Karla L. Hanson, Ph.D. -- page 1


Division of Nutritional Sciencesph: 607-255-8075

231 Savage Hallfax: 607-255-1033


Ithaca, NY 14853


Ph.D., Public Administration, 1995. RobertF.WagnerGraduateSchool of Public Service, New York University, New York, NY

  • Concentrations in health policy, research methods and statistics.

B.A., Economics and Sociology, 1985. UnionCollege, Schenectady, NY


Research Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, NY (2005-present).

Lecturer,Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2010-present).

  • TeachIntroduction to Community Nutrition Research for Dietetic Interns.

Lecturer, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2005).

  • Taught Epidemiology, Clinical Medicine and Management Interface Issues.

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, OregonHealth & ScienceUniversity, Portland, OR (2003-2004).

Consultant, The Foundation for Accountability (FACCT), Portland, OR (2003).

Consultant, Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research, Portland, OR (2003).

Assistant Professor, Health Policy, The New School for Management and Urban Policy, (1996-2002).

  • Taught coursesIntroductory Quantitative Methods, Advanced Quantitative Methods, and Health and Social Policy for Children and Families.

Research Scientist, Health Research Program, RobertF.WagnerGraduateSchool of Public Service, New YorkUniversity (1991-96).

Adjunct Instructor, RobertF.WagnerGraduateSchool of Public Service, New YorkUniversity (1992-94).

  • Taught coursesStatistical Methodsand Community Health and Medical Care.

Research Assistant, Health Research Program, RobertF.WagnerGraduateSchool of Public Service, New YorkUniversity (1990-91).

Director of Planning and Development, William F. Ryan Community Health Center, New York, NY (1989-90).

Senior Research Assistant, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC), New York, NY (1985-88).


Co-Principal Investigator, Effective Coping Strategies for Households at Risk of Childhood Hunger, funded by University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research (2011-2014).

Using a mixed methods approach, this project examines risk factors for very low food security among elementary school children in the US and identifies strategies used by households to avoid childhood hunger.

Principal Investigator, Weekday and Weekend Eating: Assessing the Effects of School Meals, funded through a cooperative research agreement with USDA Economic Research Service (2010-13).

This project examined the prevalence and characteristics of school-age children who have low energy intake and low dietary quality on the weekend, estimated the effect of school meals by comparing weekday and weekend diet, and considered implications for food assistance policy.

Research Associate, Change in Food Insecurity Over Time Among Poor Rural Families in the US, funded by the Cornell Institute for Social Sciences (2009-10).

This project identified predictors of change in food insecurity status over two years in approximately 300 low-income rural families, and across three years for about 200 families.

Research Associate, Divorce and Obesity, funded by the US Department of Agriculture (2005-2009).

Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES IV), MIDUS and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), this project examined the relationships between marital status and body weight, with particular attention to the role of divorce. The project tookthree distinct methodological approaches involving cross-sectional analyses of marital status and body weight, examination of marital trajectories and duration of marriage and body weight, and longitudinal analyses which examined changes in marital status and body weight over time.

Co-Principal Investigator, Complex Insurance Patterns Within Families: Factors That Influence Health Care Coverage, Access, and Use, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2001-2003).

Using data from the National Survey of America’s Families (NSAF), this project examined the effect of stressful family situations on enrollment in public and private health insurance, and on children’s access to and use of health care services.

Principal Investigator, Documenting Fragmented Family Insurance Coverage, funded by The Commonwealth Fund (1999-2000).

Industry shifts and policy initiatives have made it increasingly likely that individual family members will have different insurance status and obtain coverage from different sources. This project produced a typology of family insurance patterns and estimated their prevalence.

Project Director, Medicaid Bonus Study, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1995-97).

This experiment tested the impact of interventions with physicians, such as feedback and financial incentives, on childhood immunization coverage rates in inner-city private practices.

Project Director, Evaluation of the Program to Strengthen Primary Care Health Centers, funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (1991-94).

This program provided seed money to small, rural and inner-city community health centers to develop innovative approaches to improving their long-term financial viability. The evaluation documented the approaches, and monitored changes in financial status and the use of management tools.


Peer-reviewed Journals:

Hanson KL and Olson CM. Low Energy Intake and Low Diet Quality on the Weekend among US School Children. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2013; 8(4):413-428; addendum with table corrections (forthcoming).

Hanson KL, Sobal J and Vermeylen FM. Social Selection and Social Causation in Marriage and Health: Longitudinal Evidence of Body Weight Change. Marriage and Family Review (forthcoming).

Hanson KL and CM Olson. School Meals Participation and Weekday Dietary Quality Were Associated after Controlling for Weekend Eating among US School Children Aged 6 to 17 Years. Journal of Nutrition. 2013; 143:714-721.

Nord M and KL Hanson.Adult Caregiver Reports of Adolescents’ Food Security Do Not Agree Well with Adolescents’ Own Reports. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2012; 7(4):363-380.

Hanson KL and Olson CM. Chronic Health Conditions and Depressive Symptoms Strongly Predict Persistent Food Insecurity among Rural Low-income Families. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.2012; 23:1174-1188.

Sobal J and Hanson KL. Marital Status, Marital History, Body Weight, and Obesity. Marriage and Family Review. 2011; 47:474-504.

Sobal J and Hanson KL. Family Meals and Body Weight in US Adults. Public Health Nutrition. 2011; 14(9):1555-1562.

