will not be held responsible for orders placed, returned checks or discrepancies between vendors and customers.
- There will be no alcoholic beverages permitted.
- There will be no smoking on the campus grounds permitted.
- Please remember that we are at a school and only appropriate dress and products will be allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
A table will not be reserved for you without payment.
Received ______Replied ______Flyer Sent ______Reminder Contact ______