Monday – Friday, 8:30AM - Noon
Phone: 618-932-2866
Fax/Voice: 618-937-2118 Website:
Discipleship Classes: 9AM Kids Activities: 5PM-7PM
Worship: 10AM Youth: Jr. High 5PM-7PM
ALL Youth: 5PM-7PM Sr. High – 7PM – 8:30PM
I say it every year…and every year I say that I am not going to say it next year…then I say it again the next year. Make perfect sense? You know what I mean because you say it too – “I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving and Christmas time!” How does this season sneak up on us each and every year?
Yes, as always we have multiple special activities, events, and services at Trinity during the holiday (Thanksgiving/Christmas) season including our highly anticipated Thanksgiving Feast on November 12, a focus on giving God thanks throughout the month, Trinity Kidz in the West Frankfort Lights Parade, several group and class Christmas parties, our wonderful Children’s Musical on December 10, and much, much more. Please see the website, our Facebook page, emails, bulletins, and slides during church for more details.
This year the Changing Lives Outreach Team is causing us to focus more upon reaching people for Christ during the holiday season. As a matter of fact, isn’t this the reason Christ came to earth as a baby in the first place? Shouldn’t “making disciples” be a vital part of our holiday activities then?
These special events are a perfect opportunity to invite someone to our church. Some of the unchurched are hesitant about attending a worship service, but they will attend a “Fall Back Fair” (November 5) or a Children’s Musical or a Thanksgiving Feast, and so forth. Please be intentional about our mission of “making disciples for Christ.”
Since this is a season of Thanksgiving I would like to close by thanking God for His wonderful blessings upon Trinity this past month. We are always so busy planning upcoming events that we oftentimes fail to take time to thank God for His blessings.
In October God blessed us in multiple ways: an infant “presentation” to the congregation, four infant/child baptisms, welcomed two new adult members, held our first (and successful) Outdoor Prayer and Praise Service, held a significant Leadership Team meeting discussing Trinity Ministry, had some wonderful and Spirit-filled worship services, collected thousands of dollars for hurricane/flood victims (UMCOR), started two new mid-week book studies, had a communion service, had close to 50 kids attend Wednesday night activities, held two prayer walks throughout the community, weddings and baby showers were held at the church, Youth Sunday where the youth gave testimonies & led the Praise Band & more, gave out tens of Christmas shoeboxes for needy children, collected for the Night’s Shield, had nearly 20 Jr. High youth attend on Wednesday night, held two new Senior studies led by Pastor Paul, hired a new Children’s Director, and even more!
Wow and wow again! Thank you Lord for what you are doing in our midst. May we appreciate how You are moving at this time!
Living the God Life,
5th –2pm – 4pm Fall Back Fair at church
5th – Free concert @ Aldersgate in Marion – leave church at 5:30pm
12th –Thanksgiving Feast after church – NO YOUTH
19th - Youth 5pm @ the church
26th – Holiday Movie Night! 5pm-8pm – bring appetizer to share
1st - Jr. High 5pm/Sr. High 7pm
8th- Regular Schedule
15th - Regular Schedule
22nd–NO ACTIVITES (Thanksgiving break)
29th – Regular activities
Great Romance Concert…Sunday, November 5, leave church at 5:30PM. The concert will be at Aldersgate UMC in Marion.
Attention Girls…Coffee & Paint Party, Thursday, November 16, 6PM at the Coffee House in the VF Mall. $15 per youth includes choice of coffee/latte/smoothie/hot chocolate, a sweet treat & your paint supplies. There will be an Art Instructor leading the class! Please RSVP to save your seat by Sunday, November 12!!
Youth Fall Work Day …Saturday, November 11. Meet at 8AM with gloves & rake. Bring $$ for lunch. This will help raise funds for Beulah Camps 2018.
Youth Prayer…Thursday November 30th, 6pm @ the Brian's house. 1102 E. Elm Street.
No School…Friday, November 10ANDWednesday 22 - Friday24 for Thanksgiving Break.
Lights Parade…Tuesday, November 21 – join us uptown! Hope to see you there!
Youth, Parents or Guardians…If you have questions about any of the youth activities, contact Brian Bejmovicz, 937-0208.
Monday, 6:30PM - Ladies Prayer, Joy Room – ALLladies welcome
Tuesday, 6AM – Men’s Prayer, JAM room – ALL men welcome
Wednesday, 9AM – Prayer, Situation Room – EVERYONE welcome
Children’s Team Meeting…Wednesday, November 1st, 7PM.
FALL BACK…Saturday night, November 4 before you go to bed!!!