Sobal J and Hanson KL. Marital Status and Physical Activity in US Adults. International Journal of Sociology of the Family. 2010;36(2):181-198.

Sobal J, Hanson KL, Frongillo, EA. Gender, Ethnicity, Marital Status and Body Weight in the United States. Obesity. 2009;17:2223-2231.

Hanson KL, Sobal J, Frongillo EA. Gender and Marital Status Clarify Associations Between Food Insecurity and Body Weight.Journal of Nutrition 2007;137:1460-1465.

Fairbrother G, Kenney G, Hanson KL, Dubay L. How Do Stressful Family Environments Relate to Reported Access and Use of Health Care by Low-Income Children?Medical Care Research and Review. 2005;62:205-230.

Hanson KL. Patterns of Insurance Coverage Within Families. Health Affairs. 2001;20(1):240-246.

Hanson KL, Butts G, Friedman S, Fairbrother G. Physician Credentials and Practices Associated with Childhood Immunization Rates: Pediatricians Serving New York’s Inner-city.Journal of Urban Health. 2001;78(1):112-124.

Fairbrother G, Hanson KL, Butts G, Friedman S. Comparison of Preventive Care in Medicaid Managed Care and Medicaid Fee-for-service in Institutions and Private Practices. Ambulatory Pediatrics.2001;1(6):294-301.

Fairbrother G, Hanson KL, Friedman S, Butts G. Impact of Bonuses, Enhanced Fees and Feedback on Childhood Immunization Rates. American Journal of Public Health. 1999;89(2):171-175.

Hanson KL. Is Insurance for Children Enough? The Link Between Parents’ and Children’s Health Care Utilization Revisited.Inquiry.1998;35(3):294-302.

Hanson KL, Fairbrother G, Kory P, Butts GC, Friedman S. The Transition from Medicaid Fee-for-service to Managed Care among Private Practitioners in New York City: Effect on Immunization and Screening Rates. Maternal and Child Health Journal.1998;2(2):5-14.

Blustein J, Hanson KL, Shea S. Preventable Hospitalizations and Socioeconomic Status. Health Affairs.1998;17(2):177-189.

Fairbrother G, Friedman S, Hanson KL, Butts GC. Impact of Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) on Inner-city Neighborhood Physicians. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.1997;151:1229-35.

Fairbrother G, Hanson KL, Butts GC. Medicaid Managed Care in New York: Problems and Promise for Childhood Immunizations. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.1996;2(1):59-66.

Hanson KL. Implementation of Management Innovations at Primary Care Health Centers: Qualitative Assessments. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management.1995;18(2):33-46.

Finkler S, Hanson KL. Management Techniques at Primary Care Heath Centers: The Impact of Management Innovation. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management.1995;18(2):47-53.

Hanson KL, Finkler S. Case Studies of Management Innovation at Primary Care Health Centers.Journal of Ambulatory Care Management.1995;18(2):54-64.

Finkler S, Hanson KL. Innovations by Primary Care Health Centers: Lessons for Managers and Policy Makers. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management.1995;18(2):74-80.

Selected Presentations:

What Dietary Recall Data Suggest about Food Insecurity Among US Children. Cornell University Community and International Nutrition Seminar (2012).

Family Dinner Settings, Sources, and Body Weight in US Adults. Annual meeting of Association for the Study of Food and Society (2012) with J Sobal.

Weekday and Weekend EatingAmong US School Children:Implications for School Meals. Cornell University Community Nutrition Seminar (2012).

Prevalence of and Risks for Low Energy Intake on the Weekend among US School Children. Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (2011) with CM Olson.

Persistent Food Insecurity among Rural US Families with Children. Annual meeting of Experimental Biology (2011) with CM Olson.

Marital status, overweight and ethnicity in the US: NHANES 1999–2002. Annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (2006) with J Sobal and EA Frongillo.

How do Stressful Family Environments Relate to Enrollment in Health Insurance by Low-Income Children? Annual meeting of Academy Health (2003) with G Fairbrother, G Kenney, L Dubay & N Ramalingan.

Panelist at Institute of Medicine Workshop for The Committee on the Consequences of Uninsurance (2000).

Documenting Fragmented Family Insurance Coverage: Prevalence and Characteristics of Partially Insured Families. Annual meeting of the Association for Health Services Research (2000).

Impact of Managed Care Plan Attributes and Institution Type on Quality of Preventive Care for Children in Medicaid. Annual meeting of the Association for Health Services Research (2000), with G Fairbrother.

Panelist at forum: What we are learning about the well-being of children in families that are moving from welfare to work? sponsored by the Child and Family Policy Center at New York University (2000).

Relationships between Children’s and Parents’ Coverage and Service Use: Implications for Insurance Policy. Conference on Coordinating Children’s Health Insurance Programs with Employer-based Coverage sponsored by the Institute for Health Policy Solutions and the National Governors’ Association (1999).

Under Preparation/Review:

Unpredictable Earnings and Household Instability Hinder Coping in Households with Food Insecure Children, with L Connor, CM Olson and G Mills

Household Resource Constraints and Parent Health Challenges Are Associated with Increased Risk of Child Food Insecurity: A Longitudinal Analysis, with T Vericker, G Mills and CM Olson

Food Insecurity and Dietary Quality among USAdults and Children: a systematic review, with L Connor

Family Dinner Frequency, Settings and Sources, and Body Weight in US Adults, with J Sobal