THEME 2 Studies of Hope Gender Relationships


ASSESSMENT Category 1 Extended written response to historical evidence.


Student will be assessed on two elements of the inquiry process:

 Forming historical knowledge through critical inquiry

 Communicating historical knowledge

Learning Goal / Success Criteria / Resources
Learning Goal 1
Develop K & U of the issues to be covered in the unit. / Mind Map of Scale and Scope of the inquiry.
Identify key issues. / Global Voices
Chapter 7 - Page 195
Student booklet – Issues in Society. Gender Relationships
Text Books Notes
Learning Goal 2
K & U of the assessment technique – Essay Response to Historical Stimulus - ERTHE / Develop a sample response
Learning Goal 3
Discuss perspectives and the variety of sources of information / Consider pros and cons of 6 major sources / Newspapers, web, Magazines, Statistics and surveys, Gov Reports, Literature.
Learning Goal 4
Analyze the Assessment Task / Mind Map of Focus Questions
Learning Goal 5
Analyse data on increased political participation
As a means of narrowing the “Global Gender Gap” / Make clear statements of conclusions reached on Regional Analysis. / Issues in Society – Ch 1
P 1-4
Learning Goal 6
Global efforts to empower women / Statement of conclusions / Issues in Society – P 5-8
Learning Goal 7
K & U of Australia’s international efforts to empower women via Foreign Aid. / Summary of Aust goals
Learning Goal 8
Analyse COAG Reform Council Report / Record findings on comparisons between boys and girls in literacy, workforce participation, leadership roles / ABS Graduate Careers Australia
Learning Goal 9
Analyse the Australian
Sex Discrimination Act / Respond to situation role play.
What can I do if….? / The Australian Sex Discrimination Act
Learning Goal 10
Develop K & U of Women in Leadership by analysing feature articles . / Interpret graphs to draw conclusions / Issues in Society – Ch 2
Learning Goal 11
Compare Australian / global female representation in parliament. / Respond to the question
“Does data tell the whole story?” / P 26-27
Learning Goal 12
Case study –Julia Gillard’s Prime Ministership / Complete a survey on sexism and discrimination in the workplace, media, politics, advertising, sport, schools. / The Drum – TV Program
Learning Goal 13
Debate the notion that affirmative action for women reveals an indifference to the plight of boys and men. / Write a review of Babette Francis’s article Dec 5 2012.
Learning Goal 14
Investigate the business case for gender equality. / List examples of how a business can benefit from perusing gender equality in the work place. / ABS data on degree attainment by Gender
Case Study AGL, Rio Tinto.
Learning Goal 15
Investigate the hypothesis that
“Unearned advantage allows men to dominate” / Write a short paragraph supporting or rejecting the notion that “Men in power simply fail to undo the unthinkable: disadvantage themselves by eliminating unmerited advantage” / Feature article
It’s not a glass ceiling, it’s a masculine fault line. Honeywill, R July 16 2013.
Learning Goal 16
Develop K & U of differences faces of discrimination in Australian workplaces / Develop an action plan to end discrimination in the work place. / Edited Speech by Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick
Learning Goal 17
Analysis of Sexual harassment in the workplace. / List examples of discrimination
Relating to sexual harassment, pay gaps, / Elizabeth Broderick
Learning Goal 18
Prepare for essay response based on historical evidence / Notes -