First Fruits…Our "First Fruits" offering for Novemberwill be collected Sunday, November 5, and will go to the Crosswalk Food Pantry.
Fall Back Fair…Sunday, November 5, 2PM-4PM. Come out & join us for a time of fun, food & fellowship!!! There will be games, a bounce house, fair food & great music!!! Whether you’re new to Trinity or have been here forever, what a great way to spend time with your church family!!! Invite your friends!!! We will carry on – rain or shine!
Senior Citizen Bible Study…for this month will be on Friday, November 3 & Friday, November 17, 1:30PM for both. Meeting place – home of Ron & Jean Harkins, 488 Davis Rd., Thompsonville. All seniors are welcome!!
Senior Ministry Team…will meet with Pastor Paul on Tuesday, November 7, 10AM.
Annual Thanksgiving Feast…Sunday, November 12, immediately following worship. More details to come, but mark your calendars!!
Community Thanksgiving Worship…Wednesday, November 22, 7PM at Harvest Field church. Pastor Cheryl Smillie from Christian Worship Center will be the speaker. Please bring a non-perishable item for the Crosswalk Food Pantry.
Church Offices Closed…Thursday, November 23 & Friday, November 24 in observance of Thanksgiving.
Susanna Circle…Tuesday, November 14. We encourage ALL ladies of the church to attend!!! Come see what we’re about!!
December Newsletter Deadline… is Monday, November 27, 9AM. If you have information that you want included, make sure to have it turned in to the church office by then!
Prayer Focus For November…A month to be grateful for ALL we have! 1st-4thPrayers for our Fall Back Fair – an outreach to others; 5th-11thOur church family celebrates a Thanksgiving meal together-Pray for blessings on all; 12th-18th Prayers for those who need provision for next week for Thanksgiving; 19th-25th Praise God from whom all Blessings flow! We are so Blessed!! 26th-30th90 years ago the Billy Sunday Campaign ended on the 28th of November. Pray we reap the harvest of seeds sown!
Operation Christmas Child…shoebox deadline is Sunday, November 19. Shoeboxes can be brought to church ANY Sunday, or to the church office during the week, Mon.-Fri., 8:30AM-12PM.Please remember – NO Food, Candy OR toothpaste can be included in the shoeboxes.
Trinity Texting Program…If you are not currently receiving text messages from the church office, but would like to, please send your cell phone # to . This is a great way for me to keep you informed of meetings, general information, etc. Thanks,
Marsha Schultz
There is always room for YOU!!!
For the month…
- GREETERS: Jackie Wilson & Faye Grzanich
- USHERS:Chris Russell, Gary Hood, Garrett Britton,
Andrew Woolard, Tim Braddy, HadinRestivo
- DOORPERSON: Johnny Mize
- CONNECT CARDS: Sharon Lude & Anita Sigler
November 5
- NURSERY:Jan Farkas
- JAM: Leader –Jackie Wilson
November 12
- NURSERY: Sara Jacobs
- JAM: Leader – Martha Swift
November 19
- NURSERY: Wendy Blades & Aleah Glodich
- JAM: Leader – Kristen Mosbach
November 26
- NURSERY: Amy Bates
- JAM: Leader – Jackie Wilson
1Aletha Jackson1, 2015Tony & Laura
2Jasper DeNeal Woolard
3Jason York
4Dave Schultz12, 2016Aaron & Brittany
6Chad BatesOndo
7JoLinda Marlow
9Christine Ball17, 2001David & Sara
11Briley SchultzChick
13Debby Whitlatch
Brenda Weaver26, 1977Tim & Jean
14Hannah AdkinsOndo
Christina Sigler
18Bob Orr
21Allan Willmore
23Connie Rowe
24Renee Lucas
26John Dimmick
Pam Yaeger
28Ron Harkins
Andrew Woolard
30Elise Omulokoli
Rowan Woolard
Children’s Team Meeting…Wednesday, November 1st, 7PM.
NO School…Friday, November 10.
Lights Parade…will be on Tuesday, November 21, and the Kids will be participating in it. More details will be given later.
NO School…Wednesday, November 22-Friday, November 24 for Thanksgiving Break.
Kids Movie Night…for grades 3rd-6th. Saturday, November 18, 5PM-8PM.
Wednesday Activities…5PM-7PM.
Christmas Musical…’Aloha Christmas’ is set for December 10. Mark your calendars. Practice has begun!!
Parents/Guardians…if you have questions about ANY of the kids activities, feel free to contact Kristen Mosbach, 218-5112.