Planning and Environment Act 1987




Who is the planning authority?

This amendment has been prepared by Glen Eira City Council who is the planning authority for this amendment.

The Amendment has been made at the request of Glen Eira City Council.

Land affected by the Amendment

The Amendment applies to the property located at 450 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North.

What the amendment does

The amendment replaces the interim Heritage Overlay at 450 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North (HO154) with permanent Heritage Overlay controls. Specifically, the amendment seeks to:

·  Amend Planning Scheme Map No. 1HO by placing the Heritage Overlay for 450 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North (HO154) on a permanent basis.

·  Amend the Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay to include 450 Dandenong Road (HO154) on a permanent basis. The schedule also applies External Paint Controls and Internal Alteration Controls to the Heritage Place.

·  Amend Clause 21.10 (Heritage) and Clause 22.01 (Heritage Policy) to include the updated reference document – the Addendum to the Glen Eira Heritage Management Plan (Revised) 2017 which includes the heritage citation for the property.

Strategic assessment of the Amendment

Why is the Amendment required?

The Amendment is required to provide protection to 450 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North, known as “Lind House” which has been found to have individual heritage significance. The citation for the property is included in the updated Addendum to the Heritage Management Plan 2017.

A citation prepared by an independent heritage consultant – Built Heritage Pty Ltd confirms the subject dwelling was constructed in the mid-1950’s and designed by architect Anatol Kagan, renowned for his mid-century modernist style and notable contribution to architecture across Melbourne during the post-war period. The citation recommends inclusion of the property in the Heritage Overlay as an Individual Heritage Place with External Paint Controls and Internal Alteration Controls.

A request for an interim Heritage Overlay was approved by the Minister on 17th August 2017. The interim heritage control applies until 31 July 2018.

How does the Amendment implement the objectives of planning in Victoria?

The Amendment is consistent with the objectives of planning in Victoria, in particular the objective detailed in Section 4(1) (d) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, being:

To conserve and enhance those buildings, areas or other places which are of scientific, aesthetic, architectural or historical interest, or otherwise of special cultural value.

The citation for the property included in the Addendum to the Glen Eira Heritage Management Plan (Revised) 2017 outlines the heritage values associated with 450 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North.

How does the Amendment address any environmental, social and economic effects?

The amendment is expected to have positive environmental effects by protecting a building identified as having heritage significance in Glen Eira.

The amendment is expected to have positive social effects by ensuring development responds to the heritage significance, so it can be appreciated by future generations.

No economic impacts are likely as a result of this amendment.

Does the Amendment address relevant bushfire risk?

The area affected by this amendment is not in a bushfire risk area.

Does the Amendment comply with the requirements of any Minister’s Direction applicable to the amendment?

The amendment is consistent with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes under section 7(5) of the Act.

The amendment is consistent with Ministerial Direction No. 9 - Metropolitan Planning Strategy which requires amendments to have regard to Plan Melbourne.

The amendment is consistent with Direction 4.4 of Plan Melbourne: Respect Melbourne’s Heritage as we build for the future.

The amendment is consistent with Ministerial Direction 11 – Strategic Assessment of Amendments.

How does the Amendment support or implement the State Planning Policy Framework and any adopted State policy?

The amendment supports the State Planning Policy Framework as follows:

Clause 15 – Built Environment and Heritage - Clause 15.03-1 Heritage Conservation


·  To ensure the conservation of places of heritage significance.


·  Identify, assess and document places of natural and cultural heritage significance as a basis for their inclusion in the planning scheme.

The amendment implements state planning policy as it has identified and assessed 450 Dandenong Road as having local cultural heritage significance and is proposing to apply the heritage overlay to the property to ensure its protection.

How does the Amendment support or implement the Local Planning Policy Framework, and specifically the Municipal Strategic Statement?

The amendment supports the Municipal Strategic Statement as follows:

Clause 21.10 – Heritage


·  To identify, protect, enhance and promote understanding of Glen Eira’s heritage.


·  Protect places identified as having architectural, cultural or historical significance.

The amendment supports the Local Planning Policy Framework as follows:

Clause 22.01 – Heritage Policy


·  To recognise and preserve the aesthetic and cultural characteristics of heritage places which are held in high esteem by the community of Glen Eira.

·  To protect places identified as having architectural, cultural or historic significance and which demonstrate the various eras of Glen Eira’s development.

The amendment supports both Clause 21.10 and Clause 22.01 in that it identifies and assesses 450 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North as having local cultural significance and is worthy of protection via the heritage overlay.

The former Lind House satisfies the following criteria for inclusion on the heritage overlay schedule to the City of Glen Eira Planning Scheme through the following criteria:

Criterion E: Importance in exhibiting particular aesthetic characteristics

Criterion H: Special association with the life or works of a person of importance in our history

Does the Amendment make proper use of the Victoria Planning Provisions?

The Heritage Overlay is the most appropriate mechanism for recognising and protecting the cultural heritage significance of the identified buildings.

How does the Amendment address the views of any relevant agency?

The views of relevant agencies will be considered through the public exhibition phase of the amendment process.

Does the Amendment address relevant requirements of the Transport Integration Act 2010?

The Amendment will not have any significant impact on the transport system.

Resource and administrative costs

·  What impact will the new planning provisions have on the resource and administrative costs of the responsible authority?

The amendment will have a negligible impact on the resource and administrative costs of the responsible authority.

ATTACHMENT 1 - Mapping reference table

Location / Land /Area Affected / Mapping Reference
Caulfield North / 450 Dandenong Road / Glen Eira City Council 001hoMap01 Exhibition

Where you may inspect this Amendment

The Amendment is available for public inspection, free of charge, during office hours at the following places:

Glen Eira City Council

Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads

Caulfield, Victoria

The Amendment can also be inspected free of charge at:

·  Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website at

·  Glen Eira Council Website at


Any person who may be affected by the Amendment may make a submission to the planning authority. Submissions about the Amendment must be received by 5.00pm on 13 November 2017.

A submission must be sent to: ; or

Amendment C153

City Futures

Glen Eira City Council

PO Box 42


Panel hearing dates

In accordance with clause 4(2) of Ministerial Direction No.15 the following panel hearing dates have been set for this amendment:

 Directions hearing: Week commencing 5 February 2018

 Panel hearing: Week commencing 12 March 2